There is also a problem with 'peer' too. Peer implies equal skill, or equal ability or status. If someone was my peer in something I would expect them to be as good, not just have similar interests to me.He'd probably have been better off calling her a peer. Like I'm not gonna burn him at the stake, but when you refer to someone as a colleague it kind of implies you work together or at least for the same organization
We wouldn't say...Ed Wood is a peer to the Russo brothers just because they both happen to work in film and direct movies. When you're looking for a peer reviewed scientific paper you don't want it written by a PHD and reviewed by a 3rd grade science student.
So to with Ellis and Chapman. For all MovieBob's barking and growling at how long he's been doing his job in film/social commentaries he's never been...good at it. I only know Ellis from the Nostalgia Chick so I can't say if her post-TGWTG career is any good, but I have seen Moviebob's stuff.