Years have passed. I have only found the 2nd among my three topmost unfound games. They were given to me in my country as a compilation of Demo cd with Level Magazine. Something in me tells me that the game belonged to the era between 96-2006. Here it is me, giving it another shot.
-This game i was playing was a demo version of the game. The game is an adventure in 2D/3D, like an RPG and you're playing a tall guy who enters into a mansion hall, can run or walk, you can control him, use kick, punch with keyboard. There is a statue on the right which's head is missing, you can go through the spiral stairs on either sides(but you can't now) or enter through door. When you enter, you get into a theatre like stage and there is a ghost-like villian who has magic powers, has your girl and by sabotaging your girl,(she's tied to a circus target) tricks you into a hole. You fall to the basement, look around, then fight with retarded zombies/ghosts and beat them with kicks or something you grab. And use bane's to make a melody, move them. These banes are stuck to the ground. There is a jukobox screen you can watcch your gf being thrown knife at. When you do the correct melody, you go through a magical portal gate and return back to hall of mansion as the mask above the portal falls. Demo ends.
The game idea looks very similar to phantom of the opera because you enter into a mansion of mystery/horror, use action, puzzle-solving and I'm not sure on this end but I bet It was one of the first 3rd person adventure games of the times and graphics were pixel softwareish. A little worse than tomb raider level engine and colors with movement and scenes and the likes.
Whoever helps me out on this I will forever be grateful. Thank you so much even tho who suggest.