Here is my game to find.
For a few months now, I have been searching for a game that I 'believe' is on the PlayStation 1 platform. I could be mistaken, but that's my guess. It's the only system I had for years. Possibly PS2. Not sure. Anyway, here is the description of the game.
The starting video is about your character being put on a table. The scene shows him getting his legs cut off, and eventually a large ball is put into place. This ball is how he moves around, runs, etc. Your character is a prisoner in this jail or what have you and his job is to race with other inmates with these balls for legs. Your character hits it off with a girl, and has a rival character, a bit bigger than your character, and he tries to screw you up in the races.
I am not entirely too sure what this game is called, or what platform it is on. But I have been searching for a good while, and have been to this site a few times trying to find it. If anyone can help, please reply. Thanks