Okay maybe we don't need more remakes.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Could be a nice exercise in getting to grips with a new engine for one of their teams.

But then I'd expect this "remake" to be done by a B-team, while a larger team is off working on an actual lead project.
How much more could they really do with a remake of a game not even a decade old yet though. It seems like a ridiculous waste of time money and energy to focus on something that really doesn’t have much room for improvement, and just shows how up their own arses they are over this overblown IP. Maybe the show has something to do with it. Like, can’t be upstaged by TV, so now they have to put another spin on it.

Apparently they don’t have any others more worthy of getting one.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Not gonna lie, as someone who has yet to play the first, if they just remade the first game but with the mechanics from TLOU 2, I wouldn't particularly mind. That however completely depends on the price they're gonna have on this thing. Anything more than 20 dollars can go fuck itself.
It’s almost guaranteed to be a $70 game, marketed as a full-fledged release.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
How much more could they really do with a remake of a game not even a decade old yet though. It seems like a ridiculous waste of time money and energy to focus on something that really doesn’t have much room for improvement
Depends on how all-out they go with it, I suppose.

The original game was designed for the PS3, a 15 year old piece of hardware at this point, there's probably quite a lot of extra stuff they could add and tweak with it being designed for contemporary hardware.

If it just ends up being the exact same maps, but with prettier models and lighting then yeah... that'd be a major waste of time. But once again, if it's being handled by a B-Team while the A-Team is working on an actual lead project...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
If it just ends up being the exact same maps, but with prettier models and lighting then yeah... that'd be a major waste of time. But once again, if it's being handled by a B-Team while the A-Team is working on an actual lead project...
And I'm sure that'll fix those crunch issues Naughty Dog has been dealing with. Splitting up their developement team to work on two games simultaneously is something they shouldn't have done. They've shown they don't know how to manage their workload.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I said the same thing about the Demons Souls remake too. Remaking PS3 games is pretty dumb unless you're really going to fix up all the issues and shortfalls of the game. If you're just remaking the graphics, it's pretty pointless.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I said the same thing about the Demons Souls remake too. Remaking PS3 games is pretty dumb unless you're really going to fix up all the issues and shortfalls of the game. If you're just remaking the graphics, it's pretty pointless.
There is some justification when the game isnt available readily anymore. And honestly i wouldnt care about TLOU remake if they hadnt already remastered it on ps4.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I said the same thing about the Demons Souls remake too. Remaking PS3 games is pretty dumb unless you're really going to fix up all the issues and shortfalls of the game. If you're just remaking the graphics, it's pretty pointless.
I haven't played it but from my understanding the DeS remake added a lot of QoL improvements to the game as well as making it look a lot better(some would argue not in all aspects though). Now if they remade Dark Souls 2 they would probably need to unjank a lot of it to make it worth it but that's an entirely separate discussion altogether.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Fuck TLOUS remake! Where's my Comix Zone, Vector Man, Jak & Daxter, or Timesplitters?!
While it's certainly not optimal, there has been revealed a cheat code to unlock timesplitters 2 in the game Homefront Revolution in a recent quirky story...

Over the weekend, a former developer for Dambuster Studios (maker of Homefront: The Revolution and the descendant of the studio behind TimeSplitters 2) revealed his favorite Easter egg: A full version of TimeSplitters 2 — in native 4K, even — playable inside Homefront: The Revolution. Problem was, he forgot the cheat code to unlock it!

Well, problem solved! Modder/hacker Lance McDonald set to work reverse-engineering Homefront: The Revolution’s menus to figure out the way in, later realizing that “emulation ninja” (and Xbox principal software engineer) Spencer Perreault had already tweeted it out on Thursday. (A tipster told Polygon it comes from this Discord group.)

To skip to the chase, here is the unlock sequence:

Xbox One: LT+UP, LT+UP, Down, LT+Right, RT+Left, RT+B, LT+Y, LT+Y, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+UP, L2+UP, Down, L2+Right, R2+Left, R2+●, L2+▲, L2+▲, R2+■, L2+X
Xbox One: LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+B, RT+Left, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Y, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+●, R2+Left, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+▲, R2+■, L2+X
Xbox One: RT+B, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+B, LT+RT+Down, LT+Right, LT+Up, LT+Y, LT+RT+A, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: R2+●, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+●, L2+R2+Down, L2+Right, L2+Up, L2+▲, L2+R2+X, R2+■, L2+X
Unknown (maybe cheats)
Xbox One: LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+A, RT+B, RT+Left, LT+Y, LT+Y, LT+RT+B, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+X, R2+●, R2+Left, L2+▲, L2+▲, L2+R2+●, R2+■, L2+X
Unknown (Maybe Extras)
Xbox One: LT+RT+Down, LT+RT+Left, LT+RT+Y, LT+Right, RT+B+, LT+Y, LT+RT+B, LT+RT+Down, RT+X, LT+A
PS4: L2+R2+Down, L2+R2+Left, L2+R2+▲, L2+Right, R2+●+, L2+▲, L2+R2+●, L2+R2+Down, R2+■, L2+X
Xbox One: LT+B, RT+X, LT+Left, LT+Right, LT+Up, LT+RT+Down
PS4: L2+●, R2+■, L2+Left, L2+Right, L2+Up, L2+R2+Down
It had been known since Homefront: The Revolution’s 2016 launch that Dambuster developers had sneaked two playable TimeSplitters 2 levels (Siberia and Chicago, to be precise) into the Homefront world, in the form of an arcade cabinet inside a resistance hideout:

Matt Phillips, a Crytek alumnus who’s now a programmer on the console version of Rust, revealed that the whole thing was stuffed inside Homefront: The Revolution, so players could play a game while they played a game. Astoundingly, this isn’t just an emulated version of a game that was 14 years old at the time Homefront was released; it’s a native 4K port of said game.

Hilarious thing is, Phillips said he lost the unlock code — the notebook he’d written it down in went missing years ago. “I once gave it to a friend to leak in some Discord channel,” Phillips said, “and they called him a liar and banned his account, ahaha.”

Moreover, Philips included a way to play TimeSplitters 2’s cooperative multiplayer! Kinda.

If you’re wondering about the chain of custody here, and whether this creates a copyright issue, it doesn’t. Dambuster Studios was Crytek UK, and Crytek UK was Free Radical Design, makers of TimeSplitters, TimeSplitters 2, and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect from 2000 to 2005. Going forward, THQ Nordic (by way of Koch Media) now owns the TimeSplitters IP, but don’t get your hopes up for a TimeSplitters 2 remake, despite what you may have heard.
A bit convoluted, but luckily that game goes dirt cheap these days, got it on sale for like £4 some while back.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I said the same thing about the Demons Souls remake too. Remaking PS3 games is pretty dumb unless you're really going to fix up all the issues and shortfalls of the game. If you're just remaking the graphics, it's pretty pointless.
Yeah, but Demons' Souls was also a niche title that ironically missed the Souls boat. By remastering it it was allowed a second chance in a a by then thriving genre. Nobody was really complaining about the Shadow of the Colossus remake/reskin on PS4 either, despite it being the second remaster in 6 years. Neither games were backwards compatible either.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Well, here's a remake that I don't want; Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

I know there was a GBA release and an indirect-sequel named A Link between worlds, but after seeing all the zelda remakes, HD versions, and spin offs, I think this is one of those "If it ain't broke don't fix it" game.

Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles that are doing the talk, but to me it's the perfect 2d zelda game. The controls are simple. The dark world dungeons can be completed in any order you want. There are environmental puzzles that requires you to think about terrain shape in both worlds. Some dungeons and puzzles only give you vague clues requiring you to think carefully.

But most importantly, it has that 16-bit graphics that will remain timeless.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
There is some justification when the game isnt available readily anymore. And honestly i wouldnt care about TLOU remake if they hadnt already remastered it on ps4.
I don't have any issue with remasters and making a game playable on a different system. I feel like remakes are pointless if you're just upgrading the graphics. If you wanna remake an old game with old mechanics like RE2, then that's cool. I'd rather see games that had good ideas but bad execution remade over games that everyone already really liked.

I haven't played it but from my understanding the DeS remake added a lot of QoL improvements to the game as well as making it look a lot better(some would argue not in all aspects though). Now if they remade Dark Souls 2 they would probably need to unjank a lot of it to make it worth it but that's an entirely separate discussion altogether.
From what I've read about the remake, it's that BluePoint kept it very close to the original game with a few improvements.

Yeah, but Demons' Souls was also a niche title that ironically missed the Souls boat. By remastering it it was allowed a second chance in a a by then thriving genre. Nobody was really complaining about the Shadow of the Colossus remake/reskin on PS4 either, despite it being the second remaster in 6 years. Neither games were backwards compatible either.
It's not really that much of a complaint for me, I just don't see the point regardless of what game it is. Below is what I said before PS5 even came out and how could someone can be exited for a PS3 game with just upgraded graphics (basically), I'm not buying new hardware to play old games with just upgraded graphics. Use the new hardware for stuff you couldn't do in past generations, not just upgraded graphics. I want NEW games and NEW experiences. Remake games with great concepts and failed executions or games whose mechanics are antiquated now instead.

How am I supposed to be excited for a remake of a PS3 game (that I can play on PS3)? I know you know Souls isn't my thing but if it were a Shadow of the Colossus remake (assuming no PS4 remake happened obviously), which is my thing, I'd be saying the same thing.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Hey man let me get my legend of dragoon remake and then we can stop.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Well, here's a remake that I don't want; Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

I know there was a GBA release and an indirect-sequel named A Link between worlds, but after seeing all the zelda remakes, HD versions, and spin offs, I think this is one of those "If it ain't broke don't fix it" game.

Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles that are doing the talk, but to me it's the perfect 2d zelda game. The controls are simple. The dark world dungeons can be completed in any order you want. There are environmental puzzles that requires you to think about terrain shape in both worlds. Some dungeons and puzzles only give you vague clues requiring you to think carefully.

But most importantly, it has that 16-bit graphics that will remain timeless.

Having played that again recently, the hitboxes could use a brush up, and I wouldn't look amiss at having multipe buttons to use different items (maybe then the Cane of Byrna would finally be usable).

Also you can't complete the DArk World in any order, you need the Hammer to get to the hookshot dungeon, you need the Hookshot to get to Blinds hideout for the Titan gloves (which you need for all the ensuing dungeons), you need the fire rod from 3 to complete Turtle Rock, etc.

I'd have to go jot it out, but prettysure you can only optional path on 3 & 4


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
A list of better remakes:
  • REmake 1, 2, & 3.
  • Super Mario 3D World - It's a 3D version of Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
  • Ninja Warriors Once Again (Ninja Saviors)
  • Crash Insane Trilogy
  • Shadow of the Colossus


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Wasn't that already confirmed though?
A quick search tells me no. All I was able to find was a bunch of people saying that the game should be remastered or remade and a developer saying that its up to Sega if there is remake or sequel.
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