Only 30 Percent of WoW Players Get Past Level 10


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Wow is best played when you have 2-3 friends to compete against.Lets say they take that "cool" item and you are like "damn you lucky ^&$#". Or you make a hard (mostly luck based achievement) just to annoy them etc.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Why buy a game and not get through it?
I don't understand that logic. Especially when you're paying monthly (one reason I will NEVER play WoW)


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Silva said:
This news is good in my view. The fact that these statistics conversely mean that 70% of people know that getting a second job that looks like a game and paying for your time to play it is a bad deal, or else got bored enough not to go on and didn't expect things to change later, gives me increased faith in humanity.
Well, I am sure plenty of people do not find the game a chore to play, so I am not sure it could be equated to work.

I've quit WoW on two occasions and taken breaks for several months. When the hankering to play came up again I started up a trial account to see if the feeling was "real" or just me pining for another MMO. I've done the same with other MMOs, as well. Once I confirmed my renewed interest I then dumped the trial account and restarted my real account. So I guess that's two trials right there I am responsible for =)

Always a pleasure to read forum posts full of vociferous badwrongfun declarations about games like WoW. I guess I'll just keep on having my badwrongfun then!

Of course, like all things, moderation is important. Most WoW-haters I know seem to boil down to one of the following categories: egocentric people tooting their own horn of superiority, ex-WoWers who played the game like crack addicts for six months until they burned out and lost their RL spouse and job and were forced to quit, so-called "hardcore leet" players who are still pissed that permadeath hardcore PvP is not seen as the popular norm in computer gaming, and people who are simply not sold on the admittedly slow pace of the first 10-15 levels of the WoW experience (which is still superior imo to most other intros in MMOs except AOC, Guild Wars and DDO).


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
The Bandit said:
I sincerely hope you morons are not arguing over my trolling attempt. That would just be pathetic.
Relevant. []


New member
Apr 13, 2009
camazotz said:
Silva said:
This news is good in my view. The fact that these statistics conversely mean that 70% of people know that getting a second job that looks like a game and paying for your time to play it is a bad deal, or else got bored enough not to go on and didn't expect things to change later, gives me increased faith in humanity.
Well, I am sure plenty of people do not find the game a chore to play, so I am not sure it could be equated to work.

I've quit WoW on two occasions and taken breaks for several months. When the hankering to play came up again I started up a trial account to see if the feeling was "real" or just me pining for another MMO. I've done the same with other MMOs, as well. Once I confirmed my renewed interest I then dumped the trial account and restarted my real account. So I guess that's two trials right there I am responsible for =)

Always a pleasure to read forum posts full of vociferous badwrongfun declarations about games like WoW. I guess I'll just keep on having my badwrongfun then!

Of course, like all things, moderation is important. Most WoW-haters I know seem to boil down to one of the following categories: egocentric people tooting their own horn of superiority, ex-WoWers who played the game like crack addicts for six months until they burned out and lost their RL spouse and job and were forced to quit, so-called "hardcore leet" players who are still pissed that permadeath hardcore PvP is not seen as the popular norm in computer gaming, and people who are simply not sold on the admittedly slow pace of the first 10-15 levels of the WoW experience (which is still superior imo to most other intros in MMOs except AOC, Guild Wars and DDO).
I'm amused about this post.

Yes, that "good many" people just happens to be 30% of the people who try it. The fact that it's a grind and a chore becomes very obvious to these people early on, which would be why most don't go past level 10. If you're going to argue from the basis of popularity, keep in mind that the population agrees with me, not with you.

I don't know what relevance your information about how much you've played or your trial accounts fit into your point towards me, but oh well. Let's imagine that it's relevant so we can move on.

You tell me off about generalisations concerning fun. Which, by the way, weren't in my post. I said that paying for it was a bad deal, implying that it was a chore, not that it wasn't fun (some people do enjoy chores, keep that in mind). Fun is subjective, and you're entirely entitled to enjoying your job-I mean EXP grind-based game mechanics.

Then you make a good five massive generalisations about people who dislike WoW. I fit into almost none of these, which is hilarious. I'm not egocentric, merely poking fun, I'm not an ex-WoW player, I'm not "hardcore leet" as I'd have to play the game for that to occur (and yes you can legitimately criticise a game like WoW without playing it, I've seen a lot of hours of video footage and read a lot about it but refuse to go any closer). I do fit into the last group you speak of, though (funnily enough, because I said I did). I wouldn't be sold by Level 10, because the whole game is that slow. In fact, anyone worth their knowledge of WoW knows that levelling of course gets a lot slower as you get higher. So quitting at that point if it feels too slow would be a good decision, and I don't care how far the "story" changes. I liked the Warcraft RTS games, but I wouldn't go near WoW even if the lore writing was done by Oscar Wilde. And yes, the beginning of Guild Wars is still among the best for an MMO.

Overall, I love your consistency of argument and the lack of contradiction therein. Oh damn, there goes my sarcasm lever again. Got to remember to turn that thing off.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Silva said:
camazotz said:
Silva said:
This news is good in my view. The fact that these statistics conversely mean that 70% of people know that getting a second job that looks like a game and paying for your time to play it is a bad deal, or else got bored enough not to go on and didn't expect things to change later, gives me increased faith in humanity.
Well, I am sure plenty of people do not find the game a chore to play, so I am not sure it could be equated to work.

I've quit WoW on two occasions and taken breaks for several months. When the hankering to play came up again I started up a trial account to see if the feeling was "real" or just me pining for another MMO. I've done the same with other MMOs, as well. Once I confirmed my renewed interest I then dumped the trial account and restarted my real account. So I guess that's two trials right there I am responsible for =)

Always a pleasure to read forum posts full of vociferous badwrongfun declarations about games like WoW. I guess I'll just keep on having my badwrongfun then!

Of course, like all things, moderation is important. Most WoW-haters I know seem to boil down to one of the following categories: egocentric people tooting their own horn of superiority, ex-WoWers who played the game like crack addicts for six months until they burned out and lost their RL spouse and job and were forced to quit, so-called "hardcore leet" players who are still pissed that permadeath hardcore PvP is not seen as the popular norm in computer gaming, and people who are simply not sold on the admittedly slow pace of the first 10-15 levels of the WoW experience (which is still superior imo to most other intros in MMOs except AOC, Guild Wars and DDO).
I'm amused about this post.

Yes, that "good many" people just happens to be 30% of the people who try it. The fact that it's a grind and a chore becomes very obvious to these people early on, which would be why most don't go past level 10. If you're going to argue from the basis of popularity, keep in mind that the population agrees with me, not with you.

I don't know what relevance your information about how much you've played or your trial accounts fit into your point towards me, but oh well. Let's imagine that it's relevant so we can move on.

You tell me off about generalisations concerning fun. Which, by the way, weren't in my post. I said that paying for it was a bad deal, implying that it was a chore, not that it wasn't fun (some people do enjoy chores, keep that in mind). Fun is subjective, and you're entirely entitled to enjoying your job-I mean EXP grind-based game mechanics.

Then you make a good five massive generalisations about people who dislike WoW. I fit into almost none of these, which is hilarious. I'm not egocentric, merely poking fun, I'm not an ex-WoW player, I'm not "hardcore leet" as I'd have to play the game for that to occur (and yes you can legitimately criticise a game like WoW without playing it, I've seen a lot of hours of video footage and read a lot about it but refuse to go any closer). I do fit into the last group you speak of, though (funnily enough, because I said I did). I wouldn't be sold by Level 10, because the whole game is that slow. In fact, anyone worth their knowledge of WoW knows that levelling of course gets a lot slower as you get higher. So quitting at that point if it feels too slow would be a good decision, and I don't care how far the "story" changes. I liked the Warcraft RTS games, but I wouldn't go near WoW even if the lore writing was done by Oscar Wilde. And yes, the beginning of Guild Wars is still among the best for an MMO.

Overall, I love your consistency of argument and the lack of contradiction therein. Oh damn, there goes my sarcasm lever again. Got to remember to turn that thing off.
Ugh. I wasn't trying to argue with you. You clearly know what is fun for you, but that does not apply to everyone else. You are drawing some conclusions based on numbers...the 30/70 split, to support your own interpretation, I suppose, of what you feel. That's fine. But I am not a boring individual nor do I find the game a chore as you describe. From my experience in the sales industry if you call 10 people and get 3 to purchase your product, you're doing monumentally well. So whatever. Not arguing here. Also, my full post started with a response to your denigrating opinion but then moved on....the rest was not aimed at you, merely me doing the same thing you did, generalizing and assuming my perspective was accurate.

The one thing you have asserted is that you are quite convinced that WoW is badwrongfun. Fine. As I said, I'll keep enjoying my badwrongfun. Good luck with what you enjoy, because there are also sorts of games out there to appeal to a wide variety of interests. WoW is not for you, I get that. But just because you and some other people don't like it, does not invalidate the enjoyment of the game for others who do. But please, be aware that near as I can tell you fit the definition of category #1 in my short and broad list quite nicely.

Anyway, not fighting here: I know you have games you enjoy. The fact that you ejoy them does not mean they are objectively better than games you do not enjoy. Relax, enjoy your games, and accept that other people may enjoy things differently from you...and moreover, that they may not be bad people for it. Nor are you, as long as you can learn to appreciate the subjective nature of fun.

A final example: I hate football. I find baseball boring. I dislike basketball. You will never, ever have me come out talking about how fans of these sports should all stop spending their Saturdays at these boring chores and go get a paying job instead to occupy their time.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
RandV80 said:
I have played Guild Wars, I tried the beta and got hooked on it's tactical combat, but with WoW I just couldn't bring myself to grind through the beginning following that ever elusive carrot on a stick.
Abedeus said:
I love MMORPGs. Those with quests, like Guild Wars
You do realize guild wars isn't even an MMO, right?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Is this accounts or actual characters? Because I had plenty of level 1 alts that I never used back when I played wow.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
Amnestic said:
But...level 10 takes like three hours to get to. If that. That's probably slow actually.

Jeebus ;/

Cataclysm will give them a jump in numbers. Completely revitalising the Azeroth will likely bring back old customers *coughlikemecough* as well.
to be fair, the first 10 lvls (when i got them) were kind of cool, getting to know your char and enviroment, then i went and defeated my first dungeon boss (lvl 19?? dont remember) and i was hooked, the dungeon crawlings were good, the people i joined were good, but now, i cant seem to find a propper party for any dungeon, they all just jump in, do one quest and get out, which leaves me alone in the dungeon, i never find a propper "run all the dungeon" anymore, i´m lvl 33 or sumething and i´m starting to get anoyed about this, i still have 2 months left on my account, if things dont get better, i´ll leave...

on a different note, i think its because in Quel´Thalas (my realm) its an almost empty realm, and most users are from latinoamerica, and well, i know here its hard to play more than a few hours, not everyone is as computer friendly as i am


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
HentMas said:
to be fair, the first 10 lvls (when i got them) were kind of cool, getting to know your char and enviroment, then i went and defeated my first dungeon boss (lvl 19?? dont remember) and i was hooked, the dungeon crawlings were good, the people i joined were good, but now, i cant seem to find a propper party for any dungeon, they all just jump in, do one quest and get out, which leaves me alone in the dungeon, i never find a propper "run all the dungeon" anymore, i´m lvl 33 or sumething and i´m starting to get anoyed about this, i still have 2 months left on my account, if things dont get better, i´ll leave...

on a different note, i think its because in Quel´Thalas (my realm) its an almost empty realm, and most users are from latinoamerica, and well, i know here its hard to play more than a few hours, not everyone is as computer friendly as i am
WoW's quite old which means a lot of currently levelling characters are alts of people who already have high-level characters and have already done all the "wondrous discovery innocence what's this oh god it's on my leg get it off why oh god" thing before. Cataclysm should change that up a bit when they change the entire world.

ark123 said:
I call it the "getting laid threshold"
That's cute. You're making fun of WoW players implying they're all virgins. Clever. No, really. It's witty. Not to mention original.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I've been hooked up on eq2 for 3 years, playing in hc guilds, raiding 6-8 hours straight, but eventually just grew weary. Recently i tried trial of WoW and couldn't get past level 6.

Graphics engine looked too old (same goes for eq2 though), in about 40 mins i've seen a usual daily eq2 portion of spam, abuse and total "cluelessness", plus some guy tried to hook me up.
Guess thats what you get in a game that got a players base ten times bigger than that of eq.

Those statistics might actually be correct. Bet i am not the only one to leave one game and being unable to hook up on any other game.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Wow really? Even my sister got to 48 or so before I quit.. and she could only play it on my computer when I was out with friends etc


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
The Bandit said:
You know, the fact that you're still responding to people criticizing WoW and defending it leads me to believe that you really are offended on some deep level. Everyone else responded once, probably just as that picture indicates, and then went about their business. But, you really, very sincerely CARE!

It'd be funny if it weren't so sad. : /
What can I say? I care about curing stupid. It's an uphill battle, but one I believe is worth fighting.

Rosy the Brat

New member
Jan 31, 2010
Whoa, I ended up being in that 30% part? o_O

I thought getting to level 10 was easy. It was for me anyway. The story with me was that I was around level 20 or maybe 30 on my best character. Then I stopped playing for a while to focus on my senior year of high school. When I finally got a chance to play again, I forgot my password, so I was like, "Eh, forget it. It was fun while it lasted."


New member
Dec 1, 2009
11.5 milling players, each paying $15 a month, plus the price of the game and expansion packs themselves (about $120). WoW will be fine.