Pachter: PlayStation Now Has "No Prayer" of Success


New member
May 28, 2013
MysticSlayer said:
Toadfish1 said:
Right, no-ones gonna want to experience a library of titles that are older than 6 months. Thats why Netflix regularly purges its old content and never makes any money from it. Or why libraries burn old books, because no-one wants them.
So what about all the people in this thread that are looking forward to playing older Sony games? Or what about the massive success GOG has had with a library consisting mostly of games that are multiple years old?
Allow me to introduce you to a concept called sarcasm.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
He either says what everybody knows because it's obvious, or he couldn't be more wrong. This is one of those times where he couldn't be more wrong. I'd gladly pay for PS Now if I had a PS4.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Toadfish1 said:
MysticSlayer said:
Toadfish1 said:
Right, no-ones gonna want to experience a library of titles that are older than 6 months. Thats why Netflix regularly purges its old content and never makes any money from it. Or why libraries burn old books, because no-one wants them.
So what about all the people in this thread that are looking forward to playing older Sony games? Or what about the massive success GOG has had with a library consisting mostly of games that are multiple years old?
Allow me to introduce you to a concept called sarcasm.
Actually, I have to congratulate you on that. I can't remember the last time someone tricked me with a sarcastic comment.


New member
May 28, 2013
MysticSlayer said:
Toadfish1 said:
MysticSlayer said:
Toadfish1 said:
Right, no-ones gonna want to experience a library of titles that are older than 6 months. Thats why Netflix regularly purges its old content and never makes any money from it. Or why libraries burn old books, because no-one wants them.
So what about all the people in this thread that are looking forward to playing older Sony games? Or what about the massive success GOG has had with a library consisting mostly of games that are multiple years old?
Allow me to introduce you to a concept called sarcasm.
Actually, I have to congratulate you on that. I can't remember the last time someone tricked me with a sarcastic comment.
....I was talking about modern day book burning, and you thought I was being serious?


New member
Apr 8, 2013
"There is no meaningful market for the old games Sony is going to get,"
Yep. I've never heard anyone want backwards compatibility. Ever in fact. I certainly didn't get a PS4 in part to play older Playstation games. And no one else did either.

Seriously though I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone say anything less correct. EVER.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Well, it's Pachter, so Now should do pretty well. He's always wrong, except when he's so wrong he's accidentally right. Analysts are all witch doctors and you'd literally do better throwing darts at a board.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
oldtaku said:
you'd literally do better throwing darts at a board.
Actually, that is how I think he determines what his prediction of the week is. He throws a dart at his Wheel Of Doom.

"Dammit, I was aiming for Nintendo again, but hit Sony instead. Lemme see, what do they have going on right now?
Euhm ... oh, PlayStation Now! Yeah, doomed to fail. That should do."


New member
Aug 19, 2009
This being Pachter, it pretty much it has a great chance of success. Pachter is almost never right about anything. And when if he is, it's by accident.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Sounds like Pachter doesn't know what Playstation Now is and hasn't paid attention to the industry ever.

Business as usual.


Apr 28, 2008
The reality for myself is Playstation Now is going to have input lag and it's going to drive me fucking crazy.
I'd rather pay extra to run a game locally than stream it.

I remember how bad Tera's Gaikai powered demo was. If I have to play every game like that I will quit gaming.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
OuroborosChoked said:
How does this guy still have a job? If he's this bad at video game market analysis, I can only imagine how bad he is at anything else he tries to do.
That'd be mostly due to other analysts being even worse at crystal-boll gazing.

oldtaku said:
Analysts are all witch doctors and you'd literally do better throwing darts at a board.
Not sure about darts, but you could try your luck with a gorilla and some bananas [].


New member
Aug 1, 2012
MysticSlayer said:
Toadfish1 said:
Right, no-ones gonna want to experience a library of titles that are older than 6 months. Thats why Netflix regularly purges its old content and never makes any money from it. Or why libraries burn old books, because no-one wants them.
So what about all the people in this thread that are looking forward to playing older Sony games? Or what about the massive success GOG has had with a library consisting mostly of games that are multiple years old?
I think that was sarcasm.

Edit: Sorry about that, didn't realize it had already been pointed out.

OT: I don't think the success of PSNow is tied to it having the latest titles. It will have more to do with the quality of the streaming.

As the success of GoG has proven, there's definitely a market for old games.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
In what fucking alternate reality does Pach-face live in where games more than 2 years old still earn retail sales? I know this guy is fucking retarded, but come on.


New member
May 28, 2013
Weaver said:
The reality for myself is Playstation Now is going to have input lag and it's going to drive me fucking crazy.
I'd rather pay extra to run a game locally than stream it.

I remember how bad Tera's Gaikai powered demo was. If I have to play every game like that I will quit gaming.
According to the beta testers, there's really no lag at all, even with "craptacular" internet speeds.

The Hungry Samurai

Hungry for Truth
Apr 1, 2004
I don't know who this guy is but if he thinks PS plus is about the Multiplayer than he's clueless. I've had a PS4 since launch and PS plus since the PSN crash a few years ago, and I never even realized that I have no multiplayer on my PS4 without it.

PS plus to me is about nothing BUT the free games.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
I think we can call this another example of an analyst saying he knows what customers want better than the customers do. It's been happening a lot lately.


New member
Aug 2, 2013
As I understand PS-Now may not have PS1 and PS2 games on it. It's doubtful that PS4 games will actually be put on the service at all, at least to start. And if 3rd party publishers don't put games from the past 1 to 2 years on the service you may be limited to a lot of early PS3 games that you already own. Couple this with the netflix/gamefly tendency to rotate titles periodically to keep things fresh and there would be a good chance you won't be able to get the title you want to play when you want to play it. Add to this dealing with lag and unreliable internet connections (note I don't believe beta testers claims, my hulu/netflix lags and it doesn't require any kind of input or cpu usage). Long story short, while I think Pachter is usually wrong, I think sony has a lot of work to do to find the market for PS-Now beyond the people who were going to rebuy the exact same games on PSN anyway.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
I think the general consensus is that we can ignore most of the dumb twaddle that Pachter says. I'm amazed that people still think he's relevant.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
CrazyBlaze said:
What about older games that people still have but want to get rid of their old consoles or similar situation.
Just to be annoying, I agree with Pachter, this thing is doomed.

The root problem is that PSNow will be streaming based, so the user doesn't get to install and keep the game like they do with PS Plus free games. That's going to create a huge problem, the PS4 can drop entire PS1 games onto it's RAM browser game style so no problem, some PS2 games too, but will Sony choose to do it that way? What kind of download time will you be looking at and remember you'll be doing that every time you want to play the game. PS3/4 games are too big for that, so you'll be downloading large chunks.

Or if the game runs from the server end entirely you've got input lag up the arse, playing games with 1/10th to 1/4 of a second lag will suck, but be pretty average for most players. Then there's the issue of saves, do you keep the saves or start from scratch every session? If it's another subscription that'll kill it dead too. Pay $60 on top of PS Plus or spend that $60 on ebay and keep the games forever.

The whole concept of streaming games is terrible to me, it works for sound and video because you can watch in progress, it's not interactive either so there's nothing being calculated on the fly. You can't really game on a half downloaded physics engine or half a map, but you'll still have to download it from scratch every single time. It looks like the worst aspects of digital distribution mixed in with a heap of inconvenience to me.

Or maybe Sony have something really clever up their sleeve, but these guys made the PSPGO so I'm not counting on it.