Obama: "Turn off the video games and pick up a book."


New member
Feb 3, 2011
To all the people who are saying there is nothing better about books than video games it is simply not true. There is nothing inherently better about the written medium than video-games except promoting literacy/vocabulary ect. That doesn't mean video games are living up to that potential, and few games that children or even adults are playing do. Its more likely that children are playing shovel-ware than Fate of the World. And while there are shovel-ware versions of books there is simply more to gather from the average book than the average game in terms of education at present time.

There is also the fact that video-game playing is at a high, while reading a book is at a low and they directly compete with one another for use of a child's free time.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Hey, Obama.

You realise gamer nerds also like fantasy, which they usually get by reading right?

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Tin Man said:
monojono said:
It is an anti video game statement. There is absolutely nothing that makes books better than videogames.
Do you really believe thats true? Wow... You're wrong, utterly and completely, but thats a very interesting view to have. Most video games are actually complete rubbish in terms of intellectual value, lets be honest. Early COD was a fun shooter, but you know what it wasn't? A good account of WW2. History books>Cod. But COD lets you shoot shit, so it passes the boredom test.

And thats all most games do really, is just pass time. Only the very greatest games leave any kind of lasting impact after they're done and they're in a tiny minority.

By contrast there are many, many fantastic(literally, world altering) books, written on all topics by masters and geniuses of their field, including most of the greatest minds of all time. Compared to that, video game writing looks like scribbles on toilet paper. Don't let your love of gaming cloud your thinking, most games are barely worth the discs they're made on in terms of changing your thinking and improving your mind.
Pretty much this. I love the medium of games, but right now,they really REALLY don't equal up to books.

Now, there ARE artistic and educational games. But let's be honest: most people aren't playing them. So I wholeheartedly agree with Obama here.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Well thanks for the advice, but fuck you Mr Obama.
I'll go back to playing Halo: Reach now.
When I'm going to sleep, I think I will continue The Grapes Of Wrath.
I'll read, Mr. President, but when I fucking want to. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible for someone to both enjoy games and books.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
So we can't do both? It's relatively simple: Games in the day and books in the night.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm glad someone with no sociology or psychology experience is able to command people what to do, but those with actual experience don't get the opportunity to.


New member
May 17, 2010
I'm going to keep this short but in my opinion are games not the same as books just presented in a different way?

They both outline a story that you play out one way or anouther, a book you play out the story in your imagination in the game you play out the story in the actions you give the character so why do people assume that books are so much more wholesome than games except that games are an easy target?

Both cause the audience to use their imagination and create the story for themselves just in a different way and sure people can get addicted to games while they are playing it but I'm pretty sure people are also capable to getting addicted to a book while they are reading it, plenty of people have stayed up late to finish a chapter of a book.

So why do people always say that games are bad parenting? But books are not?

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
GeorgW said:
I think he played that Witcher 2 copy that Poland's PM gave him and either fell in love and forgot to work or gave up at the "tutorial".
But if you read the article, he really only says it about kids, and I can agree that a lot of American kids play too much. I think Video games can be imaginative and educational, but the kids these days don't really play those kinds of games.
The best selling video games to minors?
Call of Duty: Blops
MORE Call of Duty: Blops
Call of Duty: MW2
Halo Reach.

Guns, guns, guns, and space guns. Weirdly enough, they're all M-rated...


New member
Apr 26, 2011
666Chaos said:
I think he was trying to address the rampant literacy issue that the states is having right now.
then he ought to be trying to fix the strangle hold the teachers unions have over the school systems that lead to terrible teachers being kept teaching over younger good teachers

instead he puts his kids in private schools and fights the idea of school choice and vouchers


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Obama, I may be one of the few people in the U.S. who thinks that you're doing a pretty decent job, but no. I will not stop gaming because you told me to.

Besides, I already read plenty.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Playing games is more productive than watching TV most of the time...
And we all don't have parents.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
They guy's right. I often wish I would turn off my videogames and pick up a book, but I just don't have the willpower. That said, I have read To Kill a Mockingbird, Catch 22, Middlesex, Brave New World and A Tale of Two Cities this year, so I'm no slouch. Still, he's right. Reading is better than videogames


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
So video games don't act as fiction? When I read Great Gatsby, I think this is a worthwhile story, but I learn nothing from it. The thing about that is it's a required book in High School where I am from, so why read a book that offers nothing more than a nice story?

How are games in any way different from them? To be honest I find that a game can be a far more effective story than a book can be since there is little room to miss the scene being conveyed.
Games are more efficient story telling experiences than books, I see nothing wrong with them.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Books are the most important technological innovation in history.*

I will always choose a book over a game - and I only love games that aspire to bookness (e.g., Planescape: Torment).

* And for those who think that's hyperbole, try thinking for a few seconds about the implications of a world in which knowledge can only be transferred orally.
Apr 24, 2008
Have to agree with the "go outside" sentiments, unless you live in a shitty neighbourhood, in which case...stay the fuck inside.

I don't think that video-games are distracting children from education, the reality is that children are looking for a distraction. Because...school sucks...remember that? Why do adults forget this point so quickly?