Haha! No.I read the post.. It doesn't say what you claim it does or what you think it does. For several younger groups, the covid vaccine actually causes more harms than benefits. Covid is very very very very unlikely to cause harm for very young (less than 20, less than 30 perhaps) healthy people, especially those that already had covid before vaccination was even available. This is generally known, it's why uptake for kids vaccines is so low across the board, not even the average left leaning parents are getting their kids vaccinated, they know it's rather pointless.
The paper measures excess events per million (excess against a baseline of myocaditis incidence in people who experienced neither covid nor vaccination). Firstly, the important takeaway is that all people are equal or less likely to get myocarditis from the vaccine than they would from covid infection except one specific group: and that is men <40 receiving a second shot of the Moderna vaccine. A second dose of the Moderna vaccine caused an extra 97 cases per million men <40, compared to 16 per million men <40 getting myocarditis from covid. So, call it an extra 80 cases of myocarditis per million men <40.
Let's take Scotland, because the figures are easy to access. Men under 40 are roughly a quarter of the population, so that's ~110 excess cases of myocarditis if they all received a second dose of the Moderna vaccine. So how many men <40 in Scotland were hospitalised from covid? The figures aren't directly age comparable, but covid hospitalisations in males 15-44 stood at over 3500 as of September 2022.
Therefore, men under 40 are around thirty times more likely to be hospitalised from covid than they are to get myocarditis from the most myocarditis-inclined covid vaccination.
It is deeply tragic that you have been suckered into false alarmism by crank medicos so badly. Also, that you can't interpret the papers you cite properly.