PETA: Mario is Pro Fur


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I'm not an expert on skinning animals, but what function does skinning them alive offer? Isn't it easier to kill the animal and then skin it? It isn't like the skin is still fresh as long as the animal is alive. The animal isn't going to survive long without its skin. Besides, if the animal is still alive, it'll be all fussy while you're trying to skin it. It seems very counterproductive to keep the animal alive during the whole process.

Either that or it is PETA who don't know how skinning an animal works.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
PETA or Westboro baptist church. I've actually come to a point where I can't decide which is dumber of the two.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
*still laughing.... wait*

okok... this isn't it, there were NO ANIMAL skinned when mario puts on that costume... it's a Halloween costume! with iron bat inside that tail... costume! not real fur!~


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Well okay, I guess that'll me to give up on a series that I've loved ever since i was a little kid.

Or not.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Wow, way to be up to date there PETA. Sure hope they don't go any further back in time and discover my high score on Duck Hunt.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
I don't know, but I would totally play that.
I'd love to see a lighthearted spoof, the way Team Meat already did when they got attacked by PETA.

Or, if you want to get mean, someone could do a Mario scene with a QTE where he knifes the rat boss from SMB2.

I prefer the light-hearted method....But still.

Philip Preeo

New member
Aug 17, 2010
As I lack the certain know how to place a picture I shall describe how I fell about this. -ahem-
Tommy Lee Jones is looking at PETA with an implied face palm. Once so intense it's not worth lifting a hand.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
CardinalPiggles said:
Fuck off PETA, just fuck off.

If Raccoons ever had the chance they would skin us alive in order to survive too.
EXACTLY! Look at them the sneaky bastards they have a natural mask on their faces...

Ah well at least raccoons don't constantly make retarded statements about harmless videogames in pisspoor attempts to garner attention to a cause they are actually hurting... In case I'm being too subtle



El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
I actually just got done playing that little flash game and, just like PETA's other games, it sucks. You are constantly scrolled and you can jump way too high, so there isn't really much of a challenge once you get used to it. Once you win, you get a censored message that really just says "Fuck you Mario! That skin belongs to the animal". Going out of your way to insult one of gaming's greatest icons is sure to cause gamers to flock to your cause.

Also, I really doubt that PETA actually plays any of these games. If they did, they would be aware of the fact that Mario gets his Tanooki Suit from a magic feather.

Stop wasting our time PETA!


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
For the love of God. Obama, Gillard, and every other world leader, I will vote for your party in every election from now until I'm senile if you pass a law permanently disbanding these idiots.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Lilani said:
I think we should really stop reporting about all the ridiculous stuff PETA gets outraged about. I think by now we all know they're about 12 miles passed crazytown, and at this point any further recognition is just giving them more credit than they deserve.

I would love to see how the world would be if everyone gave PETA the silent treatment permanently.


Wow the wind's sounding rather irate today. Oh wells.

[small]And the wind sure likes to euthanize animals...[/small]
Zachary Amaranth said:
canadamus_prime said:
I don't know, but I would totally play that.
I'd love to see a lighthearted spoof, the way Team Meat already did when they got attacked by PETA.

Or, if you want to get mean, someone could do a Mario scene with a QTE where he knifes the rat boss from SMB2.

I prefer the light-hearted method....But still.
I forgot about the Team Meat incident. Is PETA so desperate that they're trolling video games now? And who the hell gave them the idea that anyone who plays video games gives a damn? Moviegoers, theater people, video gamers, ect.; crazy is still crazy, no matter who you direct it towards. Maybe the only answer is to hit 'em right back like what Team Meat did. The idea of sending back the message "nobody cares, and look! We're killing more virtual animals in spite of you!" is at the very least entertaining and a good choice if the silent treatment doesn't work.

Srs bzns

New member
Feb 4, 2011
Beautiful End said:
Whoa, PETA...Johnny come lately there. But alright, let me help you out there...

Games that should be banned now (According to PETA):
-Shadow of the Colossus, because you ride a horse. Poor horse!
-Zelda, same reason as above.
-Dragon Age, because your pet licks you clean after a gory battle. What is he, your servant? Gross!
-Red Dead Redemption, because you shoot animals for whatever reason. Just brutal.
-God of War, because you kill mythological creatures violently. No wonder we don't have unicorns anymore!
-Batman, because Batman is probably pro-bat-fur.
-Crash Bandicoot, for showing a furry animal being violent against other animals.
-Battlefield 3, because o-- Wait, what? They already figured that one out? Oh, okay...

Look, PETA, once again, I'm all up for animal rights. But you guys are just a joke now! I can't take you guys seriously anymore and I clearly can't support you. So...have at it. Keep being a joke, if that's your goal.
Let's not forget that in Halo: Reach you get a shiny achievement for killing moas, and people in Minecraft have built things dedicated to the wholesale slaughter of pigs and cows.

The virtual horror...

On a more related note, when did PETA start caring more about virtual animals and less about, you know, real animals...?


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I'm pretty sure it was a leaf that spawned the suit in Super Mario Bros 3. No animal-murder involved. PETA needs to stop jumping on non-existent issues and go... Free the monkeys carrying the Rage Virus or something.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Yopaz said:
Micalas said:
Ok...let me get this straight. Mario has been stomping on turtles for decades and you decide to pass up the low hanging fruit in exchange for complaining about a fur suit (the majority of fur suits aren't made of real fur...) that he acquires by stealing a leaf out of a brick.

Got it.
You're wrong. The Tanooki suit is a special item that can only be acquired at a few points in the game and before you get that suit it actually looks just like the suit he's wearing minus the person inside it. When you got a leaf you just got a raccoon tail.

OK, so why is PETA trying to piss off gamers now? They have made no complaints about games like Deer Hunter or Big Game Hunting in the past. All of a sudden they jump on the games are bad bandwagon. First complaining about how gamers kill an aggressive rat in a game where you kill people, now they are tainting our childhood memories with their gory images of how animals are used for fur. I am starting to suspect they're trying to bring down video games in order to be more popular with main stream media and parents that are hysterical about any violent games. Really PETA, stop with this bullshit. Mario is a lighthearted game that doesn't need you to destroy it.
Oh shit, you're right. My bad. God, I must have so much egg on my face...

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
canadamus_prime said:
I don't know, but I would totally play that.
I'd love to see a lighthearted spoof, the way Team Meat already did when they got attacked by PETA.

Or, if you want to get mean, someone could do a Mario scene with a QTE where he knifes the rat boss from SMB2.

I prefer the light-hearted method....But still.
Yeah, I think I'd prefer the lighthearted spoof.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Srs bzns said:
Beautiful End said:
Whoa, PETA...Johnny come lately there. But alright, let me help you out there...

Games that should be banned now (According to PETA):
-Shadow of the Colossus, because you ride a horse. Poor horse!
-Zelda, same reason as above.
-Dragon Age, because your pet licks you clean after a gory battle. What is he, your servant? Gross!
-Red Dead Redemption, because you shoot animals for whatever reason. Just brutal.
-God of War, because you kill mythological creatures violently. No wonder we don't have unicorns anymore!
-Batman, because Batman is probably pro-bat-fur.
-Crash Bandicoot, for showing a furry animal being violent against other animals.
-Battlefield 3, because o-- Wait, what? They already figured that one out? Oh, okay...

Look, PETA, once again, I'm all up for animal rights. But you guys are just a joke now! I can't take you guys seriously anymore and I clearly can't support you. So...have at it. Keep being a joke, if that's your goal.
Let's not forget that in Halo: Reach you get a shiny achievement for killing moas, and people in Minecraft have built things dedicated to the wholesale slaughter of pigs and cows.

The virtual horror...

On a more related note, when did PETA start caring more about virtual animals and less about, you know, real animals...?
Hipster PETA.

Because real animals are too mainstream.