PC games you want to play... but can't


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I would like to play any game. I'm writing my thesis.


SL33TBL1ND said:
I also wish Evil Genius would work on my computer.
One of the best games ever. You know, the story\gamey part of that game was really not that great-- the world map-- running the base was so totally awesome though.


make cupcakes not bombs
Sep 14, 2008
games i want to play but cant

unreal (original)
jet set radio future


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Dexter111 said:
Worgen said:
there isnt really a game that I cant play on my pc... I guess toon struck since it was an early win 95 game and its hard to get those to work on a modern os, unfortinatly dosbox doesn't make those work, I keep hoping gog will get it
ToonStruck seems to work with the latest version of ScummVM, they added support for it back in February: http://scummvm.org/news/20110203/
"1.Copy all Files from CD1 into a new Folder on your HDD
2.Copy all Files from CD2 into the same Folder and replace the Files
3.Start ScummVM add a new Game and choose the Folder with the copied Files, double click on it!"

Vault101 said:
Byond good and evil

the game should be renamed "dual cores are evil"
Disable "HW Vertex Processing" in the Options, and you can Force any program to just use one Core, Alt+Tab out of the game after starting it, open up the Task manager with Ctrl+Alt+Del, go to the Processes TAB, select "bge.exe" --> "Set Affinity" and disable all CPU cores but "CPU 0".
Alternately you can make a .bat file (create a new .txt file in the game's folder and write "start /affinity 1 bge.exe" into it, save then rename the file extension to .bat instead of .txt and use that to start the game.

CD-R said:
I really want to play some of the Jagged Alliance games since I'm a big fan of the old X Com games. But unfortunately they don't work with Windows 7. And it really sucks because GoG.com gave me a free copy of Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games for no apparent reason. And they're on sale this week.
You can get the X-Com Complete Packs on either Steam or Direct2Drive (they are configured/used DOSBox and can all be played fine on Win7, I got em during a Sale), there's also a rather complicated way to get X-Com to work otherwise also involving Microsoft's ACT but it doesn't work perfectly and I'd rather not go into it xD
What doesn't work about JA2? Color Glitch?

Lenin211 said:
I really liked the splinter cell series (Before double agent) but could only run on Windows XP.
There's also fixes, for instance further down here for Chaos Theory: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/3651075192/m/2311010408
I can run X Com fine. It's the Jagged Alliance games that don't work with Windows 7 apparently. I'm not sure what the issue is exactly I haven't tried running the Jagged Alliance game they gave me.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Only the Thief games I believe, most else runs just fine. I've had some issues with the old StarCraft, System Shock 2 and Fallout 1 but nothing that couldn't be fixed (usually in a way that doesn't make much sense).


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I've never really had this problem, mostly because I can play Crysis and Metro 2033 at maxed out settings and AA up the arse.
Knights of the Old Republic ALMOST gave me an issue, but somehow I managed to get around it using the combined power of cutscene skipping and the ctl/alt/del function to avoid permanent freezing.

EDIT: I take it back, somebody mentioned Jet Set Radio Future.
I WANT to play that. So bad.
WHY can it not be emulated??


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Yopaz said:
Worgen said:
BOOOM I bring you gifts
gog just got dungeon keeper and if its on gog then its been remastered to work on modern operating systems

there isnt really a game that I cant play on my pc... I guess toon struck since it was an early win 95 game and its hard to get those to work on a modern os, unfortinatly dosbox doesn't make those work, I keep hoping gog will get it
SystemShock 2 and the early Resident Evil games. Both of them always freeze when I get to a certain point. I've done everything I can to get them working. I even tried running Windows 98 as a virtual computer, sadly Windows 95/98 required a different kind of hard drive system so I couldn't even get that to work.

On the new game side only the ones made for a different OS than Windows XP/Vista/7 wont work.
actualy windows 95/98 requires your hardrive be formatted to fat 32, not ntfs, I think you can partition a portion of your drive to fat 32 to install it to and duel boot so you can just boot into win 9x altho you will probably also need to find legacy drivers and such for your vid cards and sound etc etc
but there are other ways to get system shock 2 running
check that out


New member
Jul 4, 2009
I heard Gothic 1 and 2 won't run on windows 7, or are really hard to get working. Those are 2 of the best games I've ever played. Gothic 1 got me seriously into games.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Many point-and-click adventure games. Even Thief and Thief 2 don't run without a lot of tweaking. System shock 1,2. Beneath a Steel sky. Blade Runner.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Starcraft 2. Portal 2.

One destroys my computer.
And the other one appears as a black screen with everything else in tact. :/ Oh well.

Jason Danger Keyes

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Hobonicus said:
Jason Danger Keyes said:
Crysis 1, and Shogun 2: Total War

Not because my computer is way too advanced to run them (I fucken wish), but because I'm ghetto and it's not beefy enough to run them.

I think the thread should be altered to accommodate games you'd need to upgrade to play as well.
Flailing Escapist said:
Crysis! Which isn't saying a lot because Crysis is computer Jesus impossible.
I obviously have no idea what computer you have, but Crysis actually has a fairly low threshold if on low settings. It's gotten popular to call it an unoptimized monster that barely works on NASA computers, but it really only gets difficult to run when getting up in the highest settings.
Yeah, but let's all be honest here, the main reason for playing it is to see it going at max settings.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Star Craft 2... Not because my system can't handle it, it's my personal boycotting of Activison.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
A whole bunch of Amiga games.

I mean, I can still play them, but it's just not as easy anymore.

Mr. 47

New member
May 25, 2011
Until a year ago, everysingle one. Now it's limited to Amnesia and KOTOR 2. Everything else I can get on a console.