Old zombies or new 'running' zombies?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Slow zombies that magically get really close when you're not paying attention. They also love to hide in ridiculous places, (what was that guy doing in your basement anyways?) and will slowly swarm you.

Forget fast zombies. They're not zombies at that point anymore.

It used to be about the social breakdown of a group of survivors against the slow horror. 28 days later is more action than suspense.

(Maybe add a poll to this thread?)

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Oh Dawn of the dead ones by far.

Although I seem to recall the 28 days later zombies also running like crazy.

Slow shambling zombies aren't really very scary (Shaun of the Dead type zombies). But running zombies who will sprint at you with no sense of fear, understanding, or reason is cause for panic! Less time to act or think about it! It's just: 'AHH! SHOOT IT!'



New member
Aug 18, 2008
i would for the running zombies the old slow walking zombies are hardly a challenge


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Baby Tea said:
Oh Dawn of the dead ones by far.
So which ones? Fast zombies or slow zombies? You know that's a remake of the '78 classic right?

Anyway. It's two kinds of fear; one the immediate and terrifying and the other the creeping and subtle.

Personally I prefer the slow ones when we're going for a tough character driven story where the pressure causes the drama, and the fast running ones for action horror. Obviously.

If I had to choose I'd pick the slow ones. Original and best. Makes them more original as it gives them a different slant to your typical beastie.


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Dawn of the Dead zombies I'd rather have to deal with. At least I could out run them.

28 Days Later zombies...Fuck. I can only run fast for short bursts, something Undead can sprint full speed for untold measurements..I fear.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
The zombies of this day and age are transforming. They are no longer the kind that will slowly, slowly bring you to you eminent doom. No matter how scary this may be, the new zombies are much scarier, because of the fact that it is more about survival than the pure spectacle. Also, the reaction of people has been done before, so it's nice to see directors, and such trying to take zombie movies in a new direction.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
rossatdi said:
Baby Tea said:
Oh Dawn of the dead ones by far.
So which ones? Fast zombies or slow zombies? You know that's a remake of the '78 classic right?

Anyway. It's two kinds of fear; one the immediate and terrifying and the other the creeping and subtle.

Personally I prefer the slow ones when we're going for a tough character driven story where the pressure causes the drama, and the fast running ones for action horror. Obviously.

If I had to choose I'd pick the slow ones. Original and best. Makes them more original as it gives them a different slant to your typical beastie.
I think the runners relate more to modern society. The slow ones are more about impending doom and the inevitability of death. To me the runners represent a sudden, violent death that you'll most likely be able to do nothing about. I think that scares more people because of 9/11 and other stuff thats happened in the past decade.

Frigori Laecasein

New member
Nov 24, 2008
I prefer the slow ones too. There's just something terrifyingly inevitable about their shambling, kind of like the way Jason from Friday the 13th never runs--he just carries on at his normal, calm pace until his victim makes a mistake and then he gets him.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
The slow, groaning, steadily bleeding, last remaining bit of humanity is left screaming in pain.....zombies.

Fast zombies aren't really zombies, they're something else.

Mean Mother Rucker

New member
Oct 27, 2008
D_987 said:
A healthy mix of the two.
I agree.
I think there should be some that are so rotted or mutilated or something like that, that they can't move too fast.
And of course the ones that are complete and utter brain junkies that will charge towards you, usually screaming or yelling or some form of attention-grabber that will make you blow their brains all over the badly-lighted area first.
Or like the Slashers in Dead Space, where they shamble towards you slowly, and as soon as they think they're in good "tear-out-your-brains" distance, they charge you pell-mell.

Gotham Soul

New member
Aug 12, 2008
I kind of don't classify running zombies as zombies, mostly because I still base my standards of a "zombie" off the original original Romero movies (you know, the ones that were semi-half-decent at the time). I agree that running zombies are much scarier than shambling ones, because all you would need to fend off the shambling zombies is a long pole or something. Whereas you have a pack of, for lack of a better metaphor, humanoid wolves thirsting for your blood closing in on your ass at mach 10.

for video games, though, endless hordes of shambling, nearly-unkillable zombies is cool too.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I think that "zombies" are supposed to be slow, I would rather face them.
Fast zombies, on the other hand, aren't zombie, for example, in L4D, they actually have a strain of rabies. Or something.


New member
Sep 5, 2008
It depends, the old, slow zombies build atmosphere better and can make terrifying hordes. The newer 'running' zombies can make for better "Boo!" moments and would be harder to kill. I think it depends on the atmosphere of the media. In real life, I would prefer the shambling old zombies.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
The slow zombies are the traditional and the best they give the idea of an ever advancing fear from which you can never outrun or get away from. Fast zombies are still good though and fit much better into fast paced movies or games