Roma said:
Drug addiction is a mental disorder. Like any other disease, blaming the victim is not only absurd, but downright offensive. This is not to say that people suffering from this condition aren't responsible for their behavior, but it does mean that it isn't simply a question of choosing not to use. To be blunt: it's fucking hard. Falling off the wagon is quite common, and part of the healing process, and unfortunately, tragedies like this one happen.
So, fine. People judge, fair enough. But if you're gonna do it, get your facts straight, do some research and stop spouting nonsense you heard from a friend and/or the evening news. Jesus people, y'all have the internet. Fucking use it.
In order to suffer from the mental disorder known as "drug addiction", one must already be a drug addict to begin with. In order for drugs to fundamentally re-wire someone's brain to the point of severe addiction/dependency, they must first be consumed in by the person over a long enough period of time (or frequency).
I only had to read the first sentence of that article you linked me before I read the word "long-term", at which point I stopped reading shit, long-term of ANYTHING nasty is going to fuck people up.
But who's decision is it to start that process? People. People make the decision.
The same thing can be applied to financial debt, non-illness-related obesity, alcoholism, smoking, etc. If people choose to walk down that path (for whatever reason) and dig themselves into a deep enough hole, OF COURSE it's going to become "fucking hard" to come back. That's the point they have reached.
Mind you, if this is the first time that the guy is doing heroin and he had no goddamn clue how much to inject...and he unintentionally took WAY too much...then yeah, that would be pretty tragic. But something gives me the feeling that he was already well into it.