Phil Collins Lends Atmosphere to Dead Space 3 Launch Trailer


New member
Sep 3, 2012
Well, thanks to that trailer I got this sweet ass new desktop wallpaper:

I think that the trailer was cool. Hopefully the rest of the games atmosphere is like that. I'm going to grasp at straws to find anything good about this game. Hasn't been that hard, so far.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I think that this song could go well with a Dead Space trailer. It's just too bad this trailer contains nothing of value. I'm looking forward to this game, but the trailer is shit. Isaac walking through the snow, a few flashes of games, crests a hill to see a marker. It's just... unexciting.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
ForgottenPr0digy said:
The Original Black Marker would drive anyone insane and cause hallucinations. Just like the red marker on Aegis VII.While some see dead relatives warning them of "Convergence," others hear whispers "from the Marker" telling them that it offers eternal life through Convergence. Only the Original Black Marker did this while the red marker only made some folks see dead love ones. Either one can cause a Necromorph outbreak.
Then what's up with the extra documents I mentioned from a New Game + in DS1? They specifically mention that the marker actually sent the Necromorphs into dormancy, and as I said: in the movie it actively repels them.

Also, while we're on the subject of plotholes....

What's up with the part in the first game where you're protectng your wife from across a gap as she tries to unlock a door for you? We all know that she's dead and Isaac's just seeing shit like everyone else. 1: Why are the necromorphs attacking what is revealed to have been a hallucination/ghost the whole time? 2: How can a hallucination/ghost open a door for you by accessing a computer to run a manual bypass (or whatever)?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
ForgottenPr0digy said:
RJ 17 said:
Akichi Daikashima said:
As a sidenote, WHY DOES NO-ONE JETTISON THE MARKERS INTO STARS? I refuse to believe that everyone became The Marker's ***** within it's immediate radius.
The lore is a whole jumbled mess of bullshit. According to the prequel movie to the first game (as well as bonus journal documents that appear in your inventory for a New Game + on the first game), The Markers are actually used AGAINST the Necromorphs. According to the bonus documents, any Necromorphs within the vicinity of the Marker go dormant. Their tissue stops growing and mutating, they lose their energy and basically go into hibernation. This would imply that the Marker in the first game was on that planet to serve as a form of prison for Hive Mind, ensuring that it remains dormant. In the animated movie, it actually projects an invisible forcefield that actively repels the Necromorphs, keeping them from swarming the last survivor on the Ishimaru (think that's the ship from the first one).

Yet in the game when you're hauling it around, the Necros have no problem running up and trying to tear a chunk off of you. The signals that The Marker gives off drives humans to hallucinate, go insane, and ultimately homocidal/suicidal. So really at this point, I have no idea what the fuck the Markers are supposed to do. Don't know if they're the only real hope you have against the Necros or if they're ultimately the cause of the Necros.

Just know that at this point, I really don't care. The series only marginally held my interest to begin with, and now that they've done gone turned it into Resident Evil 5 in Space, I just can't bring myself to be interested in it anymore.
The Original Black Marker would drive anyone insane and cause hallucinations. Just like the red marker on Aegis VII.While some see dead relatives warning them of "Convergence," others hear whispers "from the Marker" telling them that it offers eternal life through Convergence. Only the Original Black Marker did this while the red marker only made some folks see dead love ones. Either one can cause a Necromorph outbreak.
To add to what is said: In the book Dead Space: Martyr, the original marker is found at the bottom of a crater lake. It's extremely far down and there is a necromorph outbreak that stems from research directly on the marker itself. This also presents a scenario where when people are in close proximity to the marker, all flesh mutation and growing stops. The Marker existed at the bottom of the lake for a very long time and no one was affected by it. I think it caused the hallucinations but it didn't cause an kind of Necromorph outbreaks. In this case, the loved ones that were hallucinated about warned against messing with the marker and to beware convergence. I also am lead to believe that the one from the first Dead Space game was one of the manufactured ones like the one present on the Sprawl. I think so far, the only known non manmade version was the one from the crater lake. It's been a while since I read it, so I don't remember too much. I think the ones that are man made are like mutated versions of the marker, if indeed it is a prison or some sort of device that stops the Necromorph outbreaks. I think the man made ones almost promote convergence and Necromorph out breaks while the original at least tried to stop it. Perhaps the whole shutting down the mutations is just built into the proverbial DNA of the marker, something that cannot be changed. Despite the manmade markers propensity for promoting convergence through the hallucinations, like with Isaac's wife in the first and second games.

I hope we get some kind of closure out of this next Dead Space game though. I don't have any faith in EA's ability to make it appeal to a wider audience than it already has and don't expect one beyond this last one.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well, to be honest I'm not a big fan of "turning everything into a shooter to make it appeal to a wider audience" which seems to be the way everythign is going nowadays, especially with EA. We have tons of shooters, very few Survival Horror games comparitively, and especially few Survival Horror games that even try and BE Survival Horror.

That said I like the Franchise and would have tried it, but right now I'm probably going to take a pass due to their microtransaction gimmick to try and get you to pay real money for in-game crafting materials. To be honest I might have tried to slog through it while ignoring the micro transactions, but after listening to Jim's latest in "The Jimquisition" I decided I'm not going to do it. I just can't. If I have to give up on a game I would have bought otherwise to make a point, I'll do it where most people won't, and I hope others follow my example this time.

If EA patches out the Microtransaction gimmick, I'll try it. Otherwise their best bet is getting. Otherwise their best hope of getting my money is a moment of weakness during a STEAM sale. If it's on sale for 75% off or whatever I might be tempted... but even then... well, to say it disgusts me at this point is an understatement.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
ForgottenPr0digy said:
Baresark said:
ForgottenPr0digy said:
To add to what is said: In the book Dead Space: Martyr, the original marker is found at the bottom of a crater lake. It's extremely far down and there is a necromorph outbreak that stems from research directly on the marker itself. This also presents a scenario where when people are in close proximity to the marker, all flesh mutation and growing stops. The Marker existed at the bottom of the lake for a very long time and no one was affected by it. I think it caused the hallucinations but it didn't cause an kind of Necromorph outbreaks. In this case, the loved ones that were hallucinated about warned against messing with the marker and to beware convergence. I also am lead to believe that the one from the first Dead Space game was one of the manufactured ones like the one present on the Sprawl. I think so far, the only known non manmade version was the one from the crater lake. It's been a while since I read it, so I don't remember too much. I think the ones that are man made are like mutated versions of the marker, if indeed it is a prison or some sort of device that stops the Necromorph outbreaks. I think the man made ones almost promote convergence and Necromorph out breaks while the original at least tried to stop it. Perhaps the whole shutting down the mutations is just built into the proverbial DNA of the marker, something that cannot be changed. Despite the manmade markers propensity for promoting convergence through the hallucinations, like with Isaac's wife in the first and second games.

I hope we get some kind of closure out of this next Dead Space game though. I don't have any faith in EA's ability to make it appeal to a wider audience than it already has and don't expect one beyond this last one.

The red markers are just copies of the original marker and the red marker in the game doesn't repeal any Necromorphs so I think the movie "downfall" is considered non-cannon because it contradicts the games and books.

The Black Marker fell to Earth 65 million years ago and was at the bottom of the ocean at yucatan peninsula.
Was that where it was in the book... OK, I didn't remember. I'm inclined to agree that the movie is non-canonical. I'm not surprised much by it. I get the impression that studios that specialize in Anime wouldn't know canon if it punched them in the face.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
That probably would've been awesome if the video was direct well at all... it's just a bunch of cross fading in a kind of dull environment with nothing going on...<.<

though for shits n giggles I would've used the Bone Thugs N Harmony cover of Take Me Home, which is more of a sample, but still... kind of awesome...<.<



Oct 5, 2011
United States
I have to say that was a damn cool trailer. Not buying the game, but DAMN was that a cool trailer.
Sep 14, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
That's actually a great trailer. But I'm still not getting the game, EA. Nice try though.
gotta agree, great trailer, fits really well with that music piece, but EA will not get to sneak by with their dirty hands onto my money, not this time.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Pretty neat trailer and cool song choice. Always did had a soft spot for Phil Collins.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Okay can't be good for anyone to be running around on a ice planet in heavy metal armour it doesn't exactly look like it?s built with any insulation.

That aside I really liked the remix of that song and am hoping they release it some time...then again I?m willing to bet EA will charge 10 bucks for it.

The trailer had some nice visuals and seemed pretty well put together and I found the song pretty effective. It kind of gave everything a last stand kind of vibe. I?m still not touching this game, but a nice trailer.

Also isn't Isaac supposed to be a blue collared every man? Why would he be jumping down towards the thing that is obviously bad news Stallone style?(pardon my ignorance but from any clip I have ever seen he?s panicking and wondering where the hell the closest door is away from the scary things)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I suspect that pretty much the entirety of Britain can't watch that without thinking of the gorilla. Too soon.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Not bad, but would have been better if the helmet had opened to reveal a mountain gorilla.
*waits for the five or six people who'll get the reference to quietly chuckle*



More importantly, why is he holding his hand up as if to shield his face from the howling blizzard when he's wearing a full and presumably sealed suit of armour, including a helmet with full-face visor? That'd be like me doing similar when doing 60 on my bike, with my charity-shop getup of full face helmet, neck tube, armoured cordura jacket, leather strides and thick rubber boots. Except when dolled up like that, let alone in a military grade suit of future armour, I don't feel the wind at all unless it's really cold. And then it's a diffuse coldness rather than a breeze.

Also, twenty-fifth century and we can't yet make an electron/photon discharge weapon that doesn't screech and buzz like a 1980s flashgun / old style fluorescent tube / CRT television? Even a CRT VGA monitor didn't make that kind of noise, and modern fluorescents are silent, as is any flashgun that isn't a cheap built-in jobbie... just shove the resonant frequency up into the ultrasonic, and you're done.
Unless the reasoning is that your marks can hear into the ultrasonic quite easily but are effectively deaf in the lower to middle frequencies of human hearing range, so weapons making noises that would be a dead (heh) giveaway if you pre-charged them within earshot of a human opponent aren't detectable by what you're actually fighting - and vice versa.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Seriously hoping this game is at least as good as the last. Don't fail me this time Visceral.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
So are they charging $5 extra for Phil Collins to appear in the game? and $10 for him never to appear?

That would fit in with the stupid microtransactions it has.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
So, after two reasonably succesful pseudo-survival horror games, EA has decided that the way to maximise sales to is go bro-tastic after the Call of Duty crowd?

Wonderful, ain't that just wonderful. Although, where was red-helmet-guy in the trailer?

Akichi Daikashima said:
As a sidenote, WHY DOES NO-ONE JETTISON THE MARKERS INTO STARS? I refuse to believe that everyone became The Marker's ***** within it's immediate radius.
Because a large portion of the characters are religious fanatics who believe the markers are literal gifts from their Gods and the Necromorphs are tantamount to angels.

Humanity has a long and proud tradition of doing dumb things in the name of faith, Dead Space's inhabitants are no different.