Now You Can Drive A Car With Your Mind


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I want to see how a drunk person drives this car vs a normal car. I see a glimpse of my future:

Geeze granny j-walk faster I wanna go faster!

*yes sir increasing speed to 70 MPH*

What? No!


*Sir we seem to have hit a goat*

Brakes I need brakes!

*sorry , I can't do that*


rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
First they read our brainwaves, then they copy our brainwaves, and the next thing you know you're travelling back in time to knock up Sarah Conner.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
I am waiting for someone to be driving one day and think to themslves *ooh look at that lovely bird...*
Car: New target position recieved.

OT: Damn does this look awesome.


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
I agree with the comments about the dangers of the absent-minded, but I think there would be two obvious solutions to that -

1) You'd have to 'program' your new car to recognise your individual brain patterns for 'left' 'right' etc (since I'm assuming they're probably not totally identical for everyone), so I'm guessing you'd have to do it under supervision, so you literally couldn't make the car drive at something without delibaerately giving it the 'directions' to hit something'. As in, rather than you thinking 'Ooo, pretty' and the car driving at that thing, you'd have to thinlk 'Ok, left a bit. More left. Now accelerate' OMG! I hit something! Wait...

For those people who went 'homebrew' and made their own commands that 'let' them drive at whatever caught their fancy...then I guess the traffic legislation is going to get a whole lot more complicated =P

b) I'm assuming the cars are going to have to be equipped with all that laser sensing (etc) equipment to make up for humanity's lack of ability in multitasking. So that the car would stop if it was going to hit something I mean. Which would, I suppose, mean that you would technically be able to control the car with your mind, but it would be like driving with the world's most cautious instructor (who has their own set of pedals). I could forsee many people getting road-raged at their own car =D.

Edit: forgot to say, nevertheless: Awesome! Go Science! =D


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Am I the only person who remembers that this technology was around in the days of the original xbox? They developed a game controller on these exact same principles for racing games, brainwave-controlled and all (I guess at the time it seemed simpler than the original xbox controllers).

The future is not as new as you think, people.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Yeah, put a drunk person behind the wheel of a car in which they have to think to get home.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
rancher of monsters said:
First they read our brainwaves, then they copy our brainwaves, and the next thing you know you're travelling back in time to knock up Sarah Conner.
Ain't the worst job in the world.

OT:Cool, I like seeing things that actually are cool instead of finding out shit like how often x insect mates.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Read about this yesterday.
And once again my country's at the cutting edge of science. Gotta love it.

The scientists behind this ambitious project said themselves that absent-mindedness would pretty much mean instant fatality at this stage, but I'm confident they'll find ways to iron out the kinks.
The future is here, folks. And it's awesome.

On a totally unrelated note: Fuck you, Captcha. Really? Letters from the Wingdings font?!?


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Ah, a research project using the Emotiv headset.

Well, I guess that makes sense, it being the cheapest way to get an EEG system useful for a project like this one. (As well as having an API built for doing this anyway...)

Yeah, it's taken a while, but you can see this technology looks impressive, but isn't quite what it's cracked up to be.

The kind of thought patterns needed to do this really aren't very natural.

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
The only thing is, once you've developed this tech to be safely used we'll all have robot cars that don't need our input to get us around anyway.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I believe its like riding a bike; first its unnatural then its secound-nature.

I wonder how long it takes to train the computer. Brain-wise we all have different brains: some use both halves for logical tasks while others only use on half and as you get better at "drawing" for example your brain and pattern changes.

I think that the computer would not recognise your pattern while you are drunk as they would be different. I think the steering commands are so specifik that you can´t trigger them when yu see a delicious looking ice cream.

There may be possiable when you really focus on "driving there", but it is a fun joke.

I wonder what would happen if the computer took over. . .
"car left turn to the fish´n ships!
Sorry, that food item is high in colesterol I cannot do that"


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Cool, great, awesome, where is my affordable flying car? Where is my datajack, Augmented Reality, and wireless matrix?


New member
Sep 11, 2009
PrinceofPersia said:
Cool, great, awesome, where is my affordable flying car? Where is my datajack, Augmented Reality, and wireless matrix?
yeah thats the future i signed up for when i was a kid.
If i had told '91 elementary me that i in 2011 wont have a flying car i would have been really dissappointed. I mean its 2011 THE FUTURE. We could at least be invaded by neat aliens or somehing