Oculus Rift May Force Game Prices Higher


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Razhem said:
Last time I checked, one of the big reasons 3D flopped so hard was having to wear stupid headwear to use, what makes this thing so amazing to compensate for the whole stupid headwear snag?
It's mostly because because watching tv and going to the movies are still sort of social experiences. People can see you wearing your dorky headwear.

As 'social' as gaming has become, most of isn't face to face, so not many people will see you wearing the headgear.

Plus it has the benefit of being a virtual reality headset, which being straight from the realms of sci fi should add some wow! factor to it, unlike a pair of thick sunglasses.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Thats just great...

More excuses for gaming companies to hike game prices even higher, don't understand why they would need to cost more, also don't like the idea of a "freemium model"

I could maybe be ok with 70-80$ for a VR game if it was amazing and good, but I see this becoming an excuse for 120$ games...

Not that I really care about the OR because they put the idiot who was fired from EA in charge of its marketing...

Really losing hope here valve!

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
Seeing as how the byline is Andy Chalk I am surprised that he didn't quote this bit "the age of 2D monitors has run its course".
Get ready to go Oculus only for all your gaming and computing needs, and prepare to pay more for it! The CEO of Oculus says so.