Oh hey, MovieBob got fired (Or let go)

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Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
You know, I'd almost feel sorry for MovieBob (losing his job, then this).

Then I remember all the things he's said and how really, when you think about it, he brought this on himself.

Hope he takes this as a learning experience. But I doubt he will.

Also: Dunking on MovieBob is fun. Expecially when he says shit like this:

I am still waiting for Mister Metokur to make a Bob video.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I mean Bob could be the Starship Chicken Soup dispenser repairman.......... maybe

Is anyone else disappointed Dwarvenhobble has failed to write a dissertation on why the person he's accusing of being bad is? Maybe she doesn't have as much money as JK Rowling so she doesn't get the same privileges
Well I'm sorry finding the weird shit about her thinking and Ice Cream truck was stalking her apparently wasn't remembered by the internet like her alcohol related arrests.

Also I didn't say she was bad, just not that stable.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
With all that evidence piling up, it's possible. Or at the very least, she should contact the mods and get him blocked from her page and account. She might want to do the same on her Facebook, if she has one.
Like she can just block him as in outright block him but I guess she felt he was useful not to piss off or something lol.

As much as I think 'male feminisms' is about getting laid, I think for some people. Moviebob included, its something more...devious? Like of course the goal is to bang some nerdy YouTube chick, but there are so much easier ways to get laid. I've worked security at Cons before - its a mad house that make the Dark Eldar look prudish. The whole floor and selling collectables and panels of guests, that's all for show. Cons are really about selling drugs in hotel rooms(and the parking lot) and getting wasted and random hook ups. Someone as """famous""" as Moviebob could easily find someone at a Con willing to sleep with him, and maybe even while sober.
Maybe its about power, or being able to deceive someone? But you don't stalk the same woman for years and years just to get laid. There's gotta be more to it than that because its really easy to forget about having sex with one person while having sex with another.
Or maybe Bob actually just over-estimated where he thought they were and wasn't trying to get in her pants?
Like he thought they were at least friends even if not close ones and she saw him as just some-one she met a few times.

Posting the picture? Yeh that's cringey but as far as Bob goes? He's either a true believer or he's one of the most committed people trying to use being "On the right side of history" as cover to try and get some that I've seen in a long while.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
As much as I think 'male feminisms' is about getting laid, I think for some people. Moviebob included, its something more...devious? Like of course the goal is to bang some nerdy YouTube chick, but there are so much easier ways to get laid. I've worked security at Cons before - its a mad house that make the Dark Eldar look prudish. The whole floor and selling collectables and panels of guests, that's all for show. Cons are really about selling drugs in hotel rooms(and the parking lot) and getting wasted and random hook ups. Someone as """famous""" as Moviebob could easily find someone at a Con willing to sleep with him, and maybe even while sober.
Maybe its about power, or being able to deceive someone? But you don't stalk the same woman for years and years just to get laid. There's gotta be more to it than that because its really easy to forget about having sex with one person while having sex with another.
I find that extremely creepy. Talk about he who fights monster becomes one. It's even more so now. He came another b#tch-in-a-boxstand.
You know, I'd almost feel sorry for MovieBob (losing his job, then this).

Then I remember all the things he's said and how really, when you think about it, he brought this on himself.

Hope he takes this as a learning experience. But I doubt he will.

Also: Dunking on MovieBob is fun. Expecially when he says shit like this:

I loss my sympathies for him all the way back in 2012. Yet he wonders why people hate him and is an acceptable punching bag on the Internet.

" You got nothin' and nothin's got you, " - Suffer, Devil May Cry 3.

Seems to me, in this case, he wants recognition, like he thinks of her as a colleague and wants to be considered to be on the same level as her. He wants to be somebody.
He'll get recognition alright! Not in the way we wants, so he will get what's coming to him.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I'm not hearing you say that this comic isn't inaccurate, especially in this case, where the exact thing happened.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
I mean, this one boils down to a generalisation that male feminists are sexual predators. So, yes, its inaccurate. But that's not the point. The point is that if you need to link to a virulent white supremacist and holocaust denier in order to make your point, then perhaps it calls for some self-reflection.

Then again, you've never shown a tendency to self-reflect before.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
Well I'm not sure he looks bad so much as just... well okay calling that a normal amount does bring some mild disgust at the thought of eating that much for enjoyment instead of for $3500
You don't eat that much McDonald's for enjoyment, you do it to drown the sadness in your soul with sadness in your tummy.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Because people, like you, call him a "a virulent white supremacist and holocaust denier"
He is. He wanted a quick and easy deflection that didn't involve any self-reflection or confronting that stuff.

Hey! If you're arguing that somebody's content should be entirely separated from the individual's views, even the views that inspired that content, then that let's Bob off the hook, right?

I mean, very few people are actually complaining about his production quality.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Okay, if you say so.

Hey! If you're arguing that somebody's content should be entirely separated from the individual's views, even the views that inspired that content, then that let's Bob off the hook, right?
By all means. I just stopped watching his content a long time ago because I was no longer interested in it, not because of anything he said on Twitter.
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