OK, let's choose our GOTY and our biggest disappointment of 2015


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Just finished SOMA, and it's now my GOTY. Really incredible, and probably one of the best games I have played in years. Didn't need to wait for a sale that is for sure.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Definitely Undertale for GOTY and Fallout 4 for Disappointment. Not that FO4 was terrible, just i was riding that hype train no body's business.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
++++GOTY Candidates:
+Divinity: Original Sin
+Shadowrun: Hong Kong
+Pillars of Eternity (pending)

My list is fairly small this year, partly on account of it being my final year at university (graduated, whoo!), and partly because my GPU decided to shit itself and die shortly after finishing Divinity:OS. (I'd love to include other hopefuls like ARK and The Witcher 3, but I can't rate what I can't play)

Pillars of Eternity is ongoing, and so far it's brilliant.
2015 was a fantastic year for RPGs, and a welcome spot of relief amidst the prolonged drought that's been "next-gen gaming".

******Honorable Mention: Bloodborne
Can't help if I'm a sucker for Van Helsing-esque action.
I played a fair bit on a friend's PS4, and while it's no Dark Souls, it didn't really need to be to keep my attention.

----Biggest disappointment:
[Crimefest 2015 (Payday 2)]
I know, it's not a release this year, or even of 2014, and a game event isn't really a game, but Crimefest 2015 for Payday 2 is the biggest disappointment because it's this year's biggest cautionary tale. (Star Citizen's woes are still supposition and conjecture, but that's another story...literally)

Anyone curious about the specifics of this shitfest can google it, but sufficed to say this fiasco demonstrates why gaming needs better consumer protection measures, and just how easily a developer can get away with lying through their teeth for extra profit, and devaluing the consumer-value of their game well after purchase in the process.

This is a true disappointment, because Payday 2 was a fun (if flawed) game before Crimefest, and became an absolute betrayal after.

[Saints Row 4: Gat Out of Hell]

If great games were butterflies, then Gat Out of Hell would be a cocooned pupae trying to pass as a Monarch.

Planned as DLC for Saints Row 4, GOoH straddles the transitional line between "expansion pack" and "full game hopeful".
As released, it manages to be neither. The evident great deal of effort put into it raises player expectations...only for them to be summarily crushed by how pitifully short it is.

What is finished and polished is at worst, retread activities from previous Saints Row games, and at best, really damn cool and fun. What isn't finished, barely exists at all. These two facets of "done/undone" merge to create a short game that somehow still has bipolar pacing.


Aug 25, 2008
GOTY would probably be fallout 4, but i don't own it yet, so so far it's Transformers Devestation, not really played many games that came out this year.

Disappointment is Arkham Knight, still haven't played it :(


Australian Justice
Jan 30, 2010
GOTY: Fallout 4, Bloodbourne, MGSV.
Games still being played: Dota 2

Disappointment: Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Mad Max.

Loved everyone game in my top 3,
the bottom three were either too hyped and just ended up being meh, too bloated, or just plain. I don't care what got everyone hard about the witcher 3, I'm sick and tired of having a card game in every RPG. especially against NPCs. it's just fucking ridiculous. There are other gripes for sure but i'm sure someone will surely spend a good amount of time trig to detail how I'm wrong and just don't understand the game. Anyway the top three i chose kept me more ass clenched, and a game that gives me that feeling is how i measure the worth of a good game. it's the euphoria of playing, not the long list of how it was amazing.


New member
May 25, 2011
Steins;Gate for Vita by a huge margin so far. I doubt it will change after I play Tales of Zestiria.

Notable other games: Blazblue Chornophantasma Extend and Ar Nosurge Plus. Both very good games.

Biggest dissapointment? I guess MGS5. It's still good but doesn't live up to the hype or expectations at all.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
arc1991 said:
There are other gripes for sure but i'm sure someone will surely spend a good amount of time trig to detail how I'm wrong and just don't understand the game.
Even if someone was motivated to do that I have no idea how they'd even begin. Your solitary complaint was the existence of Gwent.

It's okay to not like things. Fill yer boots.


New member
Nov 27, 2013
I'll bite!

My biggest disappointment: Corpse Party Blood Drive. Technical issues aside, the narrative is abysmal. The new characters are offensive and immature, poorly designed and just don't mesh with the existing characters. The whole multiple magic organisations things doesn't gel for me either. We have a character who is experienced with magic and the haunted school yet acts surprised when bad things happen, then we have a professional magical artifact hunter who acts like a terrified newbie. A CEO who moonlights as a freaking teacher and is also involved with the occult, uses a helicopter to deliver food to a schoolkid? Wut. A guy who breaks into a teenage girl's bathroom whilst she is bathing and then berates her for being angry and surprised - then insults her body! Double wut. Even in the artwork the new characters look like they just shouldn't be there, like they just inserted themselves.

In fact, the game is like a bad self-insert fanfiction. I gave up after the first few chapters. I am never giving another game company the benefit of the doubt ever again.

Personal GOTY: ....can I come back to this one? It hasn't been a good game year for me. Well, there have been plenty of good releases but nothing that made me think "Wow! I can't wait to jump back into this world again!".


Aug 25, 2008
BloatedGuppy said:
arc1991 said:
There are other gripes for sure but i'm sure someone will surely spend a good amount of time trig to detail how I'm wrong and just don't understand the game.
Even if someone was motivated to do that I have no idea how they'd even begin. Your solitary complaint was the existence of Gwent.

It's okay to not like things. Fill yer boots.
Wrong guy bro! :|


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I wish I could give the GOTY to the Witcher 3, I really do. It certainly deserves best AAA game of the year. But I'll have to go with Undertale. The game was innovative, funny, terrifying, but above all it felt authentically new. I had never played a game like that, and the creators truly loved the material they were honoring. The Witcher 3 was a great game, but it simply didn't make me feel or give me the same sense of connection to the game Undertale did.

As for disappointing... luckily I haven't played a lot of really bad games this year, I know what I like and can usually avoid games I know I won't be into. Even though I actually like Fallout 4 quite a bit on its own merits, I didn't quite get hooked on it the same way I have in past games. I might find myself getting more hooked on it later I might just be a little RPG-ed out right now (The Witcher III and replaying DAI with all the DLC may have worn me out). But right now that would unfortunately be my pick.

Dagda Mor

New member
Jun 23, 2011
GOTY: Undertale.Not necessarily the most expansive game ever, but probably the best put-together one.

Disappointment: MGSV. Gameplay's fun enough, story and characters suck. Still enjoyed it, though. 2015 has been a pretty good year for games overall, in my case.

Fallout 4 gets an honorable mention. Massive improvement on Fallout 3. As much as I'd love for it to have Obsidian-tier writing, I was hardly expecting it from Bethesda. And I got what I expected. The gunplay is massively improved, which would have been enough, but they've also created a use for the junk cluttering the wasteland, which is fantastic, AND given players a way to personalize their world via settlements.


Apr 28, 2008
GOTY: Disgaea 5.
It's the most mechanically accomplished in the series and I love it to bits.

Biggest Disappointment:
Mario Maker.

It's so shallow and boring. The toolset is very limited and everyone just makes super hard troll levels instead of something that's actually fun to play.

Perhaps my job as a game developer wears off some of the luster it would have had.


Australian Justice
Jan 30, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
arc1991 said:
There are other gripes for sure but i'm sure someone will surely spend a good amount of time trig to detail how I'm wrong and just don't understand the game.
Even if someone was motivated to do that I have no idea how they'd even begin. Your solitary complaint was the existence of Gwent.

It's okay to not like things. Fill yer boots.
There was a tonne of other things but it's sometimes nice to hear someone say that its okay to not like something. it's a breath of fresh air friend.


New member
Aug 26, 2014
GOTY: Witcher 3
Runner-up: Cities Skylines

Disappointment: Fallout 4
Runner-up: Batman Arkham Knight


He who is not known
May 5, 2008
Game of the year - BroForce - only game to make me laugh out loud several times on the first level, reminded us of what games should be, fun.

Biggest disappointment, Fallout4 - I was just so bored in the first hour I've no motivation to pick it up again, I've already played 3 and NV and there's nothing 'new' that's good, just gimmicky..


New member
Mar 23, 2009
GOTY for me is split between Witcher 3 which is as awesome as others have stated here, and Ori and the Blind Forest, which may be smaller but is still a gem of a game with excellent, fluid gameplay, a beautiful artstyle and a fantastic OST.

Honorable mentions to Tales of Zestiria and Bloodborne

Biggest Disappointment? Dunno, Witcher was the only game I was really hyped for this year, so seeing other big names flop just makes me shrug.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Charcharo said:
-Ezio- said:
Charcharo said:
Witcher 3. A game that made me see how far gaming has gone, and how inferior it still is to literature. A cold but beautiful shower.

Fallout 4- Bethesda can not code for shit and their fans still defend the incompetence. Insulting really.
isnt that a bit harsh? far as i can tell fallout 4 has no more bugs than witcher 3 had at launch. hell witcher 3 still has quests i cant complete.
Nope. It is me being nice to Fallout 4.
The game is released in an alpha stage.

This is Bethesda?s fourth time. And the SAME damned mistakes. Not new ones. Not old ones. The same. Ohh and one more (or at least more sever than before) ? terrible performance on all hardware, but worst on AMD and consoles. GG.

Lets see:
-No FOV slider. One of the rare times this affected me? why cant it be in an options menu?
-Mouse acceleration and smoothing. Why can I not turn them on and off in a menu? Why is it on by default?
-Vsyncs to either 30 or 60. Why is this not an option? Why can it not be like in the Witcher 3? Why can I not set it on/off and also choose a cap to my frame rate? Why is this not in the options menu?
-Game logic is tied to frame rate. This? is amateurish. FFS, this is a rookie mistake, why did it happen to a AAA game in 2015?

Add in:
- Bad selection of gameworks features. That AND bad implementation. This is crippling to AMD users? and the saddest thing is, games like Metro Last Light STILL have better god rays and illumination. Except they dont cripple neither AMD nor Nvidia hardware with it.
Speaking of which, even Nvidia cards with the latest drivers are having issues with these features. Not as severe as AMD, true, but ? it is not well either.

- Bad CPU utilization.

- Despite all of these optimization issues, the game does not look good. In many areas, STALKER from 2007 and 2008 actually is objectively superior (graphical fidelity, not art style, that is subjective and dont confuse the two). FO4′s AI is absolutely abysmal. This is not an issue ? the fact that it runs this badly though, whilst having nothing to show for it? that is a problem.

This is acceptable once. Or from a smaller studio with little money. Or a young studio at least. Bethesda is neither of those.

To top it all of:
And this:

Jesus Christ Bethesda are morons. Witcher 3 is simply MUCH better of a release. Even if it had faults, those are small compared to this level of stupidity.
As far as the Game Speed tied to FPS thing is concerned, that is LITERALLY beyond Bethesdas ability to do anything about since it's a hard limit on the engine they're using, namely the Creation engine aka god damn fuckin' piece a shit Gamebryo. This is the LAST TIME. If they use Gamebryo ONE MORE TIME we can finally be rest assured that Bethesda is dead and gone, clearly having been body-snatched by Hack-Goblins.

That issue aside, I personally didn't run in to any game breaking bugs until about 30 hours in, so compared to past bethesda releases I dunno where you're getting data on these other massive problems. A lot of them can be traced to DX11 which is not Bethesdas fault whatsoever, but the fault of DX11 since it requires GPU manufacturers to release specific drivers for every game that utilizes it.


New member
Sep 30, 2012
GOTY: Fallout 4. Yes, it has it's problems but I haven't had this much fun in ages. Close runner up: Arkham Knight, disqualified due to insanely bad PC release and a lack of good bosses.
Witcher 3 is good but...something just didn't click for me.

Biggest disappointment: Probably DBZ:Xenoverse. The game looked and sounded amazing, but ended up feeling both spread too thin and too restrictive.