Our Covid Response


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
The conundrum there is they still need to be fully grown to get you the meat to eat from them.


I may have an idea though. We could attach biodegradable fart bags (made from recycled materials) to their buttholes, then when filled just load ‘em up and bring ‘em to waste treatment plants. But not for disposal, because somewhere some scientists should probably be smart enough to turn the bags’ contents into an energy source which would be abundant enough to power the plants.

BOOM. *somewhat* carbon-neutral shit shacks.
Not true. Baby cow is veal and that shit is good too! Lol


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
A lot of things factor into food and supply problems.

I saw a report somewhere in which farmers where wasted 80k gallons of cow milk a day for a while because there were no truck drivers available to deliver it before it spoiled.

It isnt just who makes the food or the item, but also who takes it from manufacturer to the store front. There are workers every step of the way in a web that spread out further than you can imagine.

For example they need drivers for the trucks. But they also need gas stations to fuel the trucks, but then they need people who refine the fuel, those refineries need people to maintain the factory, those maintenance people need another factory that makes the parts which replace broken equipment in the refinery. And on and on it goes.

One of the struggles of just shutting everything down for a little while is the insane task of restarting the system.

I work in souvenirs. I make coffee mugs that have National Parks and shit on them. During the lockdowns most of my customers basically went out of business temporarily. Which means they didnt order anything for their stores. So what had to happen when they could reopen? Well cant sell shit in an empty store right, so they all ordered a bunch of product to restock the shelves. Problem with that is, my factories shutdown too, which means i only had so much to offer. And when EVERY SINGLE STORE tries to restock at once, there simply isnt enough to supply everyone and since my factories are also trying to reboot my resupply system is also slow.

Its an incredible bottleneck the likes of which we have never seen before.
Do you think that the government shut down the economy?

Because any shut downs by the government was targeted at KEEPING the economy going. What we have learnt from COVID is that rampant infectons and death across leads to people buying less and less willing to turn up to work. Everyone now has to save for their death and/or health care

Well we should have banned travel to and from countries that had infections when the virus was first starting out but that was racist so we couldnt do that. And frankly it was too unknown at how transmissable and dangerous the virus would end up being.

That is why when the zombie virus finally happens we are 100% doomed. There is too much to gain from politically manipulating the virus for the people in charge to ever take appropriate action.

We have a power sturcture that doesnt serve the people and only serves itself and until that changes (it wont) then nothing like this will ever be handled correctly.
What is this nonsense? Most countries were shutting their borders by March 2020. Despite it being 'racist'.

The only reason why any 'racism' was claimed was when they picked particular countries like China and not Italy and Spain when they all had heaps of infection (and in fact China had theirs under control.) It made no sense

In fact, the main reason why people wanted the borders open was to keep the money flowing.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
My biggest concern with school isn't really economics. It has to do with the concern that we are emotionally and socially stunting the healthy growth of children that need virtually no protection from Covid.
The fact that nobody cares about the actual data is the worst, I thought everyone is for "follow the science" but they never do, they only follow what makes them look good so they can virtue signal. School was safer last year than this year but now it's OK to send kids to school and it wasn't last year? Nobody even looks at the whole picture because closing schools slows infections a bit and saves a few lives so WE MUST CLOSE SCHOOLS but what about the downsides to closing schools, that has costs too. It's an entire cost benefit analysis you have to do, covid is not the only thing affecting public health. Same thing with even the vaccines for kids, a UK panel did not recommend vaccines for healthy adolescents.

The economy needn't have suffered anywhere nearly as badly as it did, even with a lockdown. An early, properly implemented lockdown would not need to be anywhere near as long as the one we got. Had it been implemented when the virus was relatively new and not geographically diffuse, then it could have nipped this in the bud before it became a pandemic. And even in lockdown, jobs and businesses could have survived far better with adequate government support. But neither of these things happened. And as a result of this, we have the worst of both worlds: high death toll and high economic cost combined.
Remember that's what Marty Makary wanted to do in January 2020, not Fauci that told New Yorkers on February 29th 2020 that it was completely safe to go on like normal. That plan is way way way better (as I've said multiple times) but it's not something that would probably ever happen because you'd have to get every country on board for that plan for it to work. And that's even if it could ever work really, there's so much travel now that the virus was probably in the US and Europe long before anyone even knew and before anyone would have the forthought to execute said plan. If you restrict travel and everyone coming in (that would be a huge political disaster in the US stopping immigration) and the virus already sneaked in under-the-radar and everyone is caring on normally because you think you stopped the virus, it's still gonna explode in a month or whatever and you got the same problem anyway. And once that happens, you can't keep people home until a vaccine is available because that will kill the economy and make things worse than the virus could ever do.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
The fact that nobody cares about the actual data is the worst, I thought everyone is for "follow the science" but they never do, they only follow what makes them look good so they can virtue signal. School was safer last year than this year but now it's OK to send kids to school and it wasn't last year? Nobody even looks at the whole picture because closing schools slows infections a bit and saves a few lives so WE MUST CLOSE SCHOOLS but what about the downsides to closing schools, that has costs too. It's an entire cost benefit analysis you have to do, covid is not the only thing affecting public health. Same thing with even the vaccines for kids, a UK panel did not recommend vaccines for healthy adolescents.

Remember that's what Marty Makary wanted to do in January 2020, not Fauci that told New Yorkers on February 29th 2020 that it was completely safe to go on like normal. That plan is way way way better (as I've said multiple times) but it's not something that would probably ever happen because you'd have to get every country on board for that plan for it to work. And that's even if it could ever work really, there's so much travel now that the virus was probably in the US and Europe long before anyone even knew and before anyone would have the forthought to execute said plan. If you restrict travel and everyone coming in (that would be a huge political disaster in the US stopping immigration) and the virus already sneaked in under-the-radar and everyone is caring on normally because you think you stopped the virus, it's still gonna explode in a month or whatever and you got the same problem anyway. And once that happens, you can't keep people home until a vaccine is available because that will kill the economy and make things worse than the virus could ever do.
I'd not heard of Marty Makary before. Sounds like he can offer some interesting perspectives on all of this. Thanks for the tip.



Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I'd not heard of Marty Makary before. Sounds like he can offer some interesting perspectives on all of this. Thanks for the tip.
It should be noted that Makary is a surgeon by profession. He has extensive experience of such subjects as oncological surgery and preventing surgical complications.

He has no professional or educational experience of virology, immunology, or epidemiology.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
It should be noted that Makary is a surgeon by profession. He has extensive experience of such subjects as oncological surgery and preventing surgical complications.

He has no professional or educational experience of virology, immunology, or epidemiology.
There's a man who wrote a weight loss book that encourages people to eat 800 calories a day. He is a psychiatrist so he is a medical doctor. However, he never practiced. Straight out of college he started working in media. He of course uses the title of doctor to promote his brand of bullshit. I'm a PT doing a degree in Strength and Conditioning Training. I have no doubt saying I have more expertise in diet and nutrition than that grifter despite not being a doctor. People need to stop thinking being able to call yourself "Dr." makes you an expert in specific fields.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I thought everyone is for "follow the science" but they never do, they only follow what makes them look good
You then proceed to reference a man who is not an expert in this field because he says what you've already chosen to believe. What a joke.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Well we should have banned travel to and from countries that had infections when the virus was first starting out but that was racist so we couldnt do that. And frankly it was too unknown at how transmissable and dangerous the virus would end up being.
Well, the problem being that it doesn't help to ban travel to and from China if nobody else does. Because then it just hitches a ride to any country that is allowing people in and out of china, which spreads even further and so on. Banning travel doesn't do much in a world when airlines and ships go around the world in hours and days and a virus can remain asymptotic for up to 2 weeks. Viruses don't have passports and don't care about how they cross borders, they're happy to hitch a ride wherever people are willing to take them.

Contract tracing would help but countries have to actually do that and quarantine everyone who has been in contact with people exposed, which apparently some countries like New Zealand managed but very few others did.

So "I'm banning travel to china. Problem Solved" is so shortsighted as to be laughable, and when it's said by someone(Trump) who has a noted history as a Racist shit....yeah........you can see why everyone is questioning this as being for the public good and not just "LOOK AT ME, I'M DOING SOMETHING! GIVE ME A MEDAL!"
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Well yeah, what we should have done is complete lockdowns. Close every business except grocery stores and hospitals, those businesses are to remain open with minimal staff for a period of two to three weeks. Let the virus run it's course, then fade away.

The real reason why Covid was as big of a deal as it was is two-fold.

1. Mix messaging, no state or even county maintained a uniform or consistent mandate for shutdowns or whatever. So states that shutdown got pissed because other states didn't. If we all could have just been on the same page for once in human history for just a few weeks, this wouldn't have been a big deal.

2. The places Covid got into where the worst places, namely nursing homes. And because the virus was ripping through old people like the grim reaper, it not only made the media hype up how deadly the disease was, it started a whole fire of bullshit in terms of the shutdown resistance and even the vaccine resistance.

Then you have to also consider something else. China is still fucked up by this thing. Whatever you read or see from China is almost certainly a lie. My factory in Shenzen is under total lockdown by the government. They wont let anyone in or out of the town because of covid, so the truck drivers can't get to the factory to bring shipments to the port. Anyone who tries to enter or leave without explicit government authorization is shot and killed. My factory even warned me to not place any orders with them for another 5 months because the government wont let them work more than 2 hours a day two days a week with a skeleton crew as most employees live outside of town. No factory can operate like that.

Honestly I really think that it might have been a better course to take to never impose lockdowns or anything. After all people didn't listen to them anyway, and it only shutdown businesses that couldn't really afford to shutdown in the first place. Not to mention the incredible overspended from the government to give bail outs to billion dollar businesses instead of giving it to the people who couldn't fucking work anymore.

They asked people to turn off their lives, with zero promise of anything in return. Instead people saw numbers in which 99% of people dying were the elderly. And that obviously angered people.

Again, the messaging was just fucked, and the next time a pandemic happens we better pray it isn't an even bigger killer virus because we are fucked.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Honestly I really think that it might have been a better course to take to never impose lockdowns or anything. After all people didn't listen to them anyway, and it only shutdown businesses that couldn't really afford to shutdown in the first place. Not to mention the incredible overspended from the government to give bail outs to billion dollar businesses instead of giving it to the people who couldn't fucking work anymore.
Hi, I just got back from 6 hours in the emergency room from one of the two hospitals in town waiting on them to find the time to help my friend not die from some weird heart thing. I'm mildly lucky we didn't get stashed in the ambulance bay like other people did.

Please shut the fuck up with "but maybe we should have done less"
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I'd not heard of Marty Makary before.
Don't bother acquainting yourself.

As far as I can see, Makary is enjoys spouting in media on stuff he doesn't necessarily know that much about. Lots of so-called "experts" are just people with a qualification somewhere in the right sort of area who are more interested in getting public attention than they are in really knowing their shit.

The fact that nobody cares about the actual data is the worst
You are just about one of the worst fucking offenders on this forum on this.

I suppose at the kindest we might say you are trying to follow the science, except that metaphorically you are a man trying to get somewhere by reading instructions in a language you don't understand and taking advice from passers-by based on how much you like their haircuts.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Hi, I just got back from 6 hours in the emergency room from one of the two hospitals in town waiting on them to find the time to help my friend not die from some weird heart thing. I'm mildly lucky we didn't get stashed in the ambulance bay like other people did.

Please shut the fuck up with "but maybe we should have done less"
First off let me just say that im glad your friend is okay.

As someone who was in and out of the ER all of 2020 with a grandfather with massive heart problems among countless other things i can assure you of one thing. If you went into the ER and they felt your friend was nearly at deaths door, you would NOT have waited. The sheer fact that you waited 6 hours and your friend isnt gone is proof of that because nobody goes 6 hours with a serious heart problem and no medical attention and just walks away.

You make it sound like we are in the height of covid still. We are not, hospitals are not overrun and we are not seeing people still dropping like flies anymore.

Are there still hot spots sure. But if this shit was still crazy we would be back to shutdowns, kids wouldnt be in school, restaurants would be to go only again, etc.

Im mean jesus they are letting 50k people cram football stadiums with not masks fucking anywhere.

If covid is still a hospital clogging problem, and public officials are still letting that happen. We are doomed.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
You make it sound like we are in the height of covid still. We are not, hospitals are not overrun and we are not seeing people still dropping like flies anymore.

Are there still hot spots sure. But if this shit was still crazy we would be back to shutdowns, kids wouldnt be in school, restaurants would be to go only again, etc.

Im mean jesus they are letting 50k people cram football stadiums with not masks fucking anywhere.

If covid is still a hospital clogging problem, and public officials are still letting that happen. We are doomed.
That's a lot of backpedaling from "it might have been a better to never impose lockdowns or anything".

Because I understand and definitely sympathize with what you're saying now. Over here they've given up on securing hospital bed capacity a long time ago, as they should've, but because they still keep tracking the infections as much as they can, workload once again exceeds capacity. Because of a a couple of cases in student events at my university during the past two weeks they simply told that everyone that attended should quarantine themselves (unless vaccinated fully). Like, they clearly know little about those events, and so their solution is to hold everyone hostage. This is the sort of communication that gets people to give no shits whatsoever about restrictions and precautions.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That's a lot of backpedaling from "it might have been a better to never impose lockdowns or anything".

Because I understand and definitely sympathize with what you're saying now. Over here they've given up on securing hospital bed capacity a long time ago, as they should've, but because they still keep tracking the infections as much as they can, workload once again exceeds capacity. Because of a a couple of cases in student events at my university during the past two weeks they simply told that everyone that attended should quarantine themselves (unless vaccinated fully). Like, they clearly know little about those events, and so their solution is to hold everyone hostage. This is the sort of communication that gets people to give no shits whatsoever about restrictions and precautions.
Well that i why hindsight is 20/20 right?

And lets be honest we are all sitting here being armchair quarterbacks. I think none of us would have faired any better had we been in charge in the moment.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Question to those telling us to choose between health and the economy: What is my incentive to go out there and die for the economy?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Question to those telling us to choose between health and the economy: What is my incentive to go out there and die for the economy?
Why would you die? Are you immuno-compromised? Do you have pre-existing co-morbidities.

Why do people act like Covid is automatically death? It's not. Can it be fatal? Yes, but it requires other factors to be extra dangerous to most people.

Are you unwilling to risk any other illness? Are you unwilling to risk your life by driving on the highway? Why would you ever leave the house if that's the case?