Overpowered characters/weapons/items in games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Stealth mode, in the first two Crysis games (haven't played the third enough yet to gauge it). It's basically a button that reduces the enemy AI's intelligence by half (and they never had much to give up in the first place), and makes them trivially easy to exploit.
The Predator bow in Crysis 3 make stealth even more broken. You'll never de-cloak with the bow šŸ¹.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
The Predator bow in Crysis 3 make stealth even more broken. You'll never de-cloak with the bow šŸ¹.
Speaking of broken stealth, in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, if you could attain a full set of Daedric armor and enchant each piece with the Chameleon spell using a grand soul gem and grand soul, you became effectively permanently invisible (101% invisible IIRC.) Literally breaks the game as enemies do not see you anymore, even after you attack them, they just stand there. They still aggro, but since they can't see you, they don't do anything but get pissed (as anyone being attacked by the wind would.) Even the final boss just stood there angry as I wailed on him until his death. I'm sure I wasn't the first to do it, but I take pride in that I discovered this little nugget on my own, and I'm sure the devs didn't intend for it.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Speaking of broken stealth, in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, if you could attain a full set of Daedric armor and enchant each piece with the Chameleon spell using a grand soul gem and grand soul, you became effectively permanently invisible (101% invisible IIRC.) Literally breaks the game as enemies do not see you anymore, even after you attack them, they just stand there. They still aggro, but since they can't see you, they don't do anything but get pissed (as anyone being attacked by the wind would.) Even the final boss just stood there angry as I wailed on him until his death. I'm sure I wasn't the first to do it, but I take pride in that I discovered this little nugget on my own, and I'm sure the devs didn't intend for it.
Iirc, you could still do that in Oblivion.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The Predator bow in Crysis 3 make stealth even more broken. You'll never de-cloak with the bow šŸ¹.
I think I'd gotten just far enough to get that bow and witness this for myself.

Iirc, you could still do that in Oblivion.
You could, rather easily at that, and I think that's why they took Chameleon spells out of Skyrim. Of course, basic stealth in itself is preposterously overpowered there, which is why one of my many installed mods is one that makes NPCs a fair bit more perceptive.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
- The flamethrower in The Last of Us 1.

Even with the weapons you had at that point you still needed to be on your guard with infected enemies, but the flamethrower just turned every infected encounter in pest control. Even bloaters would get stunlocked by just a short burst.

- Apollo's Ascension (combat move) in God of War 1.

Pretty much an air juggle that will keep enemies suspended in mid air for seconds at a time. This itself isn't that OP, but then you realize most enemies can be juggled, and that Apollo's Ascension rakes up those combo counts which only encreases your EXP. And while we're on GoW...

- Hyperion Ram in God of War 3.

You hook your chainblades into an enemy and shoulder check yourself into them. It's a good move to cross some distance and keep yourself in the fight, but the fact that it knocks the shit out of most enemies and even knocks them out of their attack animation is where it gets overpowered. Minotaurs and gorgons pretty much become big, fleshy punching bags with this move.
I loved doing that last one to those centaur bastards too. Felt so powerful to send them toppling backwards, especially when they think they were going to charge at you with their spear.

Steal camo in MGSV makes all but like, one level pretty cake; even the sniper battle with Quiet if you keep on the move. This is offset somewhat by the fact it does take quite a while to fully develop though. Wormhole extraction kinda falls into the same category, and has a rather synergistic effect when combined with the former.
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
My favorite still comes from Ultima 7. You hear a story about a farmer who asked an enchanter to make him a hoe of fertility. The enchanter was also working on enchanting a knight's sword. The enchanter was also old and senile. Thus the best weapon in the game (until the add-on DLC) was the Hoe of Destruction. The farmer locked it in his shed, and a fish ate the key. To get it you had to search all the dead fish you encountered until you found the key (and the fish it was in... was in a pile of dozens of dead fish.) Considering how much damage a strike with that hoe did, I shudder to even think what that was actually doing to people, and wolves, and monsters.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
My favorite still comes from Ultima 7. You hear a story about a farmer who asked an enchanter to make him a hoe of fertility. The enchanter was also working on enchanting a knight's sword. The enchanter was also old and senile. Thus the best weapon in the game (until the add-on DLC) was the Hoe of Destruction. The farmer locked it in his shed, and a fish ate the key. To get it you had to search all the dead fish you encountered until you found the key (and the fish it was in... was in a pile of dozens of dead fish.) Considering how much damage a strike with that hoe did, I shudder to even think what that was actually doing to people, and wolves, and monsters.
That does beg the question though, was there sword of fertility in the game and how does/would that work?


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Huh. Alrighty then. I guess I was so generally underwhelmed with Oblivion compared to Morrowind (outside of it being the equivalent of the 2nd coming of Christ graphically in 2006) that I never felt the need to try and "outsmart" its mechanics. With the scaling enemy levels, the game never really presented a challenge I felt working around was necessarily advantageous. It'd have felt like stealing from the dollar store.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
That does beg the question though, was there sword of fertility in the game and how does/would that work?
Ultima 7 was a long time ago. I think there was a sword. It may have wound up inside the wizard... or the farmer? Or maybe first one then the other... I don't really remember. But I'm pretty sure it isn't available in the game. Unless there's some nameless town guard who "used to be a Knight like me... until he spent all his gold on a shitty sword." Honestly I'm not sure how a properly enchanted hoe of fertility was supposed to work either. Maybe the corpses of people sliced by the sword of fertility are just unnaturally richer in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium?


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Since I've been playing World of Warships of late, only right I mention the new Tier X super-ships.

Flambass' (streamer) reaction to the Conde's burst fire mode on a 3x4 config primary battery just says it all (he had a faux mental breakdown and walked away from the game for a few minutes). One-shotting a freakin' IJN Yamato (yes, that Yamato... largest battleship to ever be committed to battle with the heaviest broadside of any ship ever to be shot in anger) is just pure BS, and to be clear, the Conde is classified in-game as a cruiser. Flambass put it quite succinctly insomuch there's "balanced, unbalanced, overpowered, broken... and whatever the fuck this [the Conde] is!" Earlier in the beta, they even nerfed this thing, too.

In general circulation, however, there's the Russian Tier X cruiser the Petropavlovsk, which is known as the ship literally no-one can do badly in unless they genuinely have shit for brains. 360-degree rotating rapid-firing heavy-cruiser three-gun mounts and armour which can tank battle-ship calibre broadsides. Flamu (another streamer) said it best when talking about the new super-ships "of course no-one wants to be up-tiered, so you play Tier X, but this is Tier XI for sure (re: the super-ships)... oh, of course, but we've already got Tier XI, the CV's (aircraft carriers) are Tier XI and Petro is Tier XII!" or words to that effect. A bit hyperbolic, but a good Petro player accompanied by a competent Shimakaze (Tier X Japanese destroyer with one of the lowest detection ranges) player can effectively solo an entire 9+ ship team on a terrain heavy map.

The hilarity of the Russian ship roster is that they have more cruisers than the Germans (especially at higher tiers), discontinued and otherwise, and also use German artillery on a fair few of them... while having native (i.e., better) performance stats, particularly in accuracy. German battleship accuracy is a veritably meme in the community (that is, in-game German BB's have very questionable accuracy, even though historically, it was notoriously good).


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Let's see

The named Gauss rifle in New Vegas.

Amos bow, and Ganyu in Genshin Impact.

Arceus, and fire pokemon in Pokemon Games

The PP-29 in Battlefield 2042.

The AK-47 at one point in COD modern warfare.

The explosive combat shotgun in Fallout 4.

The dragon-bone weapon in Skyrim with enchantments.

In War Thunder the Mig-23 for airplanes, Ka-52 for attack helicopters, the Russian, and Germany line of vehicles mostly.

In GTA5 that missile launching hoverbike


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Oneechanbara Origin - Saki with the Xtasy Ring and given unlimited Xtasy gauge. The Xtasy gauge is like a Muso Attack that regenerates when you dodge or parry. Dodging perfectly gives you more meter and boosts at the faster rate. Even without it, Saki at max level just dominated and stuns enemies super easy.

The TakeOver - Rage mode in general. It's best to save it for boss encounters at the mode makes you invincible, automatically block attacks, and you do double the damage. Add that with health draining special moves when used effectively and needed. Or add the super meter where you summon rockets or meteorites, and you can kill most bosses quickly. You rarely ever have to use the Rage mode during levels aside from the last two. More so the final level.

Ninja Saviors (Ninja Warriors Once Again) - The Ninja, due to all of his exploitable grabs you can mostly spam, his EX-move while basic, can cover all sides of him from being hit and combos heavily, and has a surprisingly speedy dash for a heavy set character.

Castlevania: Bloodlines - Eric Lecarde in an expert player's hand and enough skill. He is so much more versatile compared to John Morris. Morris fun to play and has good option, but Eric just hands down beat him in replayabiliity.

Contra 4 - The upgraded Machine Gun and the upgraded Laser. Both are practically boss killers. Upgraded Machine Gun works best on bosses and enemies with small hit-boxes, and the Laser works best on those with larger hit-boxes. These are game breakers provided you don't get hit and die. Once you memorized everything, the game almost becomes a cake walk.


Professional Asshole
Nov 18, 2009
Blood - Guns Akimbo + Tesla Cannon = Dual Wield Electric Death Spam. UNLIMITED POWAH! Works great on bosses, especially Cerberus.

Yakuza - Kozaki Tiger Drop. The amount of damage this move does is insane. It's a counter move so you need to practice the timing but it is worth it because it can melt enemy health bars; even bosses! It almost rivals counters from the original Assassin's Creed.

Devil May Cry - Ifrit + Inferno skill + Untouchable item = God of Hellfire mode. The Untouchable makes you invincible and puts you in Devil Trigger so all your attacks are stronger and Inferno is the strongest ability in the game. It makes a great hard counter to Nelo Angelo in his third fight and is a godsend in Dante Must Die mode.

Secret of Evermore - Neutron Blade and the Energize spell. You get the Neutron Blade in Omnitopia, the last area of the game, and the Energize spell from Professor Ruffleberg at the end of Omnitopia. After finding Ruffleberg you also get access to a ship that allows you to go back to prior areas of the game, so head back to the first zone, Prehistoria. Spend some time East of Fire Eyes's village at the entrance to the sand dunes grinding up the Neutron Blade on Skelesnails until it gets to Level 3. Now with the level 3 Neutron Blade and Energize you've just unlocked the "I Win" combination. The Level 3 charged sword attack is a big spinning slash and the Energize spell causes your attack meter to charge up automatically at a near +300% rate for 60 seconds. Any encounter from here on out is damn near trivial because while Energize is active you can corner an enemy and just rapid-spam the sword spin. The enemy will take damage every time the sword passes over their sprite while you have i-frames for the entire attack animation for up to 9999 damage. The only enemies that can withstand more than 1 full power Neutron Spin Slash are the last boss, Cyber Raptors, and Death Spiders. The original Spin2Win.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Devil May Cry - Ifrit + Inferno skill + Untouchable item = God of Hellfire mode. The Untouchable makes you invincible and puts you in Devil Trigger so all your attacks are stronger and Inferno is the strongest ability in the game. It makes a great hard counter to Nelo Angelo in his third fight and is a godsend in Dante Must Die mode.
The only problem is that if you care about rank, then prepare to lose a letter grade each time you use it. Though by DMD, I did not care and busted it out usually for Mundus.


Professional Asshole
Nov 18, 2009
The only problem is that if you care about rank, then prepare to lose a letter grade each time you use it. Though by DMD, I did not care and busted it out usually for Mundus.
Rank can take a backseat to continued survival, especially in DMD with how over-roided with health the bosses get after Griffon 3.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Shiva is busted in SOR4. The biggest game breaking character in the game and series. Max Thunder is game breaking as well in 4. Floyd and Blaze were super overpowered pre-patch. Then became even more busted with the DLC moves.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
Yakuza - Kozaki Tiger Drop. The amount of damage this move does is insane. It's a counter move so you need to practice the timing but it is worth it because it can melt enemy health bars; even bosses! It almost rivals counters from the original Assassin's Creed.
Honestly some of the bosses had so goddamn many HP bars that I don't know if I want to play without abusing it. Though at the same time abusing it kinda trivializes some of the end game fights and makes them feel a bit anti-climactic.

I kinda remember it being hella nerfed in Kiwami 2.