OK, let's choose our GOTY and our biggest disappointment of 2015


New member
Jul 14, 2012
I haven't played that many new games this year. I might get DA:I or MGSV at some point, but not for a while.

The ones I've played have all been pretty great, though. Fallout 4 was kinda disappointing compared to New Vegas, but still excellent on its own merits. I'm not sure how well I can judge Dragonball Xenoverse as I'm not really a fan of fighting games beyond DBZ, but I've had fun with it. Cities: Skylines is amazing, and really feels good to play. Black Mesa is very good quality for what was originally a mod, and in some ways it's better than the game it's based on.

If we're counting games that came out of early access, my GOTY has to go to Kerbal Space Program. I could go on a huge rant about why this game is so awesome, or I could post this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QztOaO45mM].


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
IMO, for GOTY it's definitely either Witcher 3 or Fallout 4. I can't choose. They do so well in their genre.

For Biggest disappointment, I got quite a list. Battlefield Hardline, Halo 5, Batman: Arkham Knight, BO3, maybe MKX, and probably SW: Battlefront.

I will say that this year was a lot better than 2013-14


New member
Mar 11, 2010
I played very few new releases this year, but out of these:
hotline miami 2
magic circle
beginners guide
wolfenstein old blood
saints row gat out of hell
broforce (aka MURICA!!! the game)
tales from the borderlands

I'm torn between Tales from the Borderlands and The Magic Circle for GOTY. Both are games with very well written characters and good stories, and they're really funny as well. Magic Circle has really good mechanics, well hidden secrets and better characters, but TftBL has better story writing and is funnier, so they balance out. (Although I'm leaning slightly circlewards now that I think about it.)

Disappointment would probably be Hotline Miami 2. I don't hate it like some people do, and I mostly liked the story, but the gameplay changes and worse level design bugged me. Hopefully the fan-made levels will fix these problems once the level editor comes out.

Honourable mention to Broforce for having the most pure fun gameplay of any of the new games I played this year.
Sep 13, 2009
mizushinzui said:
Would you say it's worth getting then? I've been wondering if I should get it for a while now because I enjoyed the crap out of shadowrun returns and have had endless fun playing peoples campaigns on steam workshop.
Have to agree with Corey, both Dragonfall and Hong Kong are massive improvements on Returns. Dragonfall's story and characters are some of the best I've seen in about a decade. I don't think I like Hong Kong quite as much as Dragonfall, but it's got the more interesting and unique plot out of the two. Seriously, if you liked Shadowrun Returns there's no reason why you shouldn't already own these

Speaking of which...

GOTY: Shadowrun Hong Kong. Harebrained Schemes is one of those few developers that I'll buy from without first needing a review. This will probably fail me at some point, but as of yet it's still going strong. Seriously looking forward to Battletech


New member
Aug 12, 2009
GOTY: Witcher 3 - Gotta echo what everyone else has said. The game rocked and kept me interested for hours, although I was a bit disappointed at how there really wasn't much decision in the story-telling - a lot of it came down to choosing between doing one thing or another, but roaming the world with a combat system that forced you to pay attention to even far lower level enemies was great. I couldn't wait to see what was over the horizon every time I booted it up.

Honorable Mention: Dying Light - Yes, the story was boring and see-through, yes the final battle wasn't really a battle as much as it was a quick-time event, but the gameplay was solid. In a world filled with zombie games, this one ironically came to me just as I had gotten bored with zombies in general.

Biggest Disappointment: Metal Gear Solid V - A dull, lifeless game that was scrubbed free of all the charm the previous entries had, save for hilarious balloon extractions that made you feel like you were catching Pokemon. But the story dragged until it petered out at the end, and even had the third chapter been completed, the story had pretty much gone off the rails by the second act. There were certainly worse games in 2015, but to know that the final Metal Gear Solid game is just a watered down version of Far Cry 4 is what makes it so disappointing.


I miss my avatar
Feb 18, 2010
Current GOTY: Witcher 3 - The writing was stellar, the combat found a middle ground between 1 and 2, the alchemy was accessible, consumables worked well in that they encouraged new combinations without penalties (resting to regenerate potions/bombs was brilliant), and every part of the world felt lived in. Sidequests had relevant issues and felt different, despite all being fundamentally the same. As a fan of the Witcher series as a whole, it felt like as good of a payoff as an interactive experience could be. The developers having post launch support and a trickle of new content for the months after launch was also great. I can't wait to jump into the new DLC when I get a chance, and I haven't felt that way since BL2's Dragon Keep.

Runner up: MGSV - the best unfinished game I've ever played. Regardless of story, the moment to moment gameplay is just fun. It's open to experimentation while being effortlessly familiar. I cannot wait for the online component to hit PC.

I still haven't played Fallout 4, and don't yet posses a PS4 to do Bloodborne.

MGSV - It is noticeably unfinished. Elements like base management feel half baked, weapons blend together near the end of the tech tree, the villain's forgettable, the retcons are bad, the writing's consistently juvenile and convoluted (even for MGS), and Chapter 2 is a whimper. Every part of the game feels like it got cut down during production. It's still an incredible game, but it just reminds me what it could have been every time I open it up.

XCom 2 and Persona 5 delays. I honestly expected them to be competing for my GOTY, and it's sad to see them delayed. Don't get me wrong, I always want better games and that takes time, I just wanted better games now.

Arkham Knight have a shit launch. I was ready to pick it up and lose a week to the series yet again. I won't be paying more than $20 for it now. The PC release was a mishandled shit show that's only gotten worse in the closing months. They had so many chances to earn back good will, but seemed hell bent on burning bridges.

Overkill. I was ready to get back into Payday 2 with some friends when all the new content was promised with the community event. I did not play it, and never will again.

Mad Max being mostly filler content. I wanted more than a giant collect-a-thon in the desert. Granted, now that Batman's been pushed back indefinitely, it might fill that Riddler trophy shaped hole.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
GOTY: Undertale. It might not be as mechanically deep as some of the AAA-games this year, but when some 6-8 hour indie game manages to consume my thoughts for almost 2 months I have to give it GOTY. I recommend everyone try it, you probably won't like it as much as I do but it's a fun little experience. It helps it's a good indie game that doesn't really try super hard to be artsy.

Runner-Up: Witcher 3. So much has been said about this game, but it really is the new standard in open world RPGs.

Biggest Disappointment: Batman Arkham Knight. I had no expectations for MGSV or Fallout 4 so I enjoyed the former and was smugly satisfied about the latter. Arkham Knight I expected to be pretty good though, and while it isn't bad it's definitely a step down from Arkham City.

This is all assuming Just Cause 3 doesn't change anything, which it very well might.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
GOTY: Witcher 3. An easy choice for me, and not just because I sunk ~100 hours into it. It's really an exceptional game. I did wait for it to go on sale so I did manage to miss most of the bugs I think, I had all the free DLC and patches installed by that time. Not going to bang on about it as been done already, but I loved the sidequests, music, combat, graphics, and well pretty much everything. Long time fan of the series as well, though I did find the size a bit overwhelming.

Arkham Knight PC release. No need to go on about this really. Still haven't played it properly so not much else to say, though I am not impressed with the Batmobile shit.

Project CARS. Was so hyped for it, finally got it and....it's buggy, handling is just, I don't even know what's going on there. Don't like the selection of cars or the Career progression either. After playing Assetto Corsa and DiRT Rally, quite frankly I regret buying it (and I bought those two in Early Access).


New member
Jul 9, 2013
GOTY: Witcher 3, for many of the reasons that have already been detailed in this thread. It really does feel like the developers took input from as many sources as they could manage and chose the best aspects of the previous two games to put into the third one. Witcher 3 is not only a great game, it's a great third game.

Biggest disappointment: Probably Wasteland 2's enhanced edition/director's cut or whatever. I don't know what I expected going into it (I only played Fallout 1 for a brief while back in the day) but the entire game feels utterly disappointing to me. Skill-hoarding is the order of the day, there's no apparent point in taking any combat skill in anything other than assault rifles, melee combat is terribly unbalanced and whoever designed the Ag center scenario seemed to have a vindictive interest in displaying everything that could possibly be 'bad' with the game. I haven't finished it yet and I doubt I ever will.
Anyone willing to tell me if the game gets 'better' further on? I stopped at around the point of the Scorpion prison...

Honourable mention: Divinity Original Sin's Enhanced Edition. An already good game bolstered further by decent-to-great voice acting and a more fleshed out story? Yes please.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
-Ezio- said:
Charcharo said:
Witcher 3. A game that made me see how far gaming has gone, and how inferior it still is to literature. A cold but beautiful shower.

Fallout 4- Bethesda can not code for shit and their fans still defend the incompetence. Insulting really.
isnt that a bit harsh? far as i can tell fallout 4 has no more bugs than witcher 3 had at launch. hell witcher 3 still has quests i cant complete.
I remember many people couldn't play Witcher 3 when I came out because CDPR focussed on NVIDA. And they didn't even get that right. I haven't meet game breaking bugs for Fallout either.

I also find it funny how Fallout is get blamed for incompetency when we had Arkham Knight come out this year. Now that deserves at least PC worst game of the year


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
GOTY: Splatoon.
Say what you will about a predominately online shooter marketed towards little kids- but I get this sense of pure, unabashed fun when playing it- and I start to think Maybe this is how video games should make you feel? Or maybe that's just me.

Letdown: Considering the only other games to come out this year that I've played are Fallout 4 and Arkham Knight- I'm gonna go with Arkham knight because the story was ever so slightly stupider. AND HEY THAT PC RELEASE RIGHT GAIS?


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Game of The Year: I cannot decide between Soma, Dying light, Kholat, Convoy, Hand of Fate or Mad Max. I loved all of them, well Soma I have a hard time stopping even though it scares the shit outta me, but I couldn't stop playing all of them so I am left indecisive.

Disappointment: Don't really have any, high end PC so I didn't have issues with Batman: Arkham Knight, only issue I have in the batmobile which is not well done and too forced on the player.Other than that I enjoyed it and the PhysX effects are really good.

Have not played The Witcher III, or Fallout 4, Mortal Kombat X or Black Ops III yet, they will have to wait for a sale.

sky pies

New member
Oct 24, 2015
GOTY: Pillars of Eternity
Letdown of the year: Pillars of Eternity

Total titles released and purchased this year: 1

ps. Oh hey were the Star Wars: Battlefront 1 and 2 releases on steam this year? If they were, then they were god awful, with pathetic AI.. Like beyond pathetic - criminally bad AI. And also simply polish and gameplay. These games were a shadow what they were on the xbox.


New member
May 4, 2009
Charcharo said:
Thyunda said:
Charcharo said:
Thyunda said:
Charcharo said:
Yes that arc was good, but truth is, most of the books in your course should be flat out superior to anything gaming has ever done or will do in the next 50 years at least. The difference... is that huge. And it is only natural, hell Cinema has a 80 year head start to gaming and it still can not measure up to the elder art form.
Okay, now you're sounding like kind of an elitist. And there are things that can be done with film that books simply can't do - have you seen Ingmar Bergman's Through A Glass Darkly? It's utterly fascinating. And impossible with any other medium.
Yes there are such examples. But cinema has yet to really... reach it to such a level AS often as books :p
For all incredible achievements of the medium, they are still not enough. That is natural, realist... not elitist. How can you compare a 10 000 year old medium to a 100 year one? That is not ... logical at all. And is kind of demeaning to both of these arts.

Still... why not address anything else from my post?

I must say the UI really needs to be changed. And badly.

BloatedGuppy said:
Thyunda said:
And as a final note - the Ladies of the Wood are some of my favourite villains of all time. Eredin was cliché as fuck, and I almost wince every time I hear "you humans are so impractical." But the Ladies, with their Welsh accent and beautiful theme music, those are villains that last.
My favorite moment with them:

"How do you know they're not already here?"
"Because we're still alive."
Too bad they turned out to be push overs that serve a simple elf.

I didn't get the impression they served him because they were pushovers - especially since they only do it on a specific date.

And as for the rest of your post - I don't know anything about it, because I haven't actually played it yet. Your complaints may be totally valid. My point was that your complaints were silly, not that they were untrue. Well, your complaints about the technical things anyway - your statements about literature and film are way off - sure, literature may reach greatness more often than film (I mean, people consider Margaret Atwood great but have you read the Penelopiad? It is an insult to everything, everywhere) but literature also produces more utter dross than film by sheer virtue of numbers. There are more dinosaur-themed erotic novels than dinosaur-themed erotic films. Twilight was a book before it was a film. Same for Fifty Shades and the films of each were arguably superior to the books by sheer virtue of brevity.

Also - you made a reference to novel-Eredin earlier. Are you reading unofficial translations? I don't recall meeting Eredin in either of the short-story collections or the novels up to Baptism of Fire. In fact, I think the Wild Hunt has only been referenced as a natural phenomenon so far.
Yes, they were somewhat afraid of him AND the other elves. Which is silly.

Why are my complaints silly? I can not play the game due to them. That alone is enough. I see them as a sort of insult to me as a customer and an insult to other companies whose work I enjoy. This is a complete disregard for all that I wrote. What the hell would be non " silly" problem with the game?

I completely disagree with you on all other points too. Even the appalling books were superior to the appealing movies. Not that they are good... just better.
And no... I find it disrespectful to compare a 10 000 year old medium to a 100 year old. Especially when the elder one has actually had time to mature to such a point, is lower in tech (a gigantic advantage) and has such a quantity... cinema is yet to peak. It is not there yet. Maybe in a hundred years? Maybe. It is a great art form, but it is not THERE (yet).

I can read in 7 languages mate (well, badly in one of those, but I can do it) :p
Read the books a long time ago in Bulgarian/Spanish. I do not need fan translations :p Wait and you shall see.
because, mate, you can clearly play the game because you've spent thirty hours on it. And I don't believe you spent any more than three hours of that time trying to get it to work, since none of your complaints appear to be "this shit straight up didn't work."

You want a real complaint? Why is it, when I hold the select button and try to look at my character, I can't aim my gun and look boss? And why doesn't my gun appear on my person when sheathed?

Those are real complaints. It's bullshit!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to say - there are official translations out and about now but only the short stories and up to Baptism of Fire - the next one is due in May. They're getting better with each successive book - The Witcher is kind of awkward to read and the spelling of Wyzim/Vizima, Demawend/Demavend are a bit inconsistent through Blood of Elves but after that it's fine. Metro 2033 and 2034 had a similar improvement in translation quality.

And there's nothing disrespectful about comparing an older art form to a newer one. Not in the slightest. Especially as the traits that made literature so valuable in the past are largely non-existent in the modern publishing industry. It took time and effort to reproduce texts in the past, so only the ones that were truly worth copying were copied. Which is why it was mostly Bibles. Then, with a largely illiterate population, only the educated could write, and they were wealthy enough to dedicate whole years of their lives to sitting and writing.
Nowadays anyone can publish a book. 2,000 year old texts can be given a new cover and binding and exciting pictures and end up on the shelves alongside the latest tween fiction shit. Simply being a book grants a work no special dispensation. Anyone can do it. I've had a piece published before (have yet to replicate that success though) and I also know that with money or connections you can get published whether you're worth reading or not. I even received a number of threats for pointing out that perhaps, if you are dyslexic and struggle to spell words correctly, you should not have been editing a book after a historian I know may well have ruined his own reputation with a self-published book full of valuable history, grammatical errors and formatting nightmares.

Only a select few books are worth that special notice, and there are more of them than films or games via the age of the medium. Films and games have every potential that books do. Ulysses is widely regarded as a masterpiece of literature but have you read it? It's just a state! Yet there's brilliance in there. If a game or a film can make you feel, then it has succeeded as an art form. Unless it's the same feelings I get when I read Simon Armitage's poetry or Margaret Atwood's dire attempt at historical fiction - that's just rage at the sheer audacity of its bullshit. I mean, Armitage writes like a public schoolboy pretending to be working class and the result is an offensive list of stereotypes and weird abbreviations. Yet that fucker's a poet laureate - though, I guess the people in charge of electing a poet laureate (so to speak) are unlikely to know that working-class people don't sound like Armitage's poetry at all.
Anyway, yeah, got carried away with my hatred of Armitage. I study literature. It's my thing. Pretty soon I'll have a degree in it. Might even go for a Master's and then my PhD. I understand this art form, and I know the ins and outs of its industry.

And it's not very special. There's nothing pure about the words on the page. They go through edit, after edit, after edit. The author's original work is very rarely even hinted at on those pages. Everything gets changed - and often the work ends up better for it. The issues film and games have with presenting themselves is in expense - a change of director mid-film will royally fuck up the film's consistency, unless the director scraps everything the previous one used, and then you end up with a rushed product. With videogames, it seems as though either the creator has total creative control (which rarely ends well) or the publisher is insisting on including that month's trending mechanics and refusing to grant the developers the time they need to produce something that isn't a thrown-together mess of iron sights and reload-cancels with half a story behind it.