Pick a topic and I will argue with you


New member
Mar 15, 2012
(laughs like grunt in ME3) He..he.he

Evolution was a horrible thing if the ancestors we evolved from knew that politicians would come out of the bloodline they would have stayed in the trees and played pranks on the other animals

also shrodingers cat principle is a very vital part of the thinking processes of quantum mechanics and the cat is simultaneously alive and dead and we are only capable of perceiving one set of localized quantum states, although i wonder what would happen if you filter into the equation the expansion of multiple dimensions from quantum theory would that mean that its simply one set of states in each dimension hence why were unable to perceive more than one?

late night sorry if i dont make sense


New member
Jul 3, 2011
ohnoitsabear said:
The OP is the sexiest person alive. He's even sexier than me, and I never thought I would say that.

This should be interesting.
Slayer_2 said:
Saladfork is a really cool and nice guy. Argue against that one.
I'd say I'm more average than anything else, and as I know me better than you two do, I'd trust my opinion more, methinks.

Sir Pootis said:
Duke Nukem Forever is terrible.
Duke Nukem Forever is a product of its' time. It was made a good ten years ago, before many modern gaming standards came into play.

It's just too bad the developers were too busy thinking of sex jokes to rememebr they had to ship it until they ran out of money to pay for manufacturing costs.

klaynexas3 said:
Hitler was a very influential man. I really want to see a legitemate counter arguement to that.
Hitler was largely a figurehead of the nazi party. He had a great many people in his party that shared his beliefs and were arguably more sensible. If it wasn't for him, one of them would have likely done the same things Hitler did.

Genocidicles said:
Cancer is an awful, awful thing.
Cancer provides the evolutionary pressure to select against smoking and unhealthy eating.

leet_x1337 said:
Yearly release schedules for video games cause an incremental decrease in quality with each installment, regardless of the gimmicks that get added on each time.
The problem with this is that the two claims that get thrown around yearly releases is that they're simultaneously wasting their time making new irrelevant things while also making the same game as last year. The problem with that idea is that if they really are making the same game as last year, then they already have a template which they can simply add their new stuff on to! It's sort of like an overpriced expansion pack.

Note that I said they 'can', not 'do'.

gigastar said:
Call of Duty is the most original, true-to-life, polished and well supported franchise of all time with the friendliest overall community.
Nope, couldnt keep a straight face either.
Well, this man has clearly won seeing as there's no possible way I can deny this.

DragonsAteMyMarbles said:
Bacon is made of pure, greasy, porcine awesome.

Giving the next film in the Star Wars franchise to a writer who isn't George Lucas can only be an improvement.

This sentence has words in it.
What bacon is, is concentrated fat. It is delicious, I can't deny that, but bacon hates you and it wants you to die soon in a horrible manner (which is why it clogs up your heart).

Believe it or not, there are worse writers and directers than old George. Uwe Boll, for instance.


Master_of_Oldskool said:
There is literally no argument against homosexuality that makes objective sense and is not based on irrational prejudice.

The Walking Dead is a terrible show with underdeveloped characters and schizo pacing. (Which I disagree with, by the way, I think it's a great show, but I'm not eloquent enough to argue the point with my friends. Do my work for me!)

Monty Python did this first.
First world countries are largely declining in population growth nowadays. People just aren't having kids like they used to. If our populations keep shrinking as they are now, eventually we will become more and more reliant on immigrant labour, which believe it or not is not an infinite resource itself. Encouraging homosexuality will serve to decrease these numbers even less and increase our dependancy on immigrant labour even faster.

I've never watched the Walking Dead as I consider zombie stories in the same light I consider COD-esque shooters, so I feel somewhat under-equipped to argue this point. I will say, though, that it did inspire a very good adventure game so I really can't fault it for existing.

Monty Python's version didn't offer counterpoints, they just said 'No you didn't' ad nauseum.

trty00 said:
The "War on Drugs" is a catastrophic failure that has wasted trillions of dollars. It is also directly responsible for tens-of-thousands of deaths in countries like Mexico. In fact, it would be fair to say that Mexico is effectively a war-zone, due to all of the tension and violence in the area. Finally, just like how Prohibition gave rise to the Italian Mafia in America, the drug war has allowed drug cartels to flourish.

Without a doubt, gay couples deserve the right to marry. It is absolutely shocking that this is still even debated today. If two consenting adults love each other, they should absolutely have the right to wed, religion be damned.
The deaths caused in Mexico are largely gangs fighting over harder drugs such as cocaine, which I am given to understand that even most pot activists want to stay banned. Also, while the war on drugs may have indeed cause the conditions for the gang wars to start, the decision to pull the trigger is made by a criminal every single time. Gansters don't just give up and pack it in if they lose one source of revenue, either. They'll take prostitution, drugs, extortion, poaching, professional murder, anthing that will get them easy money. Legalize drugs and they'll just start fighting over something else.

See my arguement above.

Zyst said:
History isn't an important subject as long as actual engineering, technology, medical and social advances are kept.

I genuinely want to know the counter argument to that one.
History teaches a great many things about sociology and psycology that you need to know the full context of before you can understand. For example, if you don't really know your history all that well, you might know that France used to be an absolute monarchy until it wasn't again for some reason, but if you know the socioeconomic conditions that led to the revolution, you suddenly have a reasonable point at which you might expect other monarch-led nations to rebel as well.

Also, many economists base their theories and conclusions on the successes and failures of economic policies in the past (Mercantilism, for instance). If you don't know the historical context, you can't guess which aspects may have worked under different lights and should perhaps be tried again.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Nightmonger said:

Hasn't recent archaeology proved the pyramid slave theory false?

I thought that was a thing.... or did I make it up I don't know....
What they found was thatn they believed that the slaves did not design the pyramids. There was however slave labour involved in building them.

I don't know why exactly that was such a revalation, you wouldn't exactly expect slaves to be terribly good engineers.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
hazabaza1 said:
The Big Bang Theory (TV Show) is awful.
Checkmate, ************.
It might be awful to us because we are the people having false stereotypes built into strawmen and played for laughs, but that's hardly horrible when you consider how the same thing has been done in the past to a far greater extent.

As far as 'nerdiness in Hollywood' goes, Big Bang Theory is bloody brilliant.

glchicks said:
Happy, satisfied people cannot create art. Art is the domain of the languishing, the depressed, the needing. The void in the lives of the latter category is what compels them to create and be creative because they are searching for something that doesn't currently exist for them in this plane of reality.
Definition of 'art' (Oxford): "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power"

I am of the opinion that literally anything that can be done could theoretically be interpreted as art, and going by the Oxford definition, art can be the expression of any emotion, not just anguish.

I would guess that the vast majority of writers, painters, supltors, directer, game developers and so on are well-adjusted people who are reasonably happy with their lives. The urge to create is largely seen as a positive thing to them (and to us, for the most part) that gives them happiness.

As for myself, while I would hardly consider myself a real artist, I would posit that any form of creative writing (including, say, debate) could be considered art as well, and I am hardly an empty shell of a man.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
you have not equipped your browser with any ad blocking programs, and you have not illegally downloaded any copyrighted digital media in your life. you love the escapist website and wish to avoid getting any warnings or bans.


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
This looks like fun. I love a good....battle. If ya need some help with this argument stuffs, let me know. Its my favorite thing to toy with.

Otherwise, good times, and good luck


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Saladfork said:
The time has come again, methinks.

Pick any topic, give me your position on it, and I will take the opposite one.

This time, though, let's set some ground rules.

Well, okay, one ground rule:

No paradoxes. Seriously, you guys will make my brain explode.

Other than that, have at 'er.

captcha: no means no
Oh, come on, captcha, you know you want to let me post...
YOu are one of the coolest guys on this site...


New member
Mar 26, 2008
The advent of the intelligent mind is of necessity the end of significant evolutionary progress, as societal standards, rather than the ability to obtain food or any other genetic characteristic, now determine mating interests.
Jun 16, 2010
Saladfork said:
geK0 said:
You still haven't answered mine, I am offended!
I did say no paradoxes.
You're actually quite clever, and your ability to come up with a reasonably plausible counter-argument to almost everything is fairly impressive. With all that wit, you must get all the girls. Or, at the very least, you can hold a conversation without boring all the participants into a stupor. Also, I'm willing to bet your intelligence is above average.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Removing the two-line offsides pass (using the redline as a basis) in the NHL has led to more scoring chances.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
You are an amazing person who posts great threads and everyone likes you. That's my stance on this topic.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Dimitriov said:
geK0 said:
You are capable of reading this sentence and arguing against it!
*cracks knuckles* Okay I'll give this one a shot!

I have no idea what you just said, but you are clearly wrong! Zeppelins are a perfectly valid form of transportation.
Oh snap! you did it!



New member
Aug 6, 2010
Oooo I am bookmarking this to read later, it shall provide plenty of luls.
Hmmm... Oh wow, I'm surprised no one has tackled this one yet:

God does not exist.

I'm interested in seeing how you deal with this one.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Evil Smurf said:
music is one of the most beautiful constructs in the world,
Beauty is, as they say, in the eye of the beholder and is therefore extremely subjective. Music as a general term is also too broad a subject to apply sweeping statment like 'beautiful', as anyone who likes some music and dislikes others can attest to, I'm sure.

CaptQuakers said:
Games are nothing more than expensive time syncs
I'm going to assue you mean time sinks.

It really depends on how you look at entertainment as a whole. For some (i.e. boring people), all entertainment is nothing more than a time sink that could be better spent doing soething else. To those of use who have an appreciation of the arts, entertainment can be a waste of time, but it can also be educational, teaching you about the people you play with, or showing you things about yourself you never knew.

MeChaNiZ3D said:
Armored Core V would be improved by the removal of region locking.

(You don't have to answer this one if you value your time)
Now I'll admit I don't know what Armoured Core V even is, but I do know that different markets can have vastly different buying power. Your average American is in a much better financial position to buy a new video game that, say, your average South African. A company will probably want to grab as many markets as it can, but if they charge the South Africans what they charge the Americans, few will be able to afford it, and if they charge Americans the same as South Africans, they will lose a substantial aount of profit.

The logical thing to do is to charge different prices at the two markets based on the buying power of your customers, but then you create the proble of Aericans simply importing South African copies for still quite a bit less than what it would cost in America. At that point you have two choice; Either raise the price in South Africa to the point of losing customers, or region lock. I therefore posit that region locking keeps games affordable to people who would otherwise never be able to afford them.

ejb626 said:
Fascism is a backward, inefficient system of government. Every fascist system that has existed has been based around a personality cult dedicated to one person (e.g Hitler and Mussolini) and crude methods of coercion. Hitler and Mussolini were terrible leaders, and people who just manipulated their citizens. Neo-nazis and neo-fascists are some of the biggest idiots around.
At its' simplest, most basic form, Fascism is a system wherein all decisions are made for the benefit of the nation (As opposed to Communism, where all decisions are made for the benefit of the citizenry; there is a difference). A fascist (who understood the ideals of fascism and didn't just call himself one to be a shithead) would be as critical of government ineffeciency as any one of us. As for coercion, he ight be in favour of it, but only when it was to the nation's benefit. He wouldn't do it just for shits and giggles. To manipulation of citizens, I say the same; Only to the benefit of the nation. Keeping a stronger leader in power might be worth misleading the public, for example.

Now obviously the potential for abuse of this system is quite large, and indeed it often has been abused in the past, but that's not to say that it couldn't possibly work.

I'll get to all of these eventually, I promise.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I say this:

You really have to change your underwear more than once a month.