Well if the Torb nerf has effected you, then the Mcree nerf didn't because they're exclusive to console and PC respectively. So unless you play both PC and Console, then you've had no nerfs before this if you play console.chocolate pickles said:Great, another character that I won't play anymore. Blizzard already ruined Mcree, so let's see how many more of their characters they can destroy.
If you find Mcree ruined, it's because you're not as good as you think you are or have the wrong expectations of the character. He's still deadly in 1v1 situations, just the skill floor is now higher and he was never designed to gib tanks. Several Mcrees constantly being used in each competitive team isn't cool. Mcree is still the 5th most picked hero in competitive play.
Yup, no game ever had a turret before now, never.Xsjadoblayde said:Why oh why is auto aim even an option in a competitive team-based multiplayer shooter? Are things so goddamn easy now that we can outsource half our reaction times to a fucking AI? Why you trying to please the kiddos, blizzard? Silly question, sorry, of course it's the monies.
And in that team based multiplayer you have many ways of dealing with Torbj?rns turret, to the degree that Torbj?rn isn't really a problem on PC and he will only work through decent turret placement and punishes teams who can't coordinate at all. The turret isn't anywhere near as powerful as you make it out to be. God god Torbs turret is a joke compared to the TF2 turret. Torb also sees the second lowest pick rate in competitive as per the graph above.