Nothing you do is ever going to matter

Mouse One

New member
Jan 22, 2011
alimarin said:
Mouse One said:
alimarin said:
I choose to create some sort of cloud mind. (All human minds linked together sharing all information! Everything from porn to the meaning of life!)
Heh. "We are all Geth. And we are still reaching a consensus on Miss April"
Not exactly, I was thinking it would be more like sticking 4Chan in everyones heads, because that would be a more realistic showing of how it would be. Lots of hilarity.
Hey, don't knock Miss April. Funny, my message about your response read

Not exactly, but close. We share all information, but we still have individuality by choice.
And if you'll forgive me for saying so, that's borderline profound. If we had complete and instant exchange of information, would we still be individuals? If I remember everything you and Miss April did together (you dog!), who is to say who really owns those memories?

Um. R weez offtopic nao?


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
samonix said:
No-one likes to admit it, a lot of people secretly thinks their sweet idea will one day be turned into an awesome game or that book you've been working on for years will suddenly take off, but the world will never know you've existed.

Does this depress people, or make them feel like they should just focus on enjoying the world and not trying to change it? Do you think I'm totally wrong and YOU are the exception that will echo through the generations.

Personally, i don't like this idea; which is strange because I have no belief in the afterlife so my impact on the future will be completely unknown to me anyway.
Let us expand your idea. Eventually, humanity will die off. Traces of everyone and everything will be gone. You will never matter in the long run. And yet I live my life full of joy.
Protip: Don't linger on the idea.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
alimarin said:
Cogwheel said:
alimarin said:
I suppose. Still, hearing it all the time from most of the people I know (though from family most of all) makes me think there's something to it.

That, and I've got 10 years to do whatever else I do. Not a lot of scope for getting much of anything done. I doubt I'll even move out, actually.

Still a bit confused as to why you quoted me. That seems more like an answer to the OP than to my post. Oh well. Maybe it's the insomnia that has me confused.
Well I quoted you because that's how I came up with my reply.
Oh, right. Sorry, had me confused for a bit there.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
If you happen to improve just one person's life, then you've mattered. I don't have to be remember throughout all of time to matter.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
While this can be true that you may always remain as nobody but the experience of it should matter. Beside you should do the thing (singing, writing, drawing etc) out for the love of doing it, not for rich and fame. As long you are content and like what you are doing then you should be fine just being nobody to other but yourself is important.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Please... Things matter only to how important they are to YOU!

I bet you don't find mosquitoes worthy to exist, because all they do to you is harvest blood. I,E, they don't matter if they exist to you.

Well, I bet the whole damn eco system care if they are around. Even the slightest mosquito matters in my own opinion. How else would the world continue to spin in order for newer generations to grab a chance in life?

In simple basis, everything that exists exists for a reason and matters, no matter how short-lived whatever is.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
KuwaSanjuro said:
loc978 said:
Nah. What I do matters to me and those around me. I have no need to impact the larger world. If I do, fine. If not, well...
Agree. Its not always about affecting the world in a meaningful way but if its meaningful to you or the people around you then that makes your action worthwhile.
They summed it up pretty good. I'll live my life to best of my abilities, try everything and seize every opportunity. In the end, if I can look myself in the mirror with no resentment I'll know I did okay.

Bloodastral said:
If at first you don't suceed, try, try again.
"Do or do not, there is no try." :p
Sry mate, I just had a major flashback.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
tzimize said:

OT: Depends on how you look at it op. Sure, I'm not gonna win the nobel prize or an oscar (or some other prize that is internationally recognized), but I AM the most important person in the universe for at least 1 person in the world. And I'm pretty important to a handful of others.

That surely mean I matter? A lot?

I dont care at all if the world recognize me as important or not. In fact, I dont really care much about the world at all. If my international impact on the world is zero, it doesnt bother me at all.
this sums up my feelings pretty well tbh. don't matter to the entire world perhaps, but to a certain few i am important. however also think of the butterfly effect. for example, had i have gone to school this morning, tripped and fell in the way of a car and died. the driver could then be so distraught by guilt that he commits suicide, leaving a wife and child behind. the child then becomes solitary and loses some friends so makes some new ones. in this new friendship could be 'the one' and they grow up to be happily in love for the rest of their life.

so in short by this theory, me not going to school today i have stopped a potential suicide, and stopped 2 people falling in love in the future.

every decision we make will impact on something else, we are all important


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Im a little sick of this veiwpoint, especially the whole you will be forgotten after you die in x amout of years

SO WHAT??? you will be dead! dead people don't give a shit about anything because they are DEAD! its the people left behined you have to worry about! not the dead, they are just fine and dandy

I mean whats the harm in trying? for anything? failure is much better than "I could have...if only"


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Actually, that's wrong. I'm studying the field of radiography, so eventually (about 2 and a half year from now) I'll end up takin' X-rays and MR/CT scans and whatnot to help people. My work can then help surgeons before a difficult operation, help people figure out if they have broken a bone or not, see if they got tumors, etc. Sure, I may never be well known, but I know that the stuff I'm doing is going to matter for a large number of people.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Pfft, If nothing matters,then why are my homicidal murders in the papers why do I have friends
[sub]no murders here officer, move along please, don't mind the bloody puddle in my sink[/sub]


Sep 9, 2010
I can't stand the idea of going through life never having done anything. I WILL do something, at the very least have a kid and instill all my values in him/her. I'm actually currently planning on creating a group which will aim to save the world. A bit egotist? Maybe. Should I try it? You bet your fucking arse. Because if I sit around and do nothing I'll never forgive myself. I've had brilliant ideas for books, games, toys, shops, political actions etc. and I really want all of them to come true. I'm actually having a little bit of a crisis as to what I want to do because I've got all of these ideas but I'll only be able to do a few of them. Furthermore, I'm overweieght and quite smart and I want to be the awesomest but I haven't done anything about it yet and I don't apply myself at uni (nor did I in highschool). I hate looking back and thinking "Why didn't I just do it?" and if I was to die like that I'd probably die...oh know what I mean.


New member
May 21, 2008
Depends on your definition of "matters" it matters a great deal to me that I am not bored, it doesn't matter to others, but I don't really care unless the person is capable of providing me with more entertainment, then I will do what I need to get them to entertain me, even if that means I have to entertain them.


New member
May 20, 2009
I don't know about that... Well I mean my ideas probably wont ever blossom or anything, but I am on my way to become a forensic scientist so my work may have a little more impact.
Time will tell I guess.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
I do have a hope that I'll write a book that get published at some point. Someone is going to make it, and I see no reason to be depressed that odds are it won't be me. You just have to try. I can take time to be depressed when my mid-life crisis comes along.