People Can Fly's 'Outriders' demo out Today (All the Platforms)


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
This game looks incredibly generic and uninteresting. But I'm not a shooter guy so maybe it's doing something unique and I just can't tell?

A variation of Destiny thats not anchored by the albatross of PvP balance and willing to actually have moderately decent loot/skill tress, prettymuch. OR a variation of Warframe that is toned down enough to have a challenge to it.

That said, the fact that its not a live service/ongoing thing, means it probably has fairly limited potential to build on the foundation they've got.

Also who TF knows about the story, the demo has the blandy boring bits, so there could be crazy stuff once you get out of the valley, but the demo is just fighting generic mooks/bandits/rebel dudes in the human zone.

Largely it would fit in the same kind of area as Remnant from the Ashes, or Shadow Warrior 2. Probably not outstanding, and maybe feeling more like a prototype then anything, but fun enough as a co-op romp with buddies. Though they've stated 25-40 hour campaign, and the demo was like, 1.5 of that, so there definitely could be a some buried depth.

The big problem so far I see, is the guns are woefully generic. Like those legendary/exotic tiers that arne't in the demo really need to up the ante to be exciting for this formst.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Kinda goes without saying that a shooter with generic feeling guns is a cardinal design sin.

Yeah, best case for Outriders is that you only get standard human military weapons cause well, you never get out of the colony area in the demo. And whatever alien/nanotech/etc is creating the anomaly and the mystery signal also comes along with more interesting weapons.

Which was kind of the case with Remnant. You started off with generic shotguns and pistols and a rifle. Then once you started getting the boss/unique guns you got all the nifty stuff with the advanced alien tech and Chtulhu-magic.

As the demo went, I think the only time I even really used guns was to life leech/skill leech (reduces cooldowns) a boss in between hitting him with my big moves. All the standard encounters you could just do effectively with powers and your magic-melee attack (though I never played the long range Technomancer, where that might be more applicable)


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Tried the demo, yikes talk about a bad first impression.

First forced to make a SE account, I made one with a fake email but I still have to link my steam account, yuke feel dirty.

Then the writing makes mass effect andromeda look like a masterpiece. Getting to the real gameplay is a slog since it force you go trough a boring tutorial that could easily be replace by a just a text prompt and make the tutorial optional. This is important because as soon as I get done with the boring tutorial the connection to the server gets interrupted so the game immediately quit without saving, forcing me to redo the damn tutorial (with unskipable cutscene)...


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010

Pretty bad sign when it’s day two the game’s been out and still no reviews -

Well, besides the 4.8 user score (5.0 on PC, XSX has nada).


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012

Pretty bad sign when it’s day two the game’s been out and still no reviews -

Well, besides the 4.8 user score (5.0 on PC, XSX has nada).


But PCgamer dudes review there.... has a few valid points (such as their server issues that have made the Xbox version a non-presence, and kind of plagued the other two off and on). Most of the rest is he hasn't bothered understanding how things work. He's got his world level cranked up way too high (something the game admittedly does for you unless you turn off the automatic increases) which is causing his issues with both his gear disparity and surviving. And those mods he dismissed as minor cooldown reductions etc would actually let him kill those tougher enemies pretty easily. Since he's using the same class I do, I know first hand you can mod the ability to weaken and put vulnerability all over those tough dudes (and thats disregarding just happening on guns with status bullets). Spread and rate of fire and such is in the crafting too, so I guess he just ignored that tab.