Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 26, 2017

I played a game long ago that had a mario-ish character who could throw boomerangs. The style of the game was like mario and the graphics were a bit 3d-ish. The enemies were crocodile like creatures. I know I've played it before and I don't remember the name. I loved that game. To be more descriptive, the background was blue (I think). Please... I need to know what the game was called.



New member
May 15, 2017
This is a challenge and I doubt anyone has the guts to even find this game but you will shock me if you can.

So I have been searching for months trying to find this game I remember playing when I was a kid, it was a math game where you played as a family of cavemen (or cave people? not sure how to write it...) but anyways you had to rescue them for some reason and it involved completing math problems to get parts to make a hot air balloon to end the game. It was 2D and the main screen showed an overview of areas to go on the map to complete the various math problems. The main screen was a top-down perspective and I remember a fire in the center that was like a clickable area or maybe it was a locked section... I can't be sure but if I remember correctly the main screen was also kinda gray colored. I estimate it to be Pre-Windows XP but it could've been XP too, so probably Windows 98, 95 or 3.1. probably 1998 or a little older to maybe 2000.


New member
Sep 21, 2017
master9648 said:
Baron Murph said:
Currently suffering a major bout of nostalgia over a PC racing game I played like 8-9 years ago, but I literally can't remember what anything was called. I'll try to describe it best I can.

-Hot Wheels style, but as far as I can find not actual Hot Wheels.

-If I remember correctly, there were several 'stages'. The first stage, I remember, was prehistoric-themed, and you had to complete several arcade-style 'challenges' before a race at the end, which would allow you to progress to the next stage.

-The first stage was prehistoric-themed, and the race at the end featured a loop where, just before it, rocks dropped from the ceiling.

-The second stage, I'm fairly sure, was jungle-themed, and had a top-down section as one of the challenges where I think you had to race through like a treehouse-style map and collect things, as well as a challenge where you had to race down a cylinder to jump as far as you could manage towards a giant spider.

-At some point there was also a pirate stage, and in the race at the end you had to jump over a large body of water towards a skull's mouth, where the track continued. One of the challenges was also top-down, and I remember you raced around on a beach in it, and I think at some point you had to make your way up a massive staircase-esque track evading boxes? Not too sure about that part.

-The final stage I think was space-themed, and I'm fairly sure it was rather easy to fly off the edge of the first corner, but again, not too sure.

...As you can see, I remember a crap ton of images, but can't remember a single name for the life of me, whether producer, track, car, or, indeed, the game itself.
Help, please?

i used to play this game as well, however, i too don't remember the name of it to save my life either. let me know if you find out!
just found what game i was thinking of, however it was off gameboy color not pc. Could it Possibly be Cruis'n Exotica?


New member
Sep 26, 2017

I recently remembered this mobile game that I installed somewhere around 2012-2013, but I cannot think of its name for the life of me. I can best describe it as a clicker RPG, and I remember having to pick a starting character each of a different element (dark, light, water, fire, nature IIRC). You could have up to 3 characters on your team to fight, and you would capture new characters you found while playing with runes. There was also an energy system that prevented players from doing battles non stop.

Thats all I can remember, any help would be appreciated.



Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
nynx64 said:
I use to play this game I'm pretty sure I got out of a cereal box. It was on my dad's windows 98 machine.

-3rd person shooter where you upgraded your gun and bullets (spread shot and stuff)

-collected keys to open new doors to house

-i remember a tower where you walked over stairs to go up a floor

-horror zombie based.. I remember zombies, mummies, and this acid shooting hydra boss.

-It was on the silly side of things.. if you were low on health there was chinese takeout scattered around.. when you walked over the takeout boxes (chow mein, lomein etc) you would hear chewing sound and a giant "MMMMMMMH"

The biggest thing I remember is the character you played looked dopey and ate tons of chinese takeout.
That would be The Adventures of Bouapha: Spooky Castle. It was made freeware in 2004, so it shouldn't be too hard to find. Just be prepared to hate those bats all over again... [sub]MEEP![/sub]


New member
Sep 26, 2017
i used to play this platform game back in the 90s. I keep forgetting about the title.
main character is a girl that can turn into a dog (a wolf maybe). you're in a catle or in some sort of dungeon. lots of dark brownish colors.
its driving me crazy!


New member
Sep 27, 2017
I've been trying to remember this early 2000's pc game for years and can't recall the name of it at all, hopefully someone here can help. It is a 3rd person vehicle-based game where you control several different types of military vehicles and turrets to fend off an alien invasion. Tanks, helicopters, fighters, stationary turrets, turrets mounted on ships, even a captured alien craft in late game. Levels span from a rocky desert to pacific islands to a Florida map with a couple of space shuttles sitting on their launch pads you have to protect. At one point in late game you go to the alien world which is similar to Stargate in that it is heavily Egyptian themed with pyramids covered in hieroglyphics.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
marimari82 said:
i used to play this platform game back in the 90s. I keep forgetting about the title.
main character is a girl that can turn into a dog (a wolf maybe). you're in a catle or in some sort of dungeon. lots of dark brownish colors.
its driving me crazy!
That would be Inner Worlds.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
VegetaLF7 said:
I've been trying to remember this early 2000's pc game for years and can't recall the name of it at all, hopefully someone here can help. It is a 3rd person vehicle-based game where you control several different types of military vehicles and turrets to fend off an alien invasion. Tanks, helicopters, fighters, stationary turrets, turrets mounted on ships, even a captured alien craft in late game. Levels span from a rocky desert to pacific islands to a Florida map with a couple of space shuttles sitting on their launch pads you have to protect. At one point in late game you go to the alien world which is similar to Stargate in that it is heavily Egyptian themed with pyramids covered in hieroglyphics.
Could it have been Incoming: The Final Conflict, or even it's sequel, Incoming Forces?


New member
Sep 27, 2017
Can any one please help me with this i remember playing this game in 2006 or 2005 you control maybe four or three men more or less i cant remember but every one has his unique abilities one of them is a black guy the other is a cowboy the other one wears a black robe and there was a woman with them and the camera is from above just like strategy games if any one can help me i will be really grateful


New member
Sep 23, 2017
StatusNil said:
Brakji said:
Looking for the name of a game I only played a couple times around the year 2000. It is a strategy game with territories, similar to Lord of the realms, but you can choose a leader that grants special powers, such as a necromancer that allows you to build an undead army or other magical powers depending on who is chosen.

Forgot to add, this is in the PC.
Age of Wonders (1999) perhaps?

No, it has definitive territories outlined like axis and allies. I believe units were done as a drag and drop as well.

The game could have been a few years old when I played it, so it might even be from mid 90's.

Zain Hikary

New member
Sep 27, 2017
can someone help me find this game,

you're like a soldier robot, going on planets and doing objectives, and you can use plasma gun and gamma gun , its a top view 3D Game, its called troop something something, one of those old big fish games that you pay for full version, i really forgot the name , i miss playing it, thanks :D


New member
Sep 27, 2017
Hey everyone,
I'm trying to find a game I used to play in the early 2000's. I'm pretty sure it was on a disk, and then you downloaded it to the PC. The opening sequence has a town being destroyed/disrupted in some way by the loss of their gems by a wizard (???) You played as some red bird, and at the beginning of the game you had to build a traveling machine out of a bathtub and other old parts. Then you went to various locations (a mine, a snowy mountaintop, an underground cavern) to find the gems. At the end of the game you sneak into the wizard's castle to find/match the gems to the chest (again, i'm not 100% sure), in order to return the gems. The game had really distinct sound effects and was in an animation style. Any help is appreciated!


New member
Sep 26, 2017
There was a game that i played on the ps2 like 8-7 years ago and i cant remember it. It was an 2d game where you were a guy that was in s labratory and killed scientists or like robots and it was pixelated?? Thats what i remember pls help me.

Stuart Donald

New member
Sep 27, 2017
Game that was on the school computer when I was in P2 (around 1997), was a vertical scroller when you controlled a slinky and had to avoid obstacles, levels included plates, flashing telephones, and toasters. I believe it was called slinky but as much as I've looked I can't find anything about it or even proof it even existed.

Anyone else remember this game and where I could see/play it again?


New member
Sep 27, 2017
hi their is a game i remember from my childhood i used to play alot with my big brother and his friends and in the game they were giant monsters one i think looked like superhuman samurai or some super hero the other looked like godzilla and their was a giant ape i think and also this monster who i believe has one eye and when he attacked the monsters he flicks his finger or maybe hand
and i think it may have been on sega genesis, or nintendo or super nintendo
also it was like a monster vs monsters game


New member
Nov 5, 2009
blacklegwill88 said:
hi their is a game i remember from my childhood i used to play alot with my big brother and his friends and in the game they were giant monsters one i think looked like superhuman samurai or some super hero the other looked like godzilla and their was a giant ape i think and also this monster who i believe has one eye and when he attacked the monsters he flicks his finger or maybe hand
and i think it may have been on sega genesis, or nintendo or super nintendo
also it was like a monster vs monsters game
My guess would be King of the Monsters 2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQSWzGK_wFA] for the SNES.


New member
Sep 19, 2017
Pixelhunter said:
nachotar said:
Hello there!I'm looking for a game that i played in the late 90's when i was a kid, the game came in a demo cd game. The main character was a curly red haired woman kind of a amazon type all dressed in red leather boots and a corset. The game what i can recall was kind of an arcade like mario or golden boy with two main stage, one where you walk across a path in a map that show you the levels of the game, like mario, and the second one was the level itself, that you have to complete like any arcade game, kill enemys, avoiding traps etc.

I've been looking for this game, from a long time now, and i dont think that i ever gonna find it, until i've discover this forum! Any help will be most apreciated, thanks in advance!
This actually is "Vinyl Goddess from Mars" (1995).
Oh my god men!!! this is it!!!! thank you so much!!!


New member
Sep 28, 2017
Hello Guys!
Well you know how it goes, nostalgia hit me also and I was thinking if you can help me find this one old video game which i really enjoyed in my childhood.
So this game was your average side-scrolling game like Adventure Island but more modern. The main character was a guy with a cap i think which was wearing a blue tshirt and was shooting soccer balls when attacking.
If damaged by an enemy he would change colours from blue to red and he would then attack with two soccer balls.
Also in this game you had some roller coaster stages where you could backflip and do other tricks.


New member
Sep 28, 2017
This one has been bothering me for years. It wasn't popular at all. There was a yellow dog and I believe the case/packaging was blue. The dog went to all these different human friends and helped teach them about life situations. I think the dog's name was like roscoe or rover or something. At one point a man in a van comes up and asks one of the kids to help him find his dog and you have to tell the dog how to react, like "tell an adult" so he runs away singing lol. PLEASE if anyone can help me remember the name of this game it would be greatly appreciated it was in the early 2000s and for kids.