I don't get where Yahtzee's hate from Telltale came. Telltale basically rid adventurers of all the stuff Yahtzee himself said to be the adventurers worst flaw, that is, terribly contrived and impossibly convoluted puzzles. Even the gimmick of combining items in Tales of Monkey Island wasn't bad, as whenever there was some items to combine, I knew it right away, and whenever I was trying to frenetically combine items there wasn't any items to combine, I just thought there'd be BECAUSE of the contrived combinations you'd be forced to do in old adventurers. Not to mention Morgan LeFlay is such an obvious parody of a fanboy (in the case, fangirl), not some insertion to point out fandom.
Anyway, I haven't bothered to get Wolfenstein, but I can agree with Yahtzee about what he's saying with "Generic Games". I mean, one of the genres I like the most is strategy, but pretty much since Warcraft and Command & Conquer 90% of the strategy games could as well be, well, Warcraft and Command & Conquer with a different skin, and perhaps better graphics. I thought the ultimate fuck-off the industry has gave us (or rather, will give us) is Starcraft II. They're blatantly not even trying to change the formula. Oh, the campaign will play differently, with you choosing your battles and habilitating units. Except missions will require an unit for another mission, so you actually just follow it linearly in the end... And then there is Supreme Commander 2. The original is praised to shed off usual strategy cookie-cutters like "only one superweapon" and stockpiling resources, then we hear of a sequel with tons of exciting new additions but that will basically strip down the game to become a cookie cutter.
The worst part is that games NEED to adhere to cookie-cutters to even BE competitive in the market. SupCom 2's changes are being implemented so the game can be economically viable. Shooters that don't follow the mold don't get good profits. If you look at the very games Yahtzee has claimed to be his most loved ones, like Psychonauts, they were complete commercial flops. I'm sure that Brutal Legend will blow minds, but I'm also sure that if it wasn't for the big music names into the game it would struggle to even cover its production costs. Even the new Batman, if you'd go and strip away the Batman from the title, it'd still be a terrific game, but then I doubt it do any commercial success. You basically have to accept that games will either follow the mold or need big names from OUTSIDE the gaming industry to sell well. Hells, all these terrible, terrible licensed games are still being churned out just because having barbie or Ironman in the cover makes it guaranteed to sell a few million...