Picture Personality Quiz


New member
Oct 6, 2009
The life surfer... so its saying I'm a lazy jackass?

* 63% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
* 29% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
* 50% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
* 58% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic


New member
Mar 6, 2010
The Intellectual Hippie

You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.

It's about right.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
The Intellectual Hippie

You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.
Sounds about right.

The Abhorrent

New member
May 7, 2011
The Outside-the-Box Achiever
You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want.

33% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
42% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
63% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
63% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

Actually somewhat accurate, though I'm a bit hesitant to call myself "goal-oriented". Well, I guess I am now that I think about it; I'm just really bad at setting goals for myself to accomplish, which isn't aided by the fact I'm fairly easily distracted. Still, I tend to be at my best when I'm working towards something which I want to do.

Just about the rest is more or less dead-accurate... from a certain point of view. Usually when someone says "achiever", it's used in a more competitive context (and I'm far from competitive). However, to "achieve" in the context of accomplishing something for the sake of doing it is more in tune with my personality.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
The Social Creature
You love people, and people love you. You're kind and sympathetic, and take great interest in other people. You have several social circles and move graciously between them. You spread positive energy around you, and feed on the excitement you get from meeting old and new contacts. Life is a party, and everyone is invited!

58% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
67% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
46% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
29% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

Pretty cool. Pretty accurate too. Although, I did pick a bunch of pictures of people and activities. I'm not sure if that's a really good indicator of my personality, but there you go. This quiz seems awfully positive. Nothing along the lines of being a stupid asshole except maybe that depressing picture of a frowning cupcake. Who makes a cupcake frown?


New member
Jul 11, 2011
The Humanitarian

You're compassionate and friendly. You see the good in everyone and treat all living creatures with the respect they deserve. You get along well with people and bring a feeling of harmony to your social circle. You're genuinely interested in people. You dislike conflict and prefer to take a backseat.

Wow... That was dead on!


New member
Feb 24, 2010
holy shit it got my personality down to a science! that was scary

I am the outside the box achiever


New member
Jan 2, 2010
I got the 'Intellectual Hippie', which is fairly accurate. There were so many photos of kissing or cuddling couples... that kinda got my attention more than whatever they were paired with.

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
First off, that was a very strange quiz. Second, here are my results:

The Organized Philanthropist

"You need order in your life. You prefer to focus on one thing at a time, and when doing so you're very efficient. You're modest, kind and have an optimistic view of human nature, which is why you ideally put your skills to use in the health and welfare sector. You prefer one-to-one sessions with close friends before big social events and value your friends more than anything."

Some parts of it are right, like the first two sentences... but the rest is completely wrong. I expected about as much. Though a picture-based personality quiz is quite an interesting idea.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I got the "outside of the box achiever". I don't quite know how it came to that conclusion considering all I was doing was looking at pictures of monks, weddings, cats/kittens and babies, and none of those things evoke much of a response from me.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
The Intellectual Hippie
You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.
Amazing, that's me to a t.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I remember doing this before on a different form - I can't actually remember what I got last time.

This time, though I had:

The Energy Source
You're outgoing, charismatic and in constant need for stimulation. You have lots of energy and love to share it with the people around you. People find you exciting and you always end up being the centre of attention - exactly where you want to be. You don't like being alone and naturally attract people.

Some of it feels accurate, I'll go with it.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
Holy ****, this thing is *good*.

I got the 'Life Surfer'.

"You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way. Spontaneity and diversity guide your actions, which makes it difficult for you to focus and commit."

I was not expecting it to be so accurate, but that got my personality, and my flaws, pretty much down to a tee.

(Also, very fun to take.)