Hi! I hope I can get an answer from this forum but I don't think you guys can help me.
The games I'm looking for don't have any name in specific, or at least, I don't recall that. When I was very little, like 4 years old, sixteen years ago, I remember downloading games for Windows 98.
These games were really generic, platform games, sport games, or puzzle games. I remember they had MIDIs of The Beatles songs.
There was a game you had to trap a Witch or a zombie between two lines you drew on a grid, and they couldn't touch your line or you'd lose a life.
Then there was another game that you were a penguin and you had to collect apples in a... Forest I think.
I really apologize if you can't help me, since the question itself is a bit absurd. I looked for the page in the Wayback machine, but I really can't recall the name. I don't know if it even was in spanish (My main language), or in english. I don't even know if those games I downloaded were actually viruses, the only thing I remember is that I really enjoyed them, and I'd like to see at least the page again in the Wayback Machine, just to remember it all.