Piracy, Not Consoles, Killed the PC Exclusive

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
"We spent shittons of money on making a terrible game, what do we tell the shareholders?"


Piracy is bad, we get it, but balls can you stop using it as the be all end all excuse of the decade?

And will someone fix that migrane inducing floaty camera in that kinda shit looking game that we're sort of talking around! Fuck the demo gave such a headache... 'S like Vanquish all over again.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
wait.... pre release piracy? wouldn't that mean someone in the company leaked the game b4 it was finished? and the unfinished version was what caused the bad word of mouth reputation?

wouldn't that mean that whatever asshole leaked the bad copy is to blame?


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
Kitsuna10060 said:
not angry, but still calling BS. mostly cause EVERYTHING seems to be the fault of pirates anymore, its getting pretty pathetic in all honesty.
I do agree that it is an overused excuse that quite a few people use to manipulate opinions to try getting their own way. But that doesn't mean that it isn't an issue. Does piracy warrent the intense lockdown/stupidity of things like SOPA or the draconian DRM such as the 'always-on' DRM? No, it doesn't.

Does that mean it's something that developers/publishers shouldn't worry about and actively combat? Again, no. What Frazier seems to be suggesting is more that it's a fear of piracy that helps keeping PC exclusive games from being developed. He doesn't seem to be saying that piracy is a huge thing that destroys every company that fails, just that it's an issue which many consider strongly enough where it's not worth risking a PC exclusive release.

Mind you, I don't understand the point of exclusive releases for anything really. The only reason I can think of is Sony developing games for the PS3 only, which makes sense. Microsoft should make good PC versions of their games too, since that way they can make it so it would be played on the Windows OS, which would make it more appealing for Mac/Linux users who want to game more. Though there are, of course, ways around everything.

ph0b0s123 said:
The question is how many sales. Just saying it cost them sales does not help much as it could be an extra 50% sales, which is worth jumping up and down about, or 1% sales which is not. Saying piracy costs sales, just does not cut it anymore as people are now more cynical.

And as someone else has said, it looks like it was the DRM that did not work in the pirated copies that screwed things up. So the inclusion of faulty DRM causing the loss of sales is just as logical an argument as piracy did it.

Was there a demo released for this game anywhere near release? A demo would have proved the game was working OK.
That's the problem. There's no way of knowing how many sales are lost. Some people say it's the vast majority, which I don't agree with. Some people say it's only a very small number of people who would have bought it without piracy. I don't think that's true either. Neither side can really claim the high ground because neither side knows exactly how many would be lost. I consider that more of a pointless argument then an actual point for either side.

As a general rule of thumb, I think the number is around 15-30% depending on the game (higher for AAA games and lower for indie). That doesn't seem like a lot, but considering how many people pirate games, it could add up to a lot. Of course, that's entirely guesswork and it could easily be higher or lower.

I do agree that faulty DRM and many kinds are foolish things that don't prevent much piracy; at least not as much as it hurts the users who actually legally acquired the game. But I don't think bad DRM is a good reason to pirate. It's a reason not to play the game at all.

The demo argument isn't neccessarily a good one either. Which are you going to trust more? A demo, or someone who's actually played the whole game? Demos are generally controlled experiences meant to convince people to buy a game. They could polish the demo up before releasing it then release a faulty full product. Meanwhile, if someone has played the full game, then they normally have a better idea of it's content and what to expect.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
You know what would really help? Proper demos and not half assing your games.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
Gaetan Durocher said:
(New here, but just had to reply to this)

Huh? I thought that with all the studies showing at the very least that the impact of piracy cannot be measured, that this kind of rhetoric was dead. I have the impression of reading something published 5 years ago.
Your naivete is cute. Let me just pinch your cheeks. :3

Also you admitted to piracy in your first post, good job. Might want to edit that out or something. People get modded for that around here.

Chanel Tompkins

New member
Nov 8, 2011
Oy...maybe if they could make DRM that wasn't obnoxious, or believe that they could make a profit on software without DRM at all, then pirates wouldn't raise hell when they run into the DRM and sink the game by claiming it's buggy. But that's not likely to happen.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Hisher said:
Space Jawa said:
Hisher said:
Sober Thal said:
Hisher said:
Angry PC gamer here to say that a pirated game is not the equivalent of a lost sale.
Yeah, it's a product being used that wasn't paid for.
True but there is a good chance it wouldn't have been purchased in the first place.
Then what the frak are they doing playing the game if they never had any intention of paying for it in the first place? If you're not willing to pay for it, don't use it!
Ok so I go to a friends house and we decide to watch some awful movie I never would have bought or intended to watch on my own. Now does this mean I never should have watched that movie and now that I have seen it I owe the publisher $10?

Then why not rent it?

besides, you're still taking the product, not paying for it, and taking away the chance at a potential sale. If you have no intention of paying for it, you shouldnt buy it.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Anno 2070 has a 3 machine activation limit DRM that you need to re-activate if you make a little change in your hardware (be it CPU, RAM, your video card, sound card, etc.) and Might and Magic Heroes VI has the infamous Ubi's Always-On DRM. Just sayin'.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Y'know. Going, "LA LA LA, PIRATING ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL. CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA" Isn't going to change one developer after another coming out about this. I don't know why they even bother announcing why anymore, a significant portion the PC crowd just honestly doesn't care.

If they don't at least accept that piracy is a problem needed to be fought then someone else who knows much less will and come up with more ideas like SOPA.


New member
May 26, 2009
Total War.

Everything made by Kalypso.

PC market has great representatives in my opinion :)

I don't want my ears raped by some angry teenager when he complains that my well timed cavelry charge destoyed the moral of his entire army and it ran away... I like being around mature people.


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Sober Thal said:
All the games are pirated like crazy every fucking day. Doesn't that piss you off just a little?
No because this is nothing new. Doom sold a million copies and was estimated to be installed on 10 million computers in the mid 90s. You just needed to get the wad files from someone on 1.44MB diskette. We copied that floppy.


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Awexsome said:
Y'know. Going, "LA LA LA, PIRATING ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL. CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA" Isn't going to change one developer after another coming out about this. I don't know why they even bother announcing why anymore, a significant portion the PC crowd just honestly doesn't care.
I don't care because I know they will still have to make games because there will always be a demand for games. Piracy isn't going to ruin gaming, it will just put a damper on big-money wasting studios and greedy publishers... which SHOULD happen. It's time the business model evolves.

And on the other hand-

Everyone hiding behind the supposed morality of copyright infringement- i.e. sharing, is just out for their own self-serving interests.

They believe that if publishers and developers make more money from media, media will be better. That's what's in it for them. Even though this is conversely true- the more money media has brought in, the lower the standards have become. It's like trickle down economics, only some people are fooled into thinking the more money publishers and developers make, the better the games will be.

And just like trickle down economics, there are plenty of people fooled into acting against their own best interest.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
emeraldrafael said:
Hisher said:
Space Jawa said:
Hisher said:
Sober Thal said:
Hisher said:
Angry PC gamer here to say that a pirated game is not the equivalent of a lost sale.
Yeah, it's a product being used that wasn't paid for.
True but there is a good chance it wouldn't have been purchased in the first place.
Then what the frak are they doing playing the game if they never had any intention of paying for it in the first place? If you're not willing to pay for it, don't use it!
Ok so I go to a friends house and we decide to watch some awful movie I never would have bought or intended to watch on my own. Now does this mean I never should have watched that movie and now that I have seen it I owe the publisher $10?

Then why not rent it?

besides, you're still taking the product, not paying for it, and taking away the chance at a potential sale. If you have no intention of paying for it, you shouldnt buy it.
Because following that mentality a rented game is just as bad as a pirated game, both are a guaranteed lost sale.

If the game was never going to be purchased it was never going to be a potential sale.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Hisher said:
emeraldrafael said:
Hisher said:
Space Jawa said:
Hisher said:
Sober Thal said:
Hisher said:
Angry PC gamer here to say that a pirated game is not the equivalent of a lost sale.
Yeah, it's a product being used that wasn't paid for.
True but there is a good chance it wouldn't have been purchased in the first place.
Then what the frak are they doing playing the game if they never had any intention of paying for it in the first place? If you're not willing to pay for it, don't use it!
Ok so I go to a friends house and we decide to watch some awful movie I never would have bought or intended to watch on my own. Now does this mean I never should have watched that movie and now that I have seen it I owe the publisher $10?

Then why not rent it?

besides, you're still taking the product, not paying for it, and taking away the chance at a potential sale. If you have no intention of paying for it, you shouldnt buy it.
Because following that mentality a rented game is just as bad as a pirated game, both are a guaranteed lost sale.

If the game was never going to be purchased it was never going to be a potential sale.
No but renting still sees the publisher gets some money with each rental.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Sober Thal said:
SupahGamuh said:
Sober Thal said:
Anno 2070 has a 3 machine activation limit DRM that you need to re-activate if you make a little change in your hardware (be it CPU, RAM, your video card, sound card, etc.) and Might and Magic Heroes VI has the infamous Ubi's Always-On DRM. Just sayin'.
Three copies for the price of one... I don't see that as bad at all actually.

It's like the guy who complains he lost his copy for whatever reason... he deserves another 5 purchases for it.

Did you read what he typed? It has to be re-activated for every little change to your hardware. Do you not see how that can fuck someone over?

Sober Thal said:
Don't try bringing logic into this, it only upsets people.

We have to accept that people are entitled to what ever they want, when ever they want, just because they don't agree with a corporations policy. To say anything else means you want to kill the internet, free speech, and basic human rights.

quad sigh
Given the way you very clearly skimmed over other people's points so you could show them your "logic", maybe you're not the person who should be claiming others are saying you have to accept something or you're trying to violate other people's rights.