Oscar Nominations

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
No big suprises here only fears that became true, like Cloud Atlas not getting any nominations and The Hobbit and The Avengers getting only technical ones or some movies that were quite obviously tailored for oscars grabing most of them.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Not sure how David O. Russell was nominated for Best Director over Katheryn Bigelow. I mean, Silver Linings is a pretty good little fim, but it's not great, and certainly not deserving of any Best Director nominations.

Just when I was making peace with fact that Tarantino wasn't going to get nominated for Best Director too.

Still, Benh Zeitlin was nominated. That was a pleasant surprise.

Zenn3k said:
The fact Cloud Atlas was totally snubbed, but that SHIT movie Lincoln (yes, shit movie, I said it, it was terrible, one of the worst films I've EVER seen) gets 12 noms?

Pretty obvious the Oscars are just a buddy club now. You have a big name in Hollywood? Here are some awards!! We don't care about quality anymore! WEEEE!

Fuck the Oscars.
Worst film ever? Interesting.

Why do you feel that way?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Sixcess said:
Casual Shinji said:
Do the Oscars even matter anymore?
Not really. I've never looked upon the Oscars as a definitive guide to the best of movie making, considering (among many other things) the fact that directors like Hitchcock and Kubrick both received multiple Best Director nominations without ever winning.

But regardless of that, the industry takes them seriously and they do have a certain prestige, so it's good to see the films and the filmmakers you enjoy being acknowledged and acclaimed for their work. Even moreso if its a filmmaker or genre that is habitually snubbed by the Academy. Less good when they are undeservedly snubbed for god knows what reason.

And it's fun to shake your head in disbelief at their annual idiocies and inexplicable choices/ommissions and discuss where and why they went so terribly wrong. There could be quite a lot of that this year, I think.
They're certainly in the highest ivory tower of all, but it's the same self-congratulatory circle-jerking as any other award show.

Korenith said:
True but then movies involved in the Oscars get a sales boost which means the movie does well which means those involved get to make more movies so actually it does kind of matter. Plenty of movies do fine without that kind of advertising but in a few cases it might help bring some much deserved attention to films with a smaller budget that can't afford big ad campaigns to generate interest.
That's true, but unless the movie was already memorable on it's own, a sales boost won't change too much I think. You remember that movie Jeff Bridges won an award with for Best Male Lead? Neither do I.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I was expecting The Avengers to pop up on a few more occasions, but there you go. The one category it's been nominated in, it deserves to win. Other thoughts, Skyfall is almost bound to win in the original song category, and that's about it.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Eclipse Dragon said:
hermes200 said:
I find it hard to believe since that movie was considered a flop.
Wreck it Ralph had a budget of $165 million, worldwide it grossed $311,332,457 (Wikipedia numbers so take it for what it is). It made $49.1 million in the first weekend, which was a new Disney record (not counting Pixar films).
Mmhh... maybe my sources were outdated, since I saw 157 million gross.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
This is pretty much exactly what I was expecting. They got the animated nominees right, but otherwise it's the same as always. A bunch of good movies are on the list, but the action and fantasy genres to do well with audiences are incredibly underrepresented despite having several amazing entries this year. So basically it's "The award show with the only 5 big animated movies this year and a bunch of Oscar bait to fill in the rest of the categories."


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Anne Hathaway needs to win best supporting actress in les miserables. Her performance was breathtaking.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Really? The Hunger Games didn't even get ONE nomination? 0.0 The Dark Knight Rises is absent too and I thought The Avengers would be up there much more. What's replacing them? Almost all the films I saw this year that were alright but not as good -.- Kinda sad that The Snowman and the Snowdog wasn't even nominated for Best Animated Short.

Ack well - I really hope Beasts of the Southern Wild gets a few wins! =)


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
Do the Oscars even matter anymore?
They matter exactly as much as they have in the past. Which is to say, not at all. There are a few good, smaller movies that get more attention because they won a major award (example, The Hurt Locker), but aside from that oscars really have no effect on anything.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I have come to join in with the ranting about Cloud Atlas's omission from the Oscars. That film was sheer genius, absolutely brilliant. It deserved to be nominated for, or even to win best picture in my honest opinion (it was WAY better than Life of Pi)! But even if it had not been successful (by which I mean that it succeeded in being a good film, not that it succeeded in making money; that, afterall, should have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the Oscars) it would still deserve recognition for just having the balls to exist, in a world dominated by bland action flicks (Die Hard 5 for instance) and tedious teen flicks (Twilight...) with nothing more to say than "weeee look at the awesome explosions/topless Taylor Lautner, give us your money, weeee".



Nov 11, 2011
I hate that in Japan, the movie are released so much later than other countries.
So, when the academy awards are on, I havent seem more than half of the nominated movies.