Oklahoma Ponders Violent Videogame Tax


New member
Feb 5, 2009
So what, violent video games cause obesity but non violent video games don't? That's some concrete logic right there random Oklahoma state representative.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Taxing fat kids and bullies would make more sense than this, maybe they would think twice before punching someone or eating another sandwitch, actually i would like to see fines for parents whose children think its allright to bully weaker kids, maybe then their parents would take notice of their childs behavior.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
drkchmst said:
o_O if they're going to propose to tax everything but games "Rated E for everyone"...why not just push the tax against all games. That circumvents having to poorly define violent. At this point the government (all levels in all the states) might as well just bite my shiny metal ass. Also isn't it these same governments that like to subsidize and throw money at the video game industry to bring development to their states...eh of course it doesn't make sense. It's the gov't.
Come on now, you've been here since 2009, you know people don't read the articles. Just the headline then it's off to the comments to tell everyone why their right.

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
Its not the governments place to tell people to be skinny or stop being douchebags. I could make an entire post out of this thought alone. We are free to be as fat or skinny as we want. Its upon the child or the parent to say things are getting out of control, and try to slim down. As for the bully thing, bullying is in no way linked to videogames, with any real statistic. Even so, bullying is also a parental thing. Schools define bullying very broadly too: a kid can be considered a bully if they say "Sally has cooties" or "You smell" now. Its not the same bullying as, say, beating someones face in for their lunch money that were seeing today. And, even if what these people are saying is true, one could just simply saunter away from the bully. How can you be bullied by someone who literally can't chase you?

Anyways, this is all on the parents. A kid who is given violent videogames is a redflag for bad parenting. The parents children not forcing them to get off their ass and go outside is also a bad sign. Not teaching your kid how to act proper is also a bad sign. Its all parenting decisions. No, granted, your kid can be a bully just because he/she is a dick, but there are ways to get that out of children.

Taxing violent videogames is just going to piss off people who like violent videogames. Kids getting a hold of these titles is not the kids doing, its the parents doing. If your going to tax violent videogames to fight bullying, you might as well tax the two tons of junk food parents buy for their kids. If you want to stop bullying, you might as well tack on an extra tax on TV and internet services, because you can find offensive materials on those too. Videogames are not the problem, idiots who use them as a nanny are. And thats not going to change, even with a tax.
Jun 11, 2008
Or parents can do their job and only buy a violent game for their child if they themselves truly believe that their child is mature enough to play said game. That and video games do not cause obesity lack of exercise exacerbated by certain genetics and a bad diet does.

Zac Smith

New member
Apr 25, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
...Beginning with the presumption that violent videogames make kids fat, lazy and mean...
And that right there is why politicians, should not be aloud to make laws about things they have no understanding in


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Absolutionis said:
Politics seems so easy.

I propose an amendment called the "HB 2697: Freedom Proclamation of American Values". It'll ban terrorism in the US in order to create jobs and cure cancerAIDS. Anyone who opposes this amendment is an anti-jobs cancerAIDS-sympathizer.

Just drop a bunch of buzzwords and people will think it's a good thing.
Aw, fuck. You figured it out. Welcome to the office, Mr. President. How would you like to ruin the country today?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
The worst kind of policies comes when politicians go on a hunch instead of consulting the academia and experts in the field.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
Solution: Buy your games out of state.
Other than that, it isn't going to work against bullying, seriously. I think gaming is becoming an easy scapegoat to explain stupid things.
In other news: Kids make stupid decisions, government blames video games.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
So funny. What about violent films and books? Violent music? Violent works of art or photos? What about taxing violent people?

These types of laws are dumb. Like in the uk they want to make alcohol cost more to lower binge drinking. Same thing with unhealthy food and cigarettes.

What happened to good old fashioned parenting and education on these issues?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
"he's proposed a tax of one percent"

As a Brit who has to swallow a +20% tax on EVERYTHING that is sold (except eggs) not to mention 80-90% on top of "luxuries" like cigarettes and fuel (fuel is apparently a luxury according to the Tax-man) I can't have much sympathy for this 'plight'. Either that of Americans in those parts are hyper-sensitive to taxation, 60-cents on top of 60-dollars, oh that must just eat away at some people.

PS: how does this state pay for anything without sales tax? Just income tax? Or does the government just, err, not pay for anything?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
JordanXlord said:
My God...i now Hate being a Oklahoman...
My thoughts exactly.

All of a sudden, I am ashamed to be an Oklahoma native and resident...

Edit: It's not so much the tax itself, because honestly, it wouldn't be that much, but the misguided motivation behind it that gets me. And the stupidity of the people representing my home state.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Zac Smith said:
Andy Chalk said:
...Beginning with the presumption that violent videogames make kids fat, lazy and mean...
And that right there is why politicians, should not be allowed to make laws about things they have no understanding in

Clip related. I'm packing up my bags and taking the bathysphere down to Rapture.

So long suckers, from now on it's objectivism and unethical gene splicing or bust! [/half-serious]

Seriously: I think this is why the human race needs to expand, why we expanded out of Africa thousands of years ago rather than remaining a local species, we got pissed off with the status quo of the guys on top so we moved to new pastures with new ideas. Well there are no more undiscovered countries on this rock, everywhere is run by someone like that politician. Sure it's only 1%, but it's 1% from ignorance.

Maybe that's why there were all these bloody revolutions in the 19th and 20th century, people were trapped and wanted change they took it by force but in the horrors of revolution ideals are always compromised and tainted, the ruthless and cruel prevail. People like Stalin end up holding all the cards.

Basically, we HAVE to get off this rock. This planet ain't big enough for all several billion of us and I'm not talking about rationing resource allocation, I'm talking the need to set down and start a new society. For better or worse it's our human nature.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
SnootyEnglishman said:
Asuka Soryu said:
SnootyEnglishman said:
My brains hurts trying to figure out how this guy thinks this will solve anything and why thinks games with the "T" rating cause violence.
He doesn't. He just wants to tax a popular thing, so he crafted a half ass reason for a bill, and used stupid logic that the idiots who think games are gone to rape their children will follow like it came straight from God.
Well then by that logic they'll try and tax porn next.
You shouldn't put it past them.


New member
May 26, 2009
Asuka Soryu said:
SnootyEnglishman said:
Asuka Soryu said:
SnootyEnglishman said:
My brains hurts trying to figure out how this guy thinks this will solve anything and why thinks games with the "T" rating cause violence.
He doesn't. He just wants to tax a popular thing, so he crafted a half ass reason for a bill, and used stupid logic that the idiots who think games are gone to rape their children will follow like it came straight from God.
Well then by that logic they'll try and tax porn next.
You shouldn't put it past them.
I don't put anything past politicians anymore.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
This won't stop bullying, a shotgun to the face stops bullying.

And firing all teachers and hiring new ones cause the old ones don't care about who gets bullied.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
This is the Oklahoma legislature. The same folks who brought you...


Because it's videogames and soylent babies that's making us fat.

edit: Also, mean no offense to the Oklahoma escapists out there, I too am sometimes ashamed of my state (just to your north) as well. Usually when those WBC idiots in Topeka announce their latest protest. But our state legislature is just as ignorant as yours.