Piracy, Not Consoles, Killed the PC Exclusive


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Wow, the more these guys talk about their game, the less interested in it I am.

After the demo, I've gone from "Hmmm...that wasn't bad. I guess that could help me pass the time until Mass Effect 3", to "Maybe I'll buy it a few weeks after launch", to "Meh, I'll pass or Gamefly".


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Another day, another console developer fails to realise why Valve are still in the market. Not to mention Paradox Interactive, CD Projekt, Firaxis or The Creative Assembly. Okay, those last two make games that could only really work on PC, and (mostly) so does Paradox, but still. Oh, and also Blizzard (except they're moving into console land...)

Besides, there's just as much console piracy as PC piracy. What they lack in SecuROM, they gain in online passes.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Kapol said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
not angry, but still calling BS. mostly cause EVERYTHING seems to be the fault of pirates anymore, its getting pretty pathetic in all honesty.
I do agree that it is an overused excuse that quite a few people use to manipulate opinions to try getting their own way. But that doesn't mean that it isn't an issue. Does piracy warrent the intense lockdown/stupidity of things like SOPA or the draconian DRM such as the 'always-on' DRM? No, it doesn't.
couldn't agree more, just really tired of hear the excuse. course, I'll be more inclined to cut publishers and devs some slack when they stop using DRM that makes Pirating the game a better option.

Mind you, I don't understand the point of exclusive releases for anything really. The only reason I can think of is Sony developing games for the PS3 only, which makes sense. Microsoft should make good PC versions of their games too, since that way they can make it so it would be played on the Windows OS, which would make it more appealing for Mac/Linux users who want to game more. Though there are, of course, ways around everything.
back in the day (god that makes me sound old ...) a console was DEFINED by its exclusives, Nintendo had Mario, Mega Man, Final Fantasy ect ect. Sega had Sonic, Vector Man Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Phantasy Star and so on. and to a certain extent, they still are. Exclusives also point long to fans of a series to a new console "well xx game is on YY system, so i'll be getting that system" the differences now though is a LOT MORE cross platform games, you NEVER saw the same game on a different system, back then, same series, maybe, the SNES and Genesis both had Castlevaina games, but they where totally different games (and if you've never played Blood Lines, FIX THIS NOW) but anyway, its just marketing, that's all (before i wander way the hell off topic)


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Sober Thal said:
If you are just trying to excuse the fact that the OP had to buy a new setup, and is entitled to free shit, then I guess you are in the camp that if I bought a record 20 years ago, I deserve a new tape, a CD and a Digital copy every time I clean out my room. THAT's the part that pisses me off. Just because you decide to change your setup, doesn't mean you are entitled to free shit.

Just because you buy something once, doesn't give you the right to receive new copies of them every time you break them, lose them, grow out of them, or replace the other things around you.
...are you serious? What you described are different copies, cassettes, CDs etc. He's talking about the SAME COPY OF THE GAME. He needs to reactivate THE SAME GAME HE BOUGHT, every time some hardware changes. He already bought the game, changing the hardware should have no effect on it.

So let's say for example your MP3 player breaks and you get a new one. Should your MP3's play? They should, nothing has changed but the hardware that plays them. By what you're describing, you should have to re-buy a game every time your Xbox breaks and you get a new one.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Sober Thal said:
infinity_turtles said:
Sober Thal said:
SupahGamuh said:
Sober Thal said:
Anno 2070 has a 3 machine activation limit DRM that you need to re-activate if you make a little change in your hardware (be it CPU, RAM, your video card, sound card, etc.) and Might and Magic Heroes VI has the infamous Ubi's Always-On DRM. Just sayin'.
Three copies for the price of one... I don't see that as bad at all actually.

It's like the guy who complains he lost his copy for whatever reason... he deserves another 5 purchases for it.

Did you read what he typed? It has to be re-activated for every little change to your hardware. Do you not see how that can fuck someone over?

Sober Thal said:
Don't try bringing logic into this, it only upsets people.

We have to accept that people are entitled to what ever they want, when ever they want, just because they don't agree with a corporations policy. To say anything else means you want to kill the internet, free speech, and basic human rights.

quad sigh
Given the way you very clearly skimmed over other people's points so you could show them your "logic", maybe you're not the person who should be claiming others are saying you have to accept something or you're trying to violate other people's rights.
I bought the right to activate a code giving me access to a digital product!

Look at me! I deleted it!

I activated it again!

I deleted it!

I activate it again!

I fucked that up too!

Gimme moar!

I deserve it cuz I'm ME! I have no control over what my PC does, it's all just random happenstance!

If I am wrong with what I just typed, and you have no choice but to buy new 'hardware' every few months, then you are right, I have no right to be talking here.

If you are just trying to excuse the fact that the Anno OP had to buy a new setup, and is entitled to free shit, then I guess you are in the camp that if I bought a record 20 years ago, I deserve a new tape, a CD and a Digital copy every time I clean out my room. THAT's the part that pisses me off. Just because you decide to change your setup, doesn't mean you are entitled to free shit.

Just because you buy something once, doesn't give you the right to receive new copies of them every time you break them, lose them, grow out of them, or replace the other things around you.

If what I typed upset you, I am sorry. Please do not allow yourself to be further upset by me. It isn't worth it. Just realize that what I type is not making any sense to you, and move on. Don't waste your time being upset with me.
Or, you know, buy the game and download the better version elsewhere. Or if that makes you feel dirty, download a crack.

Isn't the point of buying your products to thank your customers for buying your game in the first place, instead of screwing them over with the "worst" version of your product?.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Sober Thal said:
infinity_turtles said:
Sober Thal said:
SupahGamuh said:
Sober Thal said:
Anno 2070 has a 3 machine activation limit DRM that you need to re-activate if you make a little change in your hardware (be it CPU, RAM, your video card, sound card, etc.) and Might and Magic Heroes VI has the infamous Ubi's Always-On DRM. Just sayin'.
Three copies for the price of one... I don't see that as bad at all actually.

It's like the guy who complains he lost his copy for whatever reason... he deserves another 5 purchases for it.

Did you read what he typed? It has to be re-activated for every little change to your hardware. Do you not see how that can fuck someone over?

Sober Thal said:
Don't try bringing logic into this, it only upsets people.

We have to accept that people are entitled to what ever they want, when ever they want, just because they don't agree with a corporations policy. To say anything else means you want to kill the internet, free speech, and basic human rights.

quad sigh
Given the way you very clearly skimmed over other people's points so you could show them your "logic", maybe you're not the person who should be claiming others are saying you have to accept something or you're trying to violate other people's rights.
I bought the right to activate a code giving me access to a digital product!

Look at me! I deleted it!

I activated it again!

I deleted it!

I activate it again!

I fucked that up too!

Gimme moar!

I deserve it cuz I'm ME! I have no control over what my PC does, it's all just random happenstance!

If I am wrong with what I just typed, and you have no choice but to buy new 'hardware' every few months, then you are right, I have no right to be talking here.

If you are just trying to excuse the fact that the OP had to buy a new setup, and is entitled to free shit, then I guess you are in the camp that if I bought a record I deserve a tape, a CD and a Digital copy every time I clean out my room. THAT's the part that pisses me off. Just because you decide to change your setup, doesn't mean you are entitled to free shit.

Just because you buy something once, doesn't give you the right to receive new copies of them every time you break them, lose them, grow out of them, or replace the other things around you.
Here's something that happened to me in November. My graphics card failed. Used a crappier one I had around until' the new one I ordered finished shipping. When I replaced it, I added some ram. I noticed some slow down for a week, and when I checked I realized that it wasn't reading the one of the two sticks of ram I had replaced. Bad luck I had bought some faulty ram. Replaced that stick.

Now, if I had installed Anno 2070 before my card failed, and had played it throughout that period, I would've ran out of activations. And lets bring up the fact that Anno 2070 has a decent number of bugs, so some people may have changed their set-up trying to deal with them.

Also, additional installations are not free shit. I have a huge collection of old computer games I uninstall and reinstall all the damn time.(I love some of the old Might&Magic games) I am not getting something for free everytime I install them. The idea that someone changing their computer set-up and being able to reinstall the game they bought being something you think is a symptom of entitlement blows my god-damn mind.


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
Kitsuna10060 said:
My point on the exclusives thing was more from a 3rd party prespective. The consoles that get exclusives are much better off of course. And some companies are offered incentives for keeping to one platform or the other. Some companies just can't afford to code for all systems. But if it's possible and they aren't getting paid a huge amount to stay on one platform, then it'd be foolish for a lot of games to stay on one platform. That's cutting your potential profits by 1/6 or so since many people only have one option available.

And I was also suggesting Microsoft should be trying to put games of their like the Halo series on Windows to give it a bit more edge with gamers. The first Halo was actually a pretty good PC port that I spent about half of my senior year in high-school playing LAN games with other people. The fact they insist on only having games for the 360 that could work on both seems silly to me.

But now I've gone off-topic.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Hisher said:
Sober Thal said:
Hisher said:
Angry PC gamer here to say that a pirated game is not the equivalent of a lost sale.
Yeah, it's a product being used that wasn't paid for.
True but there is a good chance it wouldn't have been purchased in the first place.
I wouldn't have eaten that candy bar if I had to buy it. But I got away with stealing it.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Again... Just because you buy something once, doesn't give you the right to receive new copies of them every time you break them, lose them, grow out of them, or replace the other things around you.
first of all, there was no actual mention of "I deserve a new copy because I lost it" or whatever. Second, I'm going to remind you that this is regarding PC games. If you didn't know that, then I can forgive your ignorance. This has nothing to do with "Getting new copies", it's about playing the original copy purchased.

Same if you loose them, give them away
No shit, but Anno 2070 is a PC game distributed digitally via services like steam, so the game is never "lost" and you can't give them away without giving away the whole account
switch OS, replace the components that had bought the original merchandise to use. ect ect
So when you play your game on your PC, even the slightest change in hardware, regardless of it being voluntary change or required i.e. something dies, that person isn't allowed to play the license for the game they purchased? PC gaming isn't like console gaming, everyone has different set ups and and to lock a game to specific hardware set up is just bad all around. I assume you know nothing about what you're talking about.

If my xbox broke, I would still have the disks that I bought that have games on them.

If I dropped my hardrive into a vat of boiling water, batteries, and magnets... yes, I am shit out of luck.
He can still redownload the game from steam. He didn't lose anything but data, which is retrievable. Activation limits isn't "3 copies for the price of one", it's an anti file sharing method. Having to reactivate the game he legally purchased every time something changes in his computer is basically their way of making sure you're not giving the game away to everyone.

Let's suppose you do get a new xbox and you put in your disc, but it tells you the following message paraphrased "Sorry, but you played this on a different Xbox, tough shit *Shuts down*"

That's basically what activation limits are. They are NOT multiple copies of the same game.

Activation shit like this is what makes people consider piracy in the first place. The Publisher is basically telling use to "Prove ourselves" of purchasing their product legally, and making us go through the stupid bullshit they put infront of us to do so. With pirated copies, you can install it on any number of computers at any given time. No activation bullshit.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
Yeaaah, that's such a load of shit. Keep telling yourself that. More like you can keep turning out trash on consoles and people will buy it. The whole piracy thing is so overly inflated it blows my mind. Console games get pirated just as much as PC, but you just don't know about it, jackoffs. Stop trying to treat PC gamers like a bunch of thieves. I was considering buying your game, now I think I'll save my money. See what happens when you treat your customers like shit?
Also, about no PC exclusive doing well. How about The Witcher 2? It did great because the developer is awesome and you aren't. They are also carefully porting Witcher 2 to consoles, another courtesy that the rest of developers don't afford to the PC market.
I buy all my games but I guess I am still a dirty thief.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
if devs hate piracy either
1) make the retail version attractive (include a map or OST disc)
or 2) Steam release.
don,t blame it on the equipment your consumers run your software on.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
This brosif is so full of shit, if a dev makes a game thats actually worth buying people will buy it! Don't believe what he said for a nanosecond.'

I will be skipping this shitbox game on sheer principle, nice lost sale buddy.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Kapol said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
My point on the exclusives thing was more from a 3rd party prespective. The consoles that get exclusives are much better off of course. And some companies are offered incentives for keeping to one platform or the other. Some companies just can't afford to code for all systems. But if it's possible and they aren't getting paid a huge amount to stay on one platform, then it'd be foolish for a lot of games to stay on one platform. That's cutting your potential profits by 1/6 or so since many people only have one option available.

And I was also suggesting Microsoft should be trying to put games of their like the Halo series on Windows to give it a bit more edge with gamers. The first Halo was actually a pretty good PC port that I spent about half of my senior year in high-school playing LAN games with other people. The fact they insist on only having games for the 360 that could work on both seems silly to me.

But now I've gone off-topic.
XD yeah, but that's where some of the best conversations are.

well, since most 3rd part devs release on everything anymore anyway, not really an issues, unless your one of those PC elitists, then sucks to be you i guess.

good luck with that >.> Microsoft doesn't seem to know what the hell they're doing release wise, how many titles do they actually that are exclusive? not to mention the ' we don't want it if some one else gets it first' policy the have -.-


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Dexter111 said:
Also a Server Transfer is imminent, upon which none of their games are playable for any of them using this DRM: http://venturebeat.com/2012/02/02/ubisoft-server-transition-will-make-always-on-drm-games-unplayable/

You know what the jolly pirates see from any of these issues? NADA. It's just about controlling the customer nowadays...
It's shit like this that makes people pirate games in the first place, and Ubisoft wonders why. Why? Because you deny your honest customers access to your games out of fear that someone may download an illegal copy of it. Gabe Newell is right, it's about providing a better service of which Ubisoft is incapable of doing and are driving away customers. In the real world someone would have gotten fired for that.