Phil Collins Lends Atmosphere to Dead Space 3 Launch Trailer


New member
May 6, 2005
Phil Collins Lends Atmosphere to Dead Space 3 Launch Trailer


The Dead Space 3 launch trailer features Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight" performed by an as yet unknown artist.

Something akin to mixing chocolate and peanut butter, it might seem a little odd at first, to be putting a remixed 80's pop song into your sci-fi survival horror trailer, but I've got to say that this is a surprisingly solid presentation of both. I never realized just how haunting "In the Air Tonight" could be until I first recognized the song at around the :58 mark in the trailer, just prior to our protagonist suiting up and diving in for some presumed Necromorph-ending action.

Fans of the series might be a little worried that Dead Space 3 abandons some of the horror elements of the first game, which were already being shied away from in the sequel. But, according to developers [], the team at Visceral has entirely new ways to scare you in the third installment, none of which apparently include Phil Collins.

Following Isaac Clarke and John Carver, and being set on the frozen planet Tau Volantis, Dead Space 3 aims to make the franchise more accessible to a wider audience by trumping up the action aspects of the game, without giving up on the horror roots that made it what it is. Whether or not they will succeed in this remains to be seen, but I am cautiously optimistic about the return of Isaac Clarke and his continued fight against the Necromorphs. Dead Space 3 comes to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on February 5th.



New member
Oct 11, 2010
that actually suited the trailer really well, although im not going to lie, the title did betray my expectation, was expecting phil collins to be cameoing in it, which would have settled all notions of the series not being a horror.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
I watched the trailer a view times now and it cracks me up everytime, when isaac pulls out his weapon and the music goes of.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
I thought that it would be "In the air tonight".

I might check the game out(once it goes on sale, I'd like to keep my £35 for now) but only cause I'm interested in the co-op and in the game as an action game, I feel that such a transition may make it better, as the series never was truly scary, just startling.

As a sidenote, WHY DOES NO-ONE JETTISON THE MARKERS INTO STARS? I refuse to believe that everyone became The Marker's ***** within it's immediate radius.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Still not sure whether ot not to give this game a miss because of the DLC scheme.

Oh well, wait on the reviews.

Akichi Daikashima said:
As a sidenote, WHY DOES NO-ONE JETTISON THE MARKERS INTO STARS? I refuse to believe that everyone became The Marker's ***** within it's immediate radius.
Government runs experiments in what i imagine is some horribly misguided attempt to create supersoldiers. Or maybe as population control. Fucked if i know what they want.

Church wants to hug the nearest infector so they can become necromorphs too, believing it to be the next step in evolution.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
I just get more excited with every trailer, shame I'm flat broke. Also very happy that I think I saw Ellie in there. If she dies/was dead all along but John Carver of mars survives I might just go into ME3 ending levels of ragemode.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Interesting and inspired use of music.

Not since All Along the Watchtower has Sci Fi given us such an awesome cover.



I endorse Jurassic Park
Oct 20, 2009
Wow. Who's idea was to pick that song for this game? The "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" cover for DS1 was kinda brilliant, but this is...blech.

That said, it was nice seeing Isaac's VA donning the suit for the live action bit.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
If it had actually been Phil Collins and not a cover then I would have been highly tempted to at least try the game out because Phil Collins is awesome.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Akichi Daikashima said:
As a sidenote, WHY DOES NO-ONE JETTISON THE MARKERS INTO STARS? I refuse to believe that everyone became The Marker's ***** within it's immediate radius.
The lore is a whole jumbled mess of bullshit. According to the prequel movie to the first game (as well as bonus journal documents that appear in your inventory for a New Game + on the first game), The Markers are actually used AGAINST the Necromorphs. According to the bonus documents, any Necromorphs within the vicinity of the Marker go dormant. Their tissue stops growing and mutating, they lose their energy and basically go into hibernation. This would imply that the Marker in the first game was on that planet to serve as a form of prison for Hive Mind, ensuring that it remains dormant. In the animated movie, it actually projects an invisible forcefield that actively repels the Necromorphs, keeping them from swarming the last survivor on the Ishimaru (think that's the ship from the first one).

Yet in the game when you're hauling it around, the Necros have no problem running up and trying to tear a chunk off of you. The signals that The Marker gives off drives humans to hallucinate, go insane, and ultimately homocidal/suicidal. So really at this point, I have no idea what the fuck the Markers are supposed to do. Don't know if they're the only real hope you have against the Necros or if they're ultimately the cause of the Necros.

Just know that at this point, I really don't care. The series only marginally held my interest to begin with, and now that they've done gone turned it into Resident Evil 5 in Space, I just can't bring myself to be interested in it anymore.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Skeggers said:
This is all I can think about whenever I hear this song. Dead Space is ruined.
No it isn't. In fact, I feel the trailer could be vastly improved with a necromorph gorilla playing the drums...

OT: Another Marker? Brilliant.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I'm still rather happy about this having co-op. Love games I can play with my buddies and it makes absolutely no sense that issac, after kicking the crap out of the necromorph for two games, would still be crying at every encounter. If anyone disagrees, i'll point you at the samus and ridley or whatever the hell his name is scenario.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Well that was an...interesting choice, to put it politely.

Definitely not as haunting as the versions of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Ring Around The Rosie that were done for the first two anyway, which I suppose makes sense considering the direction the series is going in.

But it does seem that everything to do with Dead Space 3 makes me want it less and less, which is a shame, because I liked the series before.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Elvaril said:
If it had actually been Phil Collins and not a cover then I would have been highly tempted to at least try the game out because Phil Collins is awesome.
He got me to buy Vice City Stories.

Now if Phil was giving a concert for the space zombies in the game, I'd be sold.