PC games you want to play... but can't

Luke Cartner

New member
May 6, 2010
A decent elite sequel that doesn't simply turn into a manage a space empire with bots game..
Because it doesn't seem to exist..


New member
Apr 22, 2011
I really liked the splinter cell series (Before double agent) but could only run on Windows XP.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Nooners said:
The Ultima series. Ever since I saw the Spoony One's retrospective, I've REALLY wanted to try it. And yes, I know that both Ultima Underworld games are available on GOG, but I want the main series. Grrrr.....

You can find most of them here. You're going to need to learn to use Dos Box though. Also there is supposedly a couple fan made patches for Ultima VII that greatly improve things.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I've had this copy of Battlefield 2142 for what feels like 10 years. My friend and I used to play it after school but once I got my laptop, I could never get it to run on the damn thing. I think it had something to do with Vista, which really steams me because BF2142 is the ONLY game I have that has this problem.

I want to play the Witcher but my laptop is too weak.

I want to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas again but I almost burned out my video card again in my last attempt to play them.

I also want to play Saints Row 2 but the PC port sucks so very, very hard.

Someone help me Frankenstein some more power into my poor old laptop by gathering other laptops so that I may cannibalize them for my gaming pleasure.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Dexter111 said:
There's literally no single game I haven't got working on Vista or 7 with a bit of Googling, the PC has the greatest "backwards compatibility" ever, and that even includes emulating almost every console known to man made (including Wii and PS2).

I don't know why Plants vs. Zombies wouldn't work on your PC... have you tried installing the newest version of Adobe Flash? If not what kind of error message or "symptoms" are you getting?
Fatal Error!(this is the name of the window that opens after the program starts - finishes loading(visuals/audio load fine for loading screen) - and crashes)

An unexpected error has occured! Pressing 'Send Report will send us helpful debugging information that may help us resolve this issue in the future.

You can also contact us directly at [email protected].

Exception: Integer Divide by Zero (code 0xc0000094) at address 02785BF7 in thread FC4
Module: CMGxSrv.dll
Logical Address: 0001:00004BF7

Product: PlantsVsZombies
Time Loaded: 00:00:06
Fullscreen: No
Primary ThreadId: FC4
Times Played: 0
Build Num: 0
Build Date:

Never could figure out the problem, the only significant difference between the system that worked and the system that didn't was the 32 vs 64 bit OS.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
corsair47 said:
i really miss starwars KOTOR. Won't play on my new laptop. I was planning on playing it after i beat mass effect 2, because they are somewhat similar (both set in space with decision making and robots) but after installing it (which came on SIX cd's) it wouldn't run.
god must have been in a good mood because the version I got (four CD'S I think) worked (it wont go onto full screen but it works)

however when I pachted it or tried to use compatibility mode it didnt..but thats ok it works

and yeah I thourght wow mass effect was pretty much KOTOR 3 (and kaiden is just Carth 2.0)


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Star Wars Galaxies

because the game that is officially live right now only shares the name and the graphics of that awesome MMO I played with great enthusiasm 7-odd years ago. There is a thing called SWGEmu, but it's in an unfinished state with my favourite parts only somewhere on the horizon, if the few admirable people working on it ever "finish" it.

If you think about it, this is extraordinarily weird: There was a game that does not exist anymore. I'm fairly certain you can still play, say, E.T. for the Atari, but not SWG. I'm sure that's true for several MMO's and other server-dependent games, but I gather most of them simply stopped. If I sold you my 2003-copy, you could install it and, after probably days of patching, play "it". This is like... like... Schrödinger's Videogame.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Shogun 2 and maybe Crysis 2. I have the computer to run them well, but I'm poor.

Also, System Shock 2. That game is not friendly towards Windows 7, and I'm still mad that GoG can't get the distribution rights, but I can see that's clearly out of their hands.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
BOOOM I bring you gifts
gog just got dungeon keeper and if its on gog then its been remastered to work on modern operating systems

there isnt really a game that I cant play on my pc... I guess toon struck since it was an early win 95 game and its hard to get those to work on a modern os, unfortinatly dosbox doesn't make those work, I keep hoping gog will get it
thanks for the info, I'll definitely get it. It just sucks having to buy it again even though I own the cd version, it's like paying for a patch.
well if its for dos then you can dl dosbox and play it, but if its win 95 then your kinda stuck needing the gog version since win 95 doesnt like new os's at all
yeah, unfortunately I got the Gold Edition(EA Classics) win 95-2000 only.

Dungeon Keeper 2 fares slightly better(can start and kind of work) but has major audio and video bugs that may or may not lead to a BSoD. So I've stopped trying to play it.
have you tried playing it in compatibility mode? vista should be able to do dungeon keeper in windows 200 compatibility mode, just right click the icon for the executable and select properties, there should be a compatibility tab
It's been a while but I recall it loading but a persistent bug made it unplayable. I don't know how to describe it other that random colored pixel syndrome, like an old nes game when you forgot to blow the dust from the cartridge.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
BOOOM I bring you gifts
gog just got dungeon keeper and if its on gog then its been remastered to work on modern operating systems

there isnt really a game that I cant play on my pc... I guess toon struck since it was an early win 95 game and its hard to get those to work on a modern os, unfortinatly dosbox doesn't make those work, I keep hoping gog will get it
thanks for the info, I'll definitely get it. It just sucks having to buy it again even though I own the cd version, it's like paying for a patch.
well if its for dos then you can dl dosbox and play it, but if its win 95 then your kinda stuck needing the gog version since win 95 doesnt like new os's at all
yeah, unfortunately I got the Gold Edition(EA Classics) win 95-2000 only.

Dungeon Keeper 2 fares slightly better(can start and kind of work) but has major audio and video bugs that may or may not lead to a BSoD. So I've stopped trying to play it.
have you tried playing it in compatibility mode? vista should be able to do dungeon keeper in windows 200 compatibility mode, just right click the icon for the executable and select properties, there should be a compatibility tab
It's been a while but I recall it loading but a persistent bug made it unplayable. I don't know how to describe it other that random colored pixel syndrome, like an old nes game when you forgot to blow the dust from the cartridge.
ahh, that sounds like a driver incompatibility or even a bad vid card (altho if thats the only game it does it in then its probably not a bad card, unless it gets worse) well I guess that gog is your best option altho the version they have is the dos one I think so there would be some slight differences from the one you have


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Even though I have TF2 on the Orange Box, I really want to play it on PC which is, I believe, the actual Team Fortress 2 whereas the Orange Box version was just a cleverly packaged demo of the full game.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Kevlar Eater said:
Shogun 2 and maybe Crysis 2. I have the computer to run them well, but I'm poor.

Also, System Shock 2. That game is not friendly towards Windows 7, and I'm still mad that GoG can't get the distribution rights, but I can see that's clearly out of their hands.
actualy given system shock 2s legacy there should be some mods or something to make it compatible with new operating systems
in fact check this out


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Most of them because my computer is awful.

Just Cause 2 is one of the worst offenders at present, but Arkham Asylum, Magicka and Amnesia are up there too.


New member
May 28, 2011
Vault101 said:
corsair47 said:
i really miss starwars KOTOR. Won't play on my new laptop. I was planning on playing it after i beat mass effect 2, because they are somewhat similar (both set in space with decision making and robots) but after installing it (which came on SIX cd's) it wouldn't run.
god must have been in a good mood because the version I got (four CD'S I think) worked (it wont go onto full screen but it works)

however when I pachted it or tried to use compatibility mode it didnt..but thats ok it works

and yeah I thourght wow mass effect was pretty much KOTOR 3 (and kaiden is just Carth 2.0)
Yeah mass effect is very similar to kotor. I was filled with nostalgia when i played mass effect, and then filled with sadness when kotor wouldn't play. Oh well, it is probably one of those things that isnt as good as you remember it being anyway.
EDIT: i just looked at my copy, and yes indeed, it is only 4 cd's. It was COD 2 which was 6 cds (another game i can no longer play) stupid windows...


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
BOOOM I bring you gifts
gog just got dungeon keeper and if its on gog then its been remastered to work on modern operating systems

there isnt really a game that I cant play on my pc... I guess toon struck since it was an early win 95 game and its hard to get those to work on a modern os, unfortinatly dosbox doesn't make those work, I keep hoping gog will get it
thanks for the info, I'll definitely get it. It just sucks having to buy it again even though I own the cd version, it's like paying for a patch.
well if its for dos then you can dl dosbox and play it, but if its win 95 then your kinda stuck needing the gog version since win 95 doesnt like new os's at all
yeah, unfortunately I got the Gold Edition(EA Classics) win 95-2000 only.

Dungeon Keeper 2 fares slightly better(can start and kind of work) but has major audio and video bugs that may or may not lead to a BSoD. So I've stopped trying to play it.
have you tried playing it in compatibility mode? vista should be able to do dungeon keeper in windows 200 compatibility mode, just right click the icon for the executable and select properties, there should be a compatibility tab
It's been a while but I recall it loading but a persistent bug made it unplayable. I don't know how to describe it other that random colored pixel syndrome, like an old nes game when you forgot to blow the dust from the cartridge.

ahh, that sounds like a driver incompatibility or even a bad vid card (altho if thats the only game it does it in then its probably not a bad card, unless it gets worse) well I guess that gog is your best option altho the version they have is the dos one I think so there would be some slight differences from the one you have
I have an EVGA GTX260 with updated drivers, didn't work with my old GTX8800 either.
My sound card is a HDA XPLOSION 7.1 with updated drivers

new drivers might not be compatible but the old ones crashed randomly so I can't bring them back.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
the witcher the first on my pc she just can't handle it. I was so happy for the rise of the white wolf then yeah IR sad. I even have the game a year later one they put out.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
-Dragmire- said:
Worgen said:
BOOOM I bring you gifts
gog just got dungeon keeper and if its on gog then its been remastered to work on modern operating systems

there isnt really a game that I cant play on my pc... I guess toon struck since it was an early win 95 game and its hard to get those to work on a modern os, unfortinatly dosbox doesn't make those work, I keep hoping gog will get it
thanks for the info, I'll definitely get it. It just sucks having to buy it again even though I own the cd version, it's like paying for a patch.
well if its for dos then you can dl dosbox and play it, but if its win 95 then your kinda stuck needing the gog version since win 95 doesnt like new os's at all
yeah, unfortunately I got the Gold Edition(EA Classics) win 95-2000 only.

Dungeon Keeper 2 fares slightly better(can start and kind of work) but has major audio and video bugs that may or may not lead to a BSoD. So I've stopped trying to play it.
have you tried playing it in compatibility mode? vista should be able to do dungeon keeper in windows 200 compatibility mode, just right click the icon for the executable and select properties, there should be a compatibility tab
It's been a while but I recall it loading but a persistent bug made it unplayable. I don't know how to describe it other that random colored pixel syndrome, like an old nes game when you forgot to blow the dust from the cartridge.

ahh, that sounds like a driver incompatibility or even a bad vid card (altho if thats the only game it does it in then its probably not a bad card, unless it gets worse) well I guess that gog is your best option altho the version they have is the dos one I think so there would be some slight differences from the one you have
I have an EVGA GTX260 with updated drivers, didn't work with my old GTX8800 either.
My sound card is a HDA XPLOSION 7.1 with updated drivers

new drivers might not be compatible but the old ones crashed randomly so I can't bring them back.
well as I said, windows 9x games are hard to get working on modern systems compatibility helps but for the most part the only way to run them is with a win 9x system or hoping someone like gog actually pokes tho the code to make them work