Picture Personality Quiz

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I am never really a huge fan of Personality Quizzes, but I thought this one was pretty darn cool.

It shows you a bunch of pictures and you pick which one is most relevant to you. The pictures alone are pretty nifty.

Here is the link: http://designbyadrian.com/96pix/

I suppose for the sake of discussion, what "personality" did you get and is it fairly dead on?

I got the Intellectual Hippie.

"You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you."

I feel like most of that is dead on.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I got the "out-of-the-box achiever"

"You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want."

I dunno how applicable this actually is, I'm very easily distracted, and am perhaps one of the most disorganized people I know >.<


New member
Aug 7, 2010
I got the Intellectual Hippie as well.
Although I think most psychology is a load of crap and philosophy is people with to much time looking into stuff that isn't there.
Aside from that I suppose it's fairly accurate.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I got "The Artist"

"You're original, curious and creative. You like finding new paths and solving problems in unconventional ways. You're more interested in the bigger picture, than the details, and you approach tasks from a bird's-eye view. You're open to new experiences and intellectual challenges, and you appreciate art and beauty."



New member
Nov 3, 2010
I got "the life surfer"

"You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way. Spontaneity and diversity guide your actions, which makes it difficult for you to focus and commit.""

Actually when thinking about it does sound a lot like me.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
The Energy Source

"You're outgoing, charismatic and in constant need for stimulation. You have lots of energy and love to share it with the people around you. People find you exciting and you always end up being the centre of attention - exactly where you want to be. You don't like being alone and naturally attract people."

Fairly accurate, though I do not really enjoy being the centre of attention. And I am just fine being alone. The rest is pretty much correct though.

Thanks for the quiz, mate.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
The Outside-the-Box Achiever

29% sociable, adventurous, outgoing, energetic
54% sympathetic, modest, compliant, forgiving
58% efficient, organized, thorough, self-disciplined
58% curious, unconventional, imaginative, artistic

Doesn't sound too far-fetched, I have no idea what the pictures I clicked actually proved though. Other than that I don't give a damn about wedding photos.


New member
May 1, 2009
"Outside-the-Box Achiever".
No, not at all.
I do not crave scientific discovery or fame through achievements in any way.
I seriously dislike problem solving.
It was hard to find appealing pictures in that list though.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I got:

The Social Creature

You love people, and people love you. You're kind and sympathetic, and take great interest in other people. You have several social circles and move graciously between them. You spread positive energy around you, and feed on the excitement you get from meeting old and new contacts. Life is a party, and everyone is invited!
Couldn't be less accurate. I'm shy and autistic. I don't do well with people, and people don't really like me. I have only a couple of social circles and move clumsily between them.


New member
Nov 1, 2010
I got "The Intellectual Hippie"
You love to help people, but usually find unconventional and subtle ways of doing it. You're fascinated by what the human mind is capable of creating, and seek the world for moments to enrich your life. You love psychology and philosophy. Your respect for all living beings makes you a humble and likeable person, and the biggest reward is when you get to impart your knowledge to those around you.

...zuh? I guess it kinda works...


New member
Feb 20, 2009
The Life Surfer

You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way. Spontaneity and diversity guide your actions, which makes it difficult for you to focus and commit.
That kind of fits.
HankMan said:
Lots of pregnant women and kitties in the quiz
Lots of marriage photos, too. What the hell?
Dec 14, 2009
Crazy_Dude said:
I got "the life surfer"

"You surf on life, enjoying the best bits. You're curious and like to meet new people, as well as learning about the human mind. You search for new experiences and adventures and love to share them with friends. You're creative and approach challenges in a broad way. Spontaneity and diversity guide your actions, which makes it difficult for you to focus and commit.""

Actually when thinking about it does sound a lot like me.
Ditto, I got that one too.

The Life Surfer.

I like the sound of that.

Kiba The Wolf

New member
Aug 7, 2009
I got:

The Artist

You're original, curious and creative. You like finding new paths and solving problems in unconventional ways. You're more interested in the bigger picture, than the details, and you approach tasks from a bird's-eye view. You're open to new experiences and intellectual challenges, and you appreciate art and beauty.

-Which I agree with, for the most part. So, good for me.

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
The Outside-the-Box Achiever
You're goal-oriented, and always approach tasks in the most efficient way. You enjoy problem solving and intellectual challenges, and often solve them in unconventional ways. You're curious and imaginative, but need order in your life in order to enjoy it completely. Once you have found a structure nothing can distract you from achieving what you want.

Mr. Squirrel

New member
Aug 28, 2008
I got the Intellectual Hippie, which was not entirely accurate.
I'm interested in psychology and philosophy and I'm interested in what the human mind can do, but I really couldn't care less about helping most people and imparting my knowledge to them. Also, I far from respect all living beings.


New member
Feb 6, 2010
The Natural Born Leader

Your combination of social skills and getting things done makes you someone people turn to for advice and guidance. You're efficient and structured, but human values always come first, which is why you never boss people around. In fact, being around people is when you're most comfortable, and if there is a lack of order in the group, you strive to create it.
That's a load of bullshit.

Mr Thin

New member
Apr 4, 2010
The Natural Born Leader

Your combination of social skills and getting things done makes you someone people turn to for advice and guidance. You're efficient and structured, but human values always come first, which is why you never boss people around. In fact, being around people is when you're most comfortable, and if there is a lack of order in the group, you strive to create it.
Hmmmmmmm.... no.

I had trouble answering a lot of this quiz. When it told me not to over-analyze I immediately started thinking very hard about not thinking hard.

Natural Born Leader I am not. I am the guy lurking at the back of the group, contributing as little as possible. Either the quiz doesn't work, or I can't answer it properly.