Phrases that piss you off

Benny Blanco

New member
Jan 23, 2008
Meriatressia said:
There are a lot I hate.

Combined words. I really hate stupid combined words.
Like guestimate.
It's not the same as portmanteaus used for a reason. Like 'gorn', which is gore and porn.
It's just nonsensical words that make no sense. They actually weaken adn contradict the words.
Guestimate, is really stupid. Estimate is a exact word. Guess is a vague word.
"Guesstimate" is fucking stupid not because it's a portmanteau, or because one word is exact and the other vague but because they mean the exact same thing. That said, we do need a moratorium on portmanteaux until people can agree that the given names of a celebrity couple do not, when combined, give birth to an entirely new entity worthy of its own name.

Apart from poor grammar and spelling, circular logic and unthinking conformity are major frustrations of mine, but in terms of phrases, my bugbear is the confusion over "amount" and "number". Also when people misuse a word in a way that devalues it. For examples, see "unique", and any parallel to the Nazis which doesn't really involve totalitarian racists.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
You know, I'm not really bothered by most phrases so long as they're used correctly.

That said, people who say 'more like' at the end of a sentence. It makes you sound like you have brain damage, think what you're saying through before it falls out of your mouth.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Scars Unseen said:
Strazdas said:
Scars Unseen said:
Come to think of it, XKCD covers a lot of mine:
the second one. "Freedom of speech" literally means freedom from consequence. its in the name. If you have to fear consequences its no longer freedom. Therefore 1st amendment is not the same thing as freedom of speech.
Really though, that's just you trying to apply a phrase to a context that it is not applicable to. It does not mean freedom from consequence. It means freedom from legal persecution. The bill of rights doesn't restrict citizens. It restricts the government. Therefore you are not free from consequences because people may react to your legally protected speech in any manner they see fit so long as they themselves are not violating laws by doing so.
1st amendment is freedom from legal persecution. And even then not complete as there are exceptions such as libel, ect.
Freedom from speech does not exist in any culture in our history. why do we misuse the words? then again, this whole topic is about that.
freedom of speech is not the same thing as 1st amendment so labeled. its a wrong label is all.


New member
Jun 1, 2012
"Everything happens for a reason".

If this phrase is taken quite literally it is of course completely true on an action/reaction cause/effect basis. Unfortunately it's usually used by people who are trying, in some way, to justify the pure randomness and chaos that exists in the average life. Multiply my irritation exponentially if it's used in some kind of "God has a plan" (add that one to the list too) kind of bullshit designed to suggest that there's some kind of higher purpose to some of the more horrific and terrible things that life has to offer.

Yeah sure. Great. Genocide, rape and torture is all part of gods fucking plan. Thanks for that dipshit.

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
This might be the most petty I have ever been but when someone just flat out says something "sucks" or is "bad" when it comes to something popular or niche.

I was at a local game store, just browsing around, looking at what they had from the cartridge days as well as the bargain bin. Me and the clerk started talking about small niche hits or games with great atmosphere. I have a love for gothic atmosphere and supernatural elements in my games so I mentioned my love of Dishonored. Then some schmuck walks right past me. He was some dudebro with a backwards cap and a black shirt with some metal band on it (the 90s called!!) and said in the most casual way ever, "Dishonored was terrible." and just walked right past. No explanation. No context.

I'm not saying have opinions about stuff but... explain it! Or at the very least be more than blanket about it! I don't care for the fascist undertones and impenetrable lore of Halo, yet I can enjoy the gunplay in small bursts. You see!? It's easy! Explain! You're a human being, you have more brain cells than "food good, lion bad," use them!! This is what I get for trying to become an internet critic.

In fact, this rant goes double for "you don't like it because you're a (insert subcommunity here)." Yes, we have bias, that's fine. If you don't trust someone's opinion because they like Skittles more than Starburst however, you're an idiot.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I used to have a bunch of triggers like that.
the second time I said YOLO I realized that I didn't say it ironically, so then I either had to literally hate my self forever
or deal with it.

I'm a horrible person.

But that's a lie. Incorrect usage of "Literally" still makes me sad. especially since it made it into the dictionary.

"Figuratively" is now literally a synonym for "Literally"
and if that statement made you bust out laughing I hope you never find out that it's 100% true.


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Oh I got another one! "Don't hate the player, hate the game"

ANYONE (and I do mean ANYONE) who uses that phrase even the tiniest bit seriously needs to go and fuck themselves with an un-lubricated cactus. That is all.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Silvanus said:
OT: "You know". It doesn't exactly piss me off, but it irks me for some unknown reason.
Could it be that it implies that the other person thinks that he or she has privileged knowledge about your innermost thoughts and feelings? Or is it because it is most often used as filler?

By the way, I just noticed that "OT" is ambiguous because it could mean either "on topic" or "off topic". I hope to remember that for my own posts.


New member
Jun 29, 2014
"Its all in your head", especially when directed to people suffering depression (like me). That's why I'm going to therapy, you condescending fuckwipe.

God, that phrase fills me with murderous rage


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Whenever someone criticizes something, for instance a YouTube video, it's followed by "if you don't like it, don't watch it", as if you could somehow dislike it before watching it.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Senare said:
Could it be that it implies that the other person thinks that he or she has privileged knowledge about your innermost thoughts and feelings? Or is it because it is most often used as filler?
Good question. It depends on the person, I think; I know people who use it in either way.

When it's filler, I'm being slightly unduly harsh, because there are a hundred other phrases used in the same manner, which I usually don't even pick up on.

Senare said:
By the way, I just noticed that "OT" is ambiguous because it could mean either "on topic" or "off topic". I hope to remember that for my own posts.
I only ever use it to mean "on topic", but it's true, it doesn't actually clarify anything. :S

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Riot3000 said:
Also probably off topic but I think the word entitlement is overused and has just because buzzword.
It's not only an overused buzzword, it's actually being misused 99% of the time.
Entitlement itself is NOT EVIL.

If I buy a doughnut, I am entitled to eat that doughnut.

But according to the Internet's new bastardized definition, I am somehow at fault, or greedy, or morally bankrupt for wanting to eat my doughnut.

False sense of entitlement is usually what they're looking for, and while normally closer to the truth, even that isn't necessarily accurate either. Everyone wants things; hell, economic theory is based on the assumption that all exchange, business, and human endeavor is based in some way on self-interest. We are ALL acting entitled in some way, every day, and a fair amount of it is not only perfectly justified but necessary for modern life.

Now I concede there are limits to the above, and nobody likes a spoiled brat, but there's a difference between criticism of something, and actively demanding (or taking) something one doesn't have the right to. Yet on the Internet, I've seen "Entitlement" used solely as a means of dismissing valid criticism by trying to paint the concerns as morally bankrupt or greedy. (it's essentially an attack on the person's character in lieu of their argument)

Basically, I find using "entitlement" in place of its direct antonym not only stupid, but condescending and aggravating as hell. And its misuse is EVERYWHERE now.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Spot1990 said:
Not a phrase but a word. "Haters".

It's just a weak cop out to absolve yourself of any and all responsibility for yourself. Your shitty shitty self. If a fuck ton of people actively dislike you, and I don't mean simply not liking you but a real and constant dislike. The kind of dislike that actually distracts from their daily life. Maybe you're Justin Bieber (not for his music, just for being an all around piece of shit) maybe you're a Kardashian or you were on the cast of Jersey Shore or mabe you're just an everyday loud obnoxious prick who thinks the world is just their movie and everyone else is a bit player in it. Whatever, the people who dislike you aren't haters, you're just a shitty person and the world is slightly shittier because you're in it. You're not Hitler, you're not fucking everything up for everyone or really having that much of a profound effect on anyone but the world is a fraction shittier because you're not dead yet. Rather than throw around the word "haters" engage in some honest introspection, take a look at the actions, words and choices that define you. We can all be pieces of shit from time to time but the difference is a sense of self awareness and a desire to not be shitty all the time.
Actually, for their "work" too. If people dislike your music, if you're Justin Bieber, Kanye West or Korn, they're not "Haters", they don't like your stuff. They might even have reasons, and you might want to change your style to something they like or not. Either way, it's not "Hating". Hell, they might have nothing to say but insults. Still doesn't mean they "Hate" you for no reason.

If people dislike your television shows, or videogames, it's the same gig.

Hell, most of the most brilliant creatives are incredibly critical of themselves (Kanye West supposedly spends ridiculous amounts of time on the production of his tracks, for an example from someone who should know better), and that extends to recieving criticism.

And as you said, there's plenty of times where people are just being pieces of shit, and don't want to try to understand it, or just want to try to avoid changing.


New member
May 6, 2009
Ooh, ooh, I have so many of these!

"I'm not (blank) but..." Almost every single time anyone says this, it means they are about to be whatever thing it is they apparently don't want to be: racist, homophobic, gay, a picky customer, a feminist, a gamer, a film geek, a dog person, whatever. I mean say whatever you're gonna say, but just accept that people will judge you based on the things you say and if you can't take the judgement don't make the statement.

Same as "no offense" or "no homo" or "I'm just saying" or any other one of those disingenuous phrases to distance yourself from your own words as if that somehow negates the effect of the words themselves. Drives me crazy...

Edit: ok so a fair few people got to this before I did....the point stands though.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
It's not a phrase but a word which has been getting to me a lot recently.


The Counter Strike community is known to be full of extremely horrible people, nearly every match you get into there will be someone spouting vitriol for no reason, sometimes entire teams of people will gang up on you.
There is a recent trend of saying gg well before the match is over, but what is really chewing me up inside is when people win a round and then say "easy".
You can take the match all the way to the final round, you can make it as difficult as possible for the enemy team, but there are younger and better players out there than me, they will kill me, and they will claim it was easy.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
"They hate our freedom". What the hell does that even mean? It makes no sense. But damned if Americans don't love to say it with regards to the Middle East.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
"could care less" that is my big one. Because if you could care less then you would. But when people use it they usually mean couldn't care less meaning they can't care less than they already don't care. So it frustrates me.

And anything that uses the word rape in it. It's severely triggering for me as I have been raped multiple times and let's be honest here whatever it is hasn't forced itself upon you in ways you don't want. Also why I don't play multiplayer because the phrase "I raped you" needs to die. I was perfectly fine with the "I owned you" and then it turned into that.

"I don't want to live on this planet anymore" is one I occasionally say so it doesn't bother me that much and it depends on the context it's being used in. Mostly when I use it I quite literally mean that I want to die (which constitutes not living on the planet) and it's usually from an influx of stupid people (and when I say stupid I mean people who seriously make me question how they got their drivers licenses since they can't follow the basic rules of the road or people who i question how they've lived as long as they have without any serious injury because they do really stupid things like not looking before stepping out into the road with a car coming at them and stuff that *SHOULD* be common sense but apparently isn't anymore)

Also people who use literally incorrectly bothers me. (and yes, my use of it above is correct because I don't mean figuratively).

Anyone who feels the need to tell me that something is happening due to their religious beliefs. That's great that *YOU* believe that. However, I don't. And the people who tell me that shit, KNOW this. "Oh it's god's will that x is happening to you" "just put your faith in god and he will get you through this" "god needed another angel". No. No. and NO. Those are the 3 common ones I get. And for someone who doesn't believe in a deity I can't properly express how much this bothers me coming from people who know I don't. They might not think this but to me, it feels like they are trying to impose their religious beliefs onto me through sayings that are "suppose to help" with whatever I am going through. I can't tell you how many times the first two have been used in conjunction with me trying to get a secondary job to help pay bills and stuff.

"just saying" Most people I've heard use this phrase are quite frankly, assholes. And trying to seem less asshole-ish by saying this.

And people who think that those of us who have trigger words are just trying to be coddled and don't realise that it's more of a "I don't want to have a 5-30 minute flashback of the worst point in my life where I have to relive it" Especially when it's for something that's borderline PTSD.

Oh and anyone who doesn't have a mental illness who uses a mental illness to describe themselves. That bothers the shit out of me as someone with mental illnesses that get used by others.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
YOLO: You Only Live one!

I never understand why people would say this before doing something Leeroy Lenkinish.
When it was explained to me it puzzled me even more. I only live once? Well then all the more reason NOT to throw my life away and hide like a sissy! If someone yells YOLO to declare a charge or something I'm more likely to turn back and run the other way since I only live once and I don't wanna die!

Doesn't really piss me off per say but seems to be more in line with the types of examples used by others so far.

What does piss me off is the various short hand terms people use for other people's emotional states: butthurt, whine/cry moar, rage, etc... I've learnt to try to avoid showing any emotion when debating with others for this very reason, it's apparently a sin to be passionate or admit you have a personal interest in a topic lest you lose credibility for some reason.

Gender based putdowns tend to annoy me aswell, whether it be implication I'm not male enough or worst, I'm like a female in some way *gasp*.

Oh right I remember a gaming term that pisses me off too: "pwned" or "easy" and their variations. In general I take a dim view of poor sportsmanship since it's nothing more then trying to smugly rub salt in an opponents wounds for having the GALL to play against your team or w/e, the bastards. I try to always say "gg" or "wp" depending on the game to thank my opponents for their time but I admit, I'm finding it hard to be nice when gaming with others when half the time people are all too happy to be absolutely rotten.