The issue with piracy is incredibly complex.
Make no mistake that these gentlemen are vicious and dangerous criminals, not light hearted or noble crusaders. At the same time, like any other gang member, they often get involved at a very young age as a means of supporting themselves and their families. They murder, kidnap, and ransom people who are unarmed and minding their own business, but they do it because corrupt and exploitive business and government practices have turned their homes desolate, so they make their fortune in the most obvious way- by angrily taking it from those who have it.
Bombing them won't solve anything, Somalia has been a hotbed of genocide and destruction for decades. The only true way to redress this and all similar issues is to increase the standard of living by pumping capital and business into the area AT A LOSS until it can sustain itself while simultaniously removing the corrupt elements that control the region- Warlords, corrupt govt officials, et all. Military intervention on the surface seems the most efficient means to accomplish this but the fact of the matter is the US is stretched tired, stretched thin, and in pretty bad shape. We'll be lucky to maintain our own standard of living, much less improve anyone elses.
I WOULD say "so lets make France do it" but the fact of the matter is every other country is in a mire of social unrest and economical problems. We're all on the border of destroying ourselves in a spate of racist, xenophobic, self delusional politically fueled violence. I don't know how politics are in other parts of the world, but we have two completly useless parties over here that cannot agree or get anything done because they only want to enrich themselves on the back of a middle class that is rapidly failing.
I look upon the world and I am struck by the light of human ingenuity and faith as it contrasts to the growing darkness our thick headed, inept, dumbfuck nature casts over the globe. And I despair.