Picture Personality Quiz


Aug 25, 2008
fangclaw said:
The Social Creature
I just had an image of a Cthulu or something coming out of no where and shaking someone's hand xD

Eeeeeee i love how the mind works.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I love this quiz.
I got: The Intellectual Hippie

You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.

This is actually pretty accurate :)


New member
Jan 4, 2010
The Outside-the-Box Achiever
You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want.

Sort of accurate, I guess. I think I got to it mostly by going "Oh look, a dog/large cat!" over and over.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
The Life Surfer

You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way. Spontaneity and diversity guide your actions, which makes it difficult for you to focus and commit.

Most of that is true, that last bit is not even close.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
The Outside-the-Box Achiever

You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want.

* 42% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
* 17% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
* 71% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
* 71% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

I can definitely see myself being this. Curiousity is the main 'driving force' in my life.
And I like science a lot, I'd like to go into it after university, (research, etc)

I'm not so surprised about the 17% for the sympathetic bit, not my thing.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Intellectual hippie

You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.

Nothing, NOTHING could be further from the truth than this! People can fuck off I help myself first and foremost. Art is boring and my life is dogshit. I have absolutley no respect for the human race and im apathetic towards the rest of the animals and plants on this planet at best.

The only thing thats right here is that I enjoy psycology and philosophy :[


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I think it was pretty spot on.

The Artist
You're original, curious and creative. You like finding new paths and solving problems in unconventional ways. You're more interested in the bigger picture, than the details, and you approach tasks from a bird's-eye view. You're open to new experiences and intellectual challenges, and you appreciate art and beauty.

46% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
46% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
25% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
83% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic


New member
Sep 5, 2010
50% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
29% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
46% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
75% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

so Life Surfer, which sounds pretty cool

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
The Outside-the-Box Achiever
You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want.

38% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
38% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
54% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
71% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

Interesting test. Don't know how accurate it is because it probably doesn't take into account all the different reasons someone may choose particular pictures over others. It seems like it was somewhat accurate with me, but whether that's because it was valid or because it was vague enough I don't know.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I got the Humanitarian.

You're compassionate and friendly. You see the good in everyone and treat all living creatures with the respect they deserve. You get along well with people and bring a feeling of harmony to your social circle. You're genuinely interested in people. You dislike conflict and prefer to take a backseat.

Okay I can kind of see that but honestly I hate taking a back seat, and no I don't particularly like conflict if i can prevent it, yet I will fight when I must.

Considering that is the way i generally describe myself, i think it works


New member
Sep 1, 2010
'The Life Surfer'

You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way. Spontaneity and diversity guide your actions, which makes it difficult for you to focus and commit.

Amazed how accurate that was :)


New member
Apr 6, 2010
"The Outside-the-Box Achiever

You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want."

This works for me.

Breaker deGodot

New member
Apr 14, 2009
I'm the Intellectual Hippie
You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.

Interesting, this fits pretty well, but I'm not particularly humble or likable (some would say, anyway).


New member
May 1, 2010
The Intellectual Hippie
You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.

only from a social perspective..


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Irony said:
Interesting test. Don't know how accurate it is because it probably doesn't take into account all the different reasons someone may choose particular pictures over others. It seems like it was somewhat accurate with me, but whether that's because it was valid or because it was vague enough I don't know.
I agree with you. Sometimes you just pick one because you like the colors and composition, sometimes for its content.
The funny thing is, I took this quiz a couple times and always got the Humanitarian or the Intellectual Hippie, but with wide-ranging stats - at least the gross direction is correct.

The Humanitarian

25% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
83% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
38% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
54% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic


New member
Sep 14, 2010
DarkhoIlow said:
The Social Creature

You love people, and people love you. You're kind and sympathetic, and take great interest in other people. You have several social circles and move graciously between them. You spread positive energy around you, and feed on the excitement you get from meeting old and new contacts. Life is a party, and everyone is invited!

58% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
54% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
38% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
50% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

Well that's what I got,but it's a bit far fetched.I'm waaay less sociable than the test predicted.
I got the exact same result. I too, feel a lot less sociable than the description. Though I love to be with people, I NEED some time alone. I daydream a lot. And I prefer to have few but loyal friends than hundreds of acquaintances.