Obvious things you missed in games.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
In Final Fantasy IX, you can cast certain magic spells on multiple targets by pressing the R1-button.

I actually finished the game multiple times before I figured that one out. (Except I didn't really figure it out, it was only because I saw my little brother do it when he asked to play the game once.)


New member
Jan 8, 2010
It must have been mentioned but I completely forgot you could heal yourself with medkits in Metro 2033 until the last section of the game. It's not like this is an uncommon feature in games either and you can buy them.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
League of Legends. Didn't realize until about level 20 that some champion's primary source of damage are their auto-attacks. I was playing Ashe on and off up to that point thinking she sucked because she only had one damaging ability besides her ult. I just figured your auto-attacks were only for killing minions. This must have permanently rubbed me the wrong way because I still hate playing ADC (fuck "Marksman").


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Orange12345 said:
I didn't realize that the main characters name was Daniel in amnesia the dark descent because I named my profile "Daniel" I for some reason thought it had some sort of super vocalizing software that added the players name into the game. And yes I realize how incredibly stupid that sounds
Same thing happened to me, only it took me the longest time to figure out it wasn't really true. My friend explained it to me when I tried talking about how cool it was that they could do that.

Ham Blitz

New member
May 28, 2009
It has happened to me many times before, but I can't seem to remember any of the things except for the most recent one. I beat my first playthrough of Ryse on Centurion difficulty without realizing there was a heavy attack and heavy push. Honestly you don't need them except for in legendary mode when fights get tough.
OH yeah, I also remembered it wasn't until I beat Dark Souls and started a new character that I realized you could kick and do jump/lunge attacks.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
That you could leave your room and talk to Lucy in Assassin's Creed. I never learned about it until the second game came out and mentioned Desmond's chats with her. My mind was blown to say the least.


New member
May 30, 2013
There is a charge attack in Shinobi on the PS2, I played through the highest difficulty being a flashy as fuck ninja, yet there is a guard break charge attack for a rather justifiable cost.....the fucking days I spent.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
I found out on either Sunday or Monday about in the Tarzan level of Kingdom Hearts that there is a mini game you can play after beating the level of sliding around to collect fruit and try to get a best time and such. I found it by accident thinking it was just part of the final mix version. Boy do I feel silly.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
My first time playing through Final Fantasy VIII, I didn't figure out you could junction a whole lot more than just summons and abilities until I got to the Ragnarok, pretty much near the end of disc 3. I just thought the game was really hard and promptly got my ass whupped by those alien monsters you have to take out when you first enter the ship, prompting me to give up on the game.

I later gave it another shot, this time paying attention to the tutorial explaining junctioning and did things right. Discovered the game breaker called Aura along the way. I breezed through the game like it wasn't even there.

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
I didn't know how to use summons in Final Fantasy IX until the 4th disk where I knew I was heading into the final dungeon and HAD to have some. Suffice to say I started over.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
The day I learned about fast-traveling in Dead Island was the day my feelings on the game went from "boring slog" to "actually pretty decent."


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I didn't do the guitar section in Bioshock Infinite until my 2nd playthrough. One of the most emotional parts of the game for me, and I completely missed it the first time.
I didn't know how to get the rope in Fallout for the longest time. I did a 10 hour playthrough without ever going to Shady Sands.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
I only just just noticed that the land is dry and dying around Midgar in Final Fantasy 7. It makes sense since Midgar is sucking up all the mako around it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
When I was a kid I totally forgot how to use Enemy cards in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I got stuck late in the game and decided to restart.

I felt like a big idiot and never forgot how to use them ever again.

Johnny Novgorod said:
I didn't realize you could use summons in Kingdom Hearts until I hit Halloween Town. And in Kingdom Hearts 2 I didn't discover the concept of Forms and using the drive gauge until I was near the end of the game. Goes to show how gimmicky all these stuff is. There's nary a challenge you can't overcome without applying your Keyblade to the next dude's head.
I guess I can see missing summons in the first game, but how do you miss Forms? A fuckhuge pop-up happens every time you obtain a new Form.

But summons and Forms do have their uses (mostly in speedruns far as I can tell).


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
There was a really simple puzzle in A Link to the Past, which involved three square stones in a row, and required you to push them out of the way to clear yourself a path. It was mindnumbingly simple and it beat me.
Apr 28, 2008
The map in Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen.

I was wandering around using only the minimap and the landscape for direction. At first it was annoying as hell since I'm the kind of person who needs to bring up the map every five seconds, but eventually I got used to it and even started liking it.

Then I noticed that in the pause menu, the map is right in the middle, highlighted by your cursor. I've opened the map many, many times to save and change equipment and check quests and do all sorts of things, but never noticed the map option.

I'm a goddamn idiot.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
The_Echo said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I didn't realize you could use summons in Kingdom Hearts until I hit Halloween Town. And in Kingdom Hearts 2 I didn't discover the concept of Forms and using the drive gauge until I was near the end of the game. Goes to show how gimmicky all these stuff is. There's nary a challenge you can't overcome without applying your Keyblade to the next dude's head.
I guess I can see missing summons in the first game, but how do you miss Forms? A fuckhuge pop-up happens every time you obtain a new Form.

But summons and Forms do have their uses (mostly in speedruns far as I can tell).
The thing is KH2 is riddled with fuckhuge pop-ups and half the time I don't pay much attention to them.

Other stuff I missed in Kingdom Hearts

-I thought I needed an upgrade or something to move that block in Olympus Coliseum (didn't occur to me to try to move it twice to get Phil's attention, seems kind of random) so I didn't play it until the very end of the game.
-Didn't know about Phantom and Kurt Zisa until I played a second time.
-Didn't know about the Slider mini-game in Deep Jungle until I played a second time.
-Completely skipped the Gummi Ship workshop, not once did I alter the ship or customize a new one. I knew about it, it just seemed too complicated. I only did it in my 2nd playthrough and the Gummi shooter sections played out exactly the same way. So it's purely a cosmetic thing.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
I didn't realize I could upgrade my swords in MGR: Revengeance, so I still got my arse kicked on easy mode rather often, I didn't actually notice that until I was on a second playthrough on Normal, and I watched one of Jesse Cox's recent Lets Plays. Jesse may kind of derp on a lot of things in games, though he has his moments where he's rather perceptive on things I clearly should've noticed the first time around, like some areas and items in Bioshock Infinite.

Another case was I was when I was playing Assassin's Creed: Revelations the second time around, I was still trying to maintain assassin control of cities at only %50 control like the first time around, then I only just noticed that I could actually assign assassins to hold cities, and train new assassins to fill the gap.