Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Well, this thread is a barrel of laughs, isn't it.

He's a fun little game to make it more entertaining: Every time you see someone in this thread posting something like "These stupid people always getting offended at things", or "People need to grow a thicker skin", imagine the post is instead referring to GamerGate getting all offended at the "Gamers Are Dead" articles.

In fact, GG didn't just demand a simple change. No, GG wanted the 'offending' sites to be taken offline altogether. That's a fuck load worse than the storm-in-a-teacup this thread is about.

It always seems like gamers are the only ones who are allowed to be offended, and no one else is.
How ironic and lacking in self-awareness this whole situation has become...


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
endtherapture said:
This "controversy" is different anyway because you'd be taking away a product someone has paid for specifically if you do anything about it. Why should an investor in Pillars of Eternity have their product and memorial taken away from them because someone offended? That's saying this persons feelings are more important than the initial backers feelings + money. It would also open up Obsidian to a whole load of shit and PR from their core fans if they were ever to do a Kickstarter again, as they would not be trusted any more to deliver on their products.

Especially given that the whole thing is just a load of fun and you have to do some insane mental gymnastics to even begin to take offense to a poem hidden in the back end of a 80 hour RPG title.
You literally just said it would be okay if they wanted it changed. Now... it's not?
If the backer is fine with changing it, then surely there is no problem.

endtherapture said:
There's a whole lot of wailing from both sides (and you ironically are wailing yourself now, saying that the "offended people should just shut up crowd" should now do the shutting up) but I'd hope that Obsidian put their core fanbase and backers of the game as priority ahead of the "I am offended, CHANGE IT" crowd.
I do certainly think that the people offended at offence should calm down - though I am under no illusions that they will shut up.
Also, you've just decided that everyone who is offended is not a core fanbase and everyone who is, is not. Why?
What makes you think that?
Personally, I think it's a dumb thing and don't give a diddly-fuck if it got taken out, and I'm looking forward to buying this game. (Would be buying it right now if I didn't have a wedding to go to in another country this month).


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
endtherapture said:
1. The backer paid $500 for this to be put in game. The backer therefore in this case, has the right to decide what to do with it since it's effectively his little part of code IN GAME as a memorial for how much money he gave Obsidian to make the game. Therefore it's their choice if they want it removed. If it's removed/changed without their consent, then that's unfair and is either a breach of contract or just theft.
Well that's up to the backer and the game makers. Personally I'll wait and see what happens before declaring it what's wrong with gaming.

endtherapture said:
2. The core demographic of Obsidian's game are the people who backed and pre ordered the game. They are a vocal majority present on Obsidian's forums. If you go there to the thread on this topic everyone is in favour of keeping that game as it is with the memorial in place.
Literally only those people are the core demographic? Nobody who bought the game after it was launched? Hmm, I don't know about that. Even the woman who tweeted about the joke owns and likes the game.

endtherapture said:
I hope you can wrap your head around these two simple concepts.
Now, now, we needn't get shirty.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
IceForce said:
endtherapture said:
Wait, are you serious? Please tell me you used the wrong word there by mistake.
Definition for theft:

"In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it."

If the persons in game memorial (which they have taken money for) is taken away without a refund then Obsidian have technically deprived the rightful owner of their "property" in game without permission so you could argue it is theft.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
This reminds me of the Skyrim slut shamming thing. Yeah who would have thought cutthroats and thieves aren't exactly enlightened in terms of gender politics. In this an arrogant man whore might be a bit superficial. surprise.

Ehh. If you want to be offended whatever. Don't care.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
The problem here as it stands, is three parts.

One: We live in a culture where no one can even tolerate anything they find offensive even a little bit. It's why we have so much of an outrage industry based on race, gender, and sexuality. People have become oversensitive to the point of lunacy.

Two: People keep getting angry at other people no matter how valid of a complaint, then defend tasteless things like this.

Third: There are really over looked groups who often pose valid complaints, to which both sides of these arguments react with vehemence either in defence of, or actively against. So we end up cowed to the more vocal of the two groups, usually leaving us more sheltered and susceptible to the outrage machine. This part in particular feeds the other two.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
halisme said:
I'm sorry, but the guy in the poem seems more like an idiot.

And you "OHLAWDTHEGGPEEPLS" folks are a bit late.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
I am frankly appalled to see people defending the preposterous criticisms thrown against Obsidian. Appalled, but not surprised.

For you see, I have predicted a long time that the strongarming PC-brigade will never stop in the way that other political groups stop when their goal is reached. Everytime they see their victory coming closer, they will move the goalposts, and they will demand more concessions, and they will get them, and they will keep going until there is NOTHING left.

And that is why we cannot give these people a finger, because they won't just take the hand - they'll take the entire fucking body.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
I think the issue for Obsidian now is the potential negative press that can be generated by the hyper-progressive proponents of removing the epitaph.

The potential "damage" is greater from the hyper-progressives than the non. So Obsidian would err on the side of caution and remove the text from the game, issue the apology, grant a refund or request the backer provide alternative text.

It doesn't sit well with me, because no matter how you cut it, the context is an example of a (supposed) transphobe killing themselves BECAUSE of their (supposed) transphobia.

People are so upset about a character being (supposedly) transphobic that they want it stricken from a game. A tiny, optional, one of hundreds entry you would have to scrounge for to find...

This is fucking absurd. I hope Obsidian doesn't cave.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
IceForce said:
He's a fun little game to make it more entertaining: Every time you see someone in this thread posting something like "These stupid people always getting offended at things", or "People need to grow a thicker skin", imagine the post is instead referring to GamerGate getting all offended at the "Gamers Are Dead" articles.
I think I'd rather take a shot every time that happens, plus a bonus shot every time someone uses "SJW" unironically.

Someone call me an ambulance!


New member
Oct 4, 2014
TopazFusion said:
endtherapture said:
Just because you don't like the game, doesn't give you the right to demand it be changed,
*cough* ME3 ending *cough*
I hate how this is brought up every time anyone talks about changing anything in a video game ever, as though it proves some sort of point. Theres a massive difference between being told for the better part of a decade that your choices will matter to how the story plays out, that you won't be getting a pick A/B/C ending and basically all your choices did was help fill a meter that you could fill regardless and you got an A/B/C ending. People need to compare oranges to oranges or at the very least tangerines and not potatoes.


New member
Feb 24, 2015
What the hell is with all the moral outrage going on in gaming atm. Every two minutes some sensitive idiot is getting offended by nothing.

I blame Twitter for all this nonsense, one crazy eejit plays through a game until they find something that offends them, and then they go on Twitter and complain straight to the devs about it. A bunch of other offended idiots see the tweet and jump on it.

Nobody should listen to these complainers, the vast majority of people don't give a flying fuck if you get offended. But it's only the tiny loud minority that gets heard.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
The Almighty Aardvark said:
What if you have a really small dick? Or you have an unsightly gut that doesn't show under your shirt? Or maybe an unattractive medical condition, like burns?

Should you be obligated to tell your potential partners beforehand of all the qualities they might find undesirable as a similar courtesy?
Yes you should. And if you don't say anything don't expect the other person just to go through with it. If you want to bump the uglies just be honest. I know that's still a very outlandish concept in this day and age, but it's what i would expect.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
Saw this floating around. Pretty good summation of the situation I think.

Teoes said:
IceForce said:
He's a fun little game to make it more entertaining: Every time you see someone in this thread posting something like "These stupid people always getting offended at things", or "People need to grow a thicker skin", imagine the post is instead referring to GamerGate getting all offended at the "Gamers Are Dead" articles.
I think I'd rather take a shot every time that happens, plus a bonus shot every time someone uses "SJW" unironically.

Someone call me an ambulance!
It's a sarcastic term anyway, so there's always a bit of irony when it's used as originally intended. Like "keyboard warrior". Since the label denotes people who pretend to fight for justice but instead just want an excuse to look good and feel good while horrifically attacking people and trying to censor things they disagree with.


New member
Mar 30, 2015
But but my feelings are hurt, everybody should change everything to what I think is acceptable and how I feel wahhhhhh!

I can't believe someone in this thread even used cisplaining un-ironically. As if no one who is straight has any empathy and can't understand how other people may feel about a subject. What ever happened to "Don't like it Don't Buy it". Instead people are admitting there too weak-minded to let some imaginary slight against them go.

Oh my delicate feelings are hurt what ever shall I do wahhhhh!

Bob Drack

New member
Mar 30, 2015
Seriously? This was posted by MarsAtlas page one:

"I normally would agree, but in this instance I would argue that it is, not because this is an extension of the fictional universe, but because this is what some backer wanted to put into the game. Its completely unrelated and unattached to the rest of the game. It'd be like if somebody backed the project and was able to put something into the game, and they decided to add a blatantly racist screed."

Have people become so blind? The Lord of the Rings had racism in it. Dwarf vs Elf hatred was very real. Wasn't censored, even in the newest Hobbit movies. It's an acceptable part of fantasy literature, not offensive remarks targeting certain groups of people.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
what the hell is this? a 10 pages thread about nothing? can somone explain me what is "transmysoginy" and where can i find it in this message?