Looking for a very old game, somehwere from betwean 1990-2000. It`s a PC, 2D sidescroller where you could play as 1 of the 3 classes - mage, archer and warrior(no not Trine, Trine is 2009). So what you did is, you had to walk through the dungeons collecting gems and fighting different kinds of foes, doing some mediocre platforming, you could also upgrade your characters skills if i`m not mistaking. And as far as I remember, I haven`t played this game in 10, or more, years, the final boss was some large skeleton with a crown.
The heroes all looked like dwarfs or maybe even Vikings, but it`s not any of the "Lost Vikings" games.
And yet again, if my memory doesn`t fail me miserably, the executable was called dwarf.exe or dwarf2.exe (cause that was what it looked like on my desktop at the time, cause I spent so much time in front of it)
Also if this helps, the style was a bit cartooney and it`s certainly not "Golden Axe"