Platinum Games Defends its Involvement in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
anthony87 said:
To all the people moaning about this change:

You are aware that Kojima Productions had quietly canceled this game because they couldn't figure out how to get it to work decently yes? Platinum came along and saved this title from non-existence and you all have balls to complain about it being ridiculous and over the top?


This is the same guy who breakdances robots to death, stops a city sized battleship with one arm before getting crushed by it then fight a squad of soldiers with a sword in his mouth while having no arms and raining down lightning.

Seriously people, take off the fucking fanboy goggles.
And if the person / team that came up with all the bold parts in your posts couldn't think of a way to make Rising work properly, what makes you think that Platinum games will ?

If you ask me, this game was better off being canceled. Slicing 10 times to kill 1 enemy kind of takes away from Raidens awesomeness, don't you think?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
DressedInRags said:
OK, I never liked the original games that much after the first one, although some of the concepts/settings and the gameplay was OK.

But as has been said before, Hideo Kojima neverh ad a fucking clue how to merge gameplay and story and he also didn't have a fucking clue how to keep a story concise and engaging, packing 50% of the overlong cutscenes with redundant dialogue that made the already self-important pretentiousness of each drawn-out scene damn near unbearable.
The first half I can't disagree with more. I'm pretty sure that's what MGS is famous for. If we look at say, the microwave corridor, the Psycho Mantis boss fight. The Vamp boss fight. The way Snake has his vision reduced when he loses his eye. The Boss boss fight. The survivalist nature of games about survival, the more PMC, twisting alliance focussed gameplay of MGS4. The ending of MGS2. The way different things you do will all have bits of dialogue recorded (like when you take photos of people's crotches). The way saving makes story sense has character development built into it. The way going for a tranquiliser kill on a boss actually has different cutscene, story and game implications than going for a normal kill. Think about the last Snake/Ocelot face-off in MGS3 ... etc

They all tie gameplay and story to a degree that I'll be honest hasn't been seen in any game ever made (except maybe Silent Hill from the way people go on about it)

Heck, this is the game where, whilst watching a Half-Life style cutscene, you can just draw out a sniper rifle and _kill_ one of the antagonists. It doesn't get more story/game intermixed. Or for mixing story with gameplay. This is the series where one of the boss fights is just walking down a river being forced to watch all the people you've killed in the game. Because you're having a literal near death experience. The revival pill has story consequences! Whilst watching one of the cutscenes a ghost floats around and if you look for it, it'll tell you the code to get out of a prison cell during one of the gameplay segments.

Heck never mind story/gameplay mixing. MGS is famous for taking it the step further and story/gameplay/you playing the game mixing. Meryls code is on the back of the box. To beat a boss you have to disconnect a controller. Another character reads your memory card. The entire plot of MGS2 thematically ties into you physically playing a game

I guess it's possible you haven't got to the final half of MGS games (which are invariably the best parts) or maybe you were confusing cutscene with story (even then mechanically, MGS has huge innovations in ways of tieing cutscene and story. Specific examples are 1)Using in-game engines way before it was cool. 2) Having any weapons, clothes you were wearing in the game be present in the cutscene, way before it was cool, 3) Having any weapon you pick up be equipped after the cutscene 4) Use health and stamina bars to actually change and have an effect on events in a cutscene. 5) Dual screen cutscenes in MGS4 6)Choice in the middle of cutscenes, like peering down someones dress :D. 7) Introing into cutscenes smoothly from where you're standing in the game instead of just jumping to a place.

So much of the progress made in the industry was invented with MGS and a lot of the industry still hasn't picked up on these techniques, so no, no-one has ever mixed gameplay and story like Kojima Productions.

However the second part is right. They also don't know how to be compact and when to stop, and they're so bad at this that it's actually meant that you haven't even recognised how much more they do than any of game. It actually cancels out all their brilliance for some people.

I like them and I'm not even sure if the game would be the same without them. Regardless of how fun the actual cutscenes are they give the game a weight and a tone that it might not have without them, but even a rabid fan like me can't disagree with the second half of what you've said. It's just true.

Saying that, I enjoy the first half so much that the game will only be worth playing if it kept them. Playing a game with cutscene/gameplay/cutscene and ordinary unchanging (if exceedling good) gameplay would be a stab to me. I don't disbelieve Platinums ability to do it, but I don't know if they can do it either. Okami did some of the MGS style stuff in a small degree, so there is a seed of ability there. I'm just going to have to wait till the reviews


New member
Feb 15, 2010
At least it's not a card game.
*cough* Ac!d anyone? *cough*

Well, the second had it's moments...still, Platinum is win for me.
I liked Bayo and Vanquish.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Part of the problem is just the changing of genre. Many will like Metal Gear solely, or at least majorly, because it's a stealth game. Stealth-em-ups are so few on the ground that taking away this big name scares the genre crowd.

I have no doubt that they'll make a good slasher, I just don't like slashers. They're the complete opposite of a stealther. Sneaky hidden headshots and distractions compared to in-your-face, insanely OTT shenanigans.

But, I think this is a side project and not indicative of The New Direction[sup]TM[/sup] that Metal Gear is going to take.

We've also had DX this year and Mr 47 is coming back, so I can't complain too much.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Korten12 said:
Frostbite3789 said:
Korten12 said:
It's just wierd that it takes place after MGS4... Raiden got with his family, everything was solved. The big bad was defeated...
I'm pretty sure all the information on this has said it takes place pre-4.
Originaly it was, but with Revengence they changed it to after.
Really? Well...that's a little wheels off. Can't say I'm a fan of that decision.

Much like I'm not a huge fan of this site redesign. This pure white, unabated background kind of hurts my eyes.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
bluegate said:

And if the person / team that came up with all the bold parts in your posts couldn't think of a way to make Rising work properly, what makes you think that Platinum games will ?

If you ask me, this game was better off being canceled. Slicing 10 times to kill 1 enemy kind of takes away from Raidens awesomeness, don't you think?
What makes me think Platinum will be able to make it work properly? How about their last two games?

An over the top hack and slash game where you play as a witch who can wield a sword while having rocket launchers strapped to her legs if you so choose to equip her that way, summons giant demons from hell by way of using her hair as a medium and then has said giant demons eat equally giant bosses. A game that rewarded practice, timing, patience and skill. Has a metric fuckton of combos and one of the best dodge mechanics implemented in a game. Acclaimed by both fans and reviewers for many reasons one of which is its high replay value.

Vanquish. An over the top shooter game that has you don a robotic suit that enables you to rocket around the stage at breakneck speeds while fighting Russians, kinda big robots, really big robots and towering huge transforming robots. Acclaimed by both fans and reviewers for many reasons one of which is its high replay value.
(I haven't played this one as much so I don't really have as much to say about it)

Also not forgetting that some of the Platinum people worked on the original Devil May Cry games, ofter regarded as some of the best hand and slash action games ever...except for DMC2. We don't talk about that one. *shudder*.

My point is that Platinum have shown us in the past that they are the best possible people around at the moment for doing what they do and what they do is create crazy as hell, mind-blowingly fun action games. Couple that with the fact that the only decent way to show off what Raiden can really do is in a crazy as hell, mind-blowingly fun action game and you have a match made in heaven.

And with regards to "Slicing 10 times to kill 1 enemy", I'm sorry but clutching at straws much? Ignoring Rule of Cool for a sec, lets look at a few games where you have to hit an enemy more than once in order to kill them.

Metal Gear Solid.
Condemned 1&2.
Devil May Cry.
Call of Duty.
Assassins Creed.
Resident Evil.
Ninja Gaiden.
Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.
God of War
Demons' Souls
Dead Space
Gran Theft Auto
God Hand
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Just Cause
Far Cry
Zone of the Enders
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter

And many many hundreds more. Are you really gonna stand there(I imagine you to be standing)and tell me that any one of those games, hell, any game ever made EVER was made less awesome by the fact that you had to hit an enemy more than once? Not a fucking chance.

Now if you're referring specifically to the part where Raiden dices a dude into dozens of tiny pieces, well.....This applies.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Treblaine said:
I could not think of a developer that are so talented yet so unsuited to the Metal Gear brand as Platinum games.

This does NOT deserve the Metal Gear name.

Also, PC version has been dropped and the release date put back indefinitely. Right.

anthony87 said:
To all the people moaning about this change:

You are aware that Kojima Productions had quietly canceled this game because they couldn't figure out how to get it to work decently yes? Platinum came along and saved this title from non-existence and you all have balls to complain about it being ridiculous and over the top?


This is the same guy who breakdances robots to death, stops a city sized battleship with one arm before getting crushed by it then fight a squad of soldiers with a sword in his mouth while having no arms and raining down lightning.

Seriously people, take off the fucking fanboy goggles.

Don't think that somehow the excesses of MGS4 excuse the even further excesses here!

We fell in love with Metal Gear when it was you fighting against a giant bi-pedal nuclear tank with just a stinger-missile launcher. Grey Fox turned up for a bit and got shot down and crushed into red goo. You persevered by guile and tenacity, not magically making the enemy as light and fragile as Styrofoam because "oooh, Raiden has to be badass now".

Raiden was an unlikable git and REMAINS an unlikable git. Only now he is in high heels, with hot-topic ninja-outfit and like a ninja-hipster uses a sword instead of a gun. Snake did fine with a gun.

Again, get this clear, the die hard Metal Gear fans HATE RAIDEN! They more than just wish he would go away, they wish he never even existed. There is fan-fiction out there that utterly writes him out of the Metal Gear story.

MGS1, MGS3 and Peace Walker, now THOSE were proper Metal Gear games. MGS2 and MGS4 were ponderous tripe. MGS4 only tied up the loose ends of MGS2 that didn't so much have loose ends as and entire third act that defies any kind of logic, consistency or even dramatic purpose. Aka: wankery.

The problem is this is NOT change, this is MORE of the same bullshit he have seen since 2001 and after 10 years WE STILL DO NOT WANT ANY RAIDEN! Go away. I can't stand him AS A CHARACTER! Making him a cyborg ninja would have been a good move if:
-there was a REASON he ended up chopped up as a ninja
-he shut up and never ever said another word. Ever.
-His cyborg exoskeleton didn't look so trite. The exposed stylised hair, the translucent lip, the impractical eyepatch. WTF?! Less is more! He is wearing the Hot-Topic of cyborg-ninja exoskeletons!
-he served a purpose in the plot, unfortunately he has been barely relevant from the start

His back story: "hurr, you were apparently a child soldier in Africa that we shall mention just once in a fading photo montage and monologue exposition. Even though it seems your voice actor was told to present your character as a spoiled rich white boy who constantly bitches and yet folds like a ***** to your nagging girlfriend, and also utterly be inept in combat. Yeah, supposedly 'Jack The Ripper' needs to be saved by Snake within 15 minutes of the game starting."

And yeah, how fucking low do you have to go to exploit CHILD SOLDIERING as a back story to explain how weird and dysfunctional Raiden is.

Raiden doesn't act traumatised form childhood war exploitation, he acts pretentious and with posing self-aggrandisement. Snake acts more like he was exploited as a child soldier.
Just a few things:

1. I loved the excess and craziness of Metal Gear Solid. Even going back as far as MGS1 that featured a robotic ninja blocking all your bullets, a floaty psychic man reading my memory card and making my controller vibrate before possessing the love interest, fight a tank with some grenades. Or how about MGS3 that featured a soldier who could control bees and use them to teleport, the sniper who was a couple of centuries old, the ghost that you had to kill by faking your death, the Russian soldier who could control lightning for no apparent reason and oh so many other things? Why is it that people fail to realise that Metal Gear Solid has ALWAYS been ridiculous?

2. You use the term "die hard fan". Now if I was being petty then I would say that that phrase invalidates your argument right there. Because that is a stupid phrase that should never be used.

3. Who is this "We" you keep mentioning? Are you the representative of a focus group or something?

4. YOU clearly don't like Raiden whereas I don't mind him as such. Try and keep it subjective yeah?


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Korten12 said:
It's just wierd that it takes place after MGS4... Raiden got with his family, everything was solved. The big bad was defeated...
yeah well just because the last game took care of all of the loose ends doesn't mean a sqeaul will be made this the game industry after look at how many final fanesties, CODs and what rainbow 6 games(trust me when i say that list is increatiably long.) Also $100 says his family gets killed/kidnapped and has to go on a hunt for vengence or rescue them from who ever gets drag out to be the bad guy.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Eveonline100 said:
Korten12 said:
It's just wierd that it takes place after MGS4... Raiden got with his family, everything was solved. The big bad was defeated...
yeah well just because the last game took care of all of the loose ends doesn't mean a sqeaul will be made this the game industry after look at how many final fanesties, CODs and what rainbow 6 games(trust me when i say that list is increatiably long.) Also $100 says his family gets killed/kidnapped and has to go on a hunt for vengence or rescue them from who ever gets drag out to be the bad guy.
Only CoD games that followed a over-arching storyline is MW1-3 (and that just ended), and maybe WaW and Blops if how you look at it.

Rainbow 6 is new stories each time and the same for Final Fantasy.

So those have excuses, but MGS4 DID End everything, it makes no sense to make a story about after it.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
anthony87 said:
Treblaine said:
I could not think of a developer that are so talented yet so unsuited to the Metal Gear brand as Platinum games.

This does NOT deserve the Metal Gear name.

Also, PC version has been dropped and the release date put back indefinitely. Right.

anthony87 said:
To all the people moaning about this change:

You are aware that Kojima Productions had quietly canceled this game because they couldn't figure out how to get it to work decently yes? Platinum came along and saved this title from non-existence and you all have balls to complain about it being ridiculous and over the top?


This is the same guy who breakdances robots to death, stops a city sized battleship with one arm before getting crushed by it then fight a squad of soldiers with a sword in his mouth while having no arms and raining down lightning.

Seriously people, take off the fucking fanboy goggles.

Don't think that somehow the excesses of MGS4 excuse the even further excesses here!

We fell in love with Metal Gear when it was you fighting against a giant bi-pedal nuclear tank with just a stinger-missile launcher. Grey Fox turned up for a bit and got shot down and crushed into red goo. You persevered by guile and tenacity, not magically making the enemy as light and fragile as Styrofoam because "oooh, Raiden has to be badass now".

Raiden was an unlikable git and REMAINS an unlikable git. Only now he is in high heels, with hot-topic ninja-outfit and like a ninja-hipster uses a sword instead of a gun. Snake did fine with a gun.

Again, get this clear, the die hard Metal Gear fans HATE RAIDEN! They more than just wish he would go away, they wish he never even existed. There is fan-fiction out there that utterly writes him out of the Metal Gear story.

MGS1, MGS3 and Peace Walker, now THOSE were proper Metal Gear games. MGS2 and MGS4 were ponderous tripe. MGS4 only tied up the loose ends of MGS2 that didn't so much have loose ends as and entire third act that defies any kind of logic, consistency or even dramatic purpose. Aka: wankery.

The problem is this is NOT change, this is MORE of the same bullshit he have seen since 2001 and after 10 years WE STILL DO NOT WANT ANY RAIDEN! Go away. I can't stand him AS A CHARACTER! Making him a cyborg ninja would have been a good move if:
-there was a REASON he ended up chopped up as a ninja
-he shut up and never ever said another word. Ever.
-His cyborg exoskeleton didn't look so trite. The exposed stylised hair, the translucent lip, the impractical eyepatch. WTF?! Less is more! He is wearing the Hot-Topic of cyborg-ninja exoskeletons!
-he served a purpose in the plot, unfortunately he has been barely relevant from the start

His back story: "hurr, you were apparently a child soldier in Africa that we shall mention just once in a fading photo montage and monologue exposition. Even though it seems your voice actor was told to present your character as a spoiled rich white boy who constantly bitches and yet folds like a ***** to your nagging girlfriend, and also utterly be inept in combat. Yeah, supposedly 'Jack The Ripper' needs to be saved by Snake within 15 minutes of the game starting."

And yeah, how fucking low do you have to go to exploit CHILD SOLDIERING as a back story to explain how weird and dysfunctional Raiden is.

Raiden doesn't act traumatised form childhood war exploitation, he acts pretentious and with posing self-aggrandisement. Snake acts more like he was exploited as a child soldier.
Just a few things:

1. I loved the excess and craziness of Metal Gear Solid. Even going back as far as MGS1 that featured a robotic ninja blocking all your bullets, a floaty psychic man reading my memory card and making my controller vibrate before possessing the love interest, fight a tank with some grenades. Or how about MGS3 that featured a soldier who could control bees and use them to teleport, the sniper who was a couple of centuries old, the ghost that you had to kill by faking your death, the Russian soldier who could control lightning for no apparent reason and oh so many other things? Why is it that people fail to realise that Metal Gear Solid has ALWAYS been ridiculous?

2. You use the term "die hard fan". Now if I was being petty then I would say that that phrase invalidates your argument right there. Because that is a stupid phrase that should never be used.

3. Who is this "We" you keep mentioning? Are you the representative of a focus group or something?

4. YOU clearly don't like Raiden whereas I don't mind him as such. Try and keep it subjective yeah?
"I loved the excess and craziness of Metal Gear Solid"

There are excesses. And then there are excesses that come at the cost of overall design crosses over from the "crazy" to just plain old bullshit territory.

Psycho Mantis was a REALLY potent enemy and you were just some soldier with a gun, you had to think outside the box to defeat him and it was a challenge.

You can make the enemies as overpowered as you like, but make the protagonist overpowered at you peril, as it destroys any sense of challenge, drama or tensions.

All you are left with is superficial, pretentious posing.

I have nothing wrong in principal with a cyborg ninja, I DO have a problem with said cyborg-ninja picking up a 1000-ton walking tank and throwing it around like it is just a big Styrofoam model. It is pure fan wankery to TRY to make the cyborg seem powerful all it does is make the enemies if fights seem utterly flimsy. There is no leverage there! And slashing them literally to thousands of pieces with ZERO resistance to the cutting it is Over-Powered and boring. This isn't a badass character, this is the enemies by contrivance being made WEAK!

"Are you the representative of a focus group or something?"

Yes. I know that I am not alone in being an MGS fan who played MGS1 without any ponce like Raiden, and BOUGHT MGS2 where the entire role of Raiden was actively hidden from us and WE HATED RAIDEN! Have always hated him. Unbearable. You know why Konami did hid him? Because they KNEW everyone would hate Raiden and being dumped with him at the last minute we didn't have much choice but to accept it.

It is a minority who like Raiden. Like those people who think Jar Jar Binks is a great character.

It's like playing Batman and within the first hour he is replaced by the whiniest most petulant interpretation of Robin you could ever conceive.

Raiden character seem to be DESIGNED to do dumb shit.

Scenario: Old Snake having heart attack about to be crushed by ship that is ramming into and crushing a concrete dock.
Smart thing to do: pick up Old Snake and carry him to safety
Stupid thing to do: Try to brace your arms against the ship and YOUR FEET AGAINST THE CONCRETE DOCK! That is just stupid, even if the Cyborg Exoskeleton was as strong as solid Diamond it would have no effect as the ship was ALREADY crushing the dock and Raiden braced his feet against it! It's just so stupid. Then he get crushed and in the scene transition he magically survives.

Scenario: Old Snake is "surrounded" by a couple soldiers who for some retarded reason decide to use only knives and walk slow as hell
Smart thing to do: use a gun
Raiden-tard thing to do: inexplicably leaps into the scene where:
-there is no explanation how he got on the ship
-he has no arms yet is wearing a trench coat over shoulders
-is carrying a 4 foot long sword IN HIS TEETH
-he inexplicably has lightning powers that he has NEVER demonstrated nor even hinted at before
-he then does nothing for the rest of the game.

Scenario: Raiden fights Vamp and get grabbed from behind
Smart move: stab sword around side of body into vamp, the full length. Or hack at his arms. Or use a bloody gun you hipster twat!
Raiden-tard move: stab sword through OWN CHEST to shallowly stab Vamp.

I have a question for you; What is so great about Raiden? Other than the fact that he has been crowbarred into the great Metal Gear Solid saga that SOLID SNAKE and BIG BOSS made so popular!

Remember, he was nowhere to be seen in, and utterly irrelevant to the first three MGS games. They hid Raiden from MGS2 pre-release and everyone was told to treat it like a spoiler.

MGS3 they cast Raiden character (though by slightly different name) as the Big-Bad's ***** and was well received as a brief appearance in this role.

I'm actually kind of glad that Raiden is getting his own SEPARATE game. I just wish he will STAY THERE and NEVER have ANYTHING to do with ANY real Metal Gear games ever again. That pretentious, stupid, whiny git. You Raiden fans, you buy MGR: Revengeance (what a pretentious name), just stop raining on Snake's parade. Raiden does NOT belong in any proper Metal Gear games!

Conclusion: Raiden is not a problem because he is unrealistic (MGS3 bee-man). The character is a problem because he is stupid, annoying, contradictory and redundant.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Treblaine said:
"I loved the excess and craziness of Metal Gear Solid"

There are excesses. And then there are excesses that come at the cost of overall design crosses over from the "crazy" to just plain old bullshit territory.

Psycho Mantis was a REALLY potent enemy and you were just some soldier with a gun, you had to think outside the box to defeat him and it was a challenge.

You can make the enemies as overpowered as you like, but make the protagonist overpowered at you peril, as it destroys any sense of challenge, drama or tensions.

All you are left with is superficial, pretentious posing.

I have nothing wrong in principal with a cyborg ninja, I DO have a problem with said cyborg-ninja picking up a 1000-ton walking tank and throwing it around like it is just a big Styrofoam model. It is pure fan wankery to TRY to make the cyborg seem powerful all it does is make the enemies if fights seem utterly flimsy. There is no leverage there! And slashing them literally to thousands of pieces with ZERO resistance to the cutting it is Over-Powered and boring. This isn't a badass character, this is the enemies by contrivance being made WEAK!

"Are you the representative of a focus group or something?"

Yes. I know that I am not alone in being an MGS fan who played MGS1 without any ponce like Raiden, and BOUGHT MGS2 where the entire role of Raiden was actively hidden from us and WE HATED RAIDEN! Have always hated him. Unbearable. You know why Konami did hid him? Because they KNEW everyone would hate Raiden and being dumped with him at the last minute we didn't have much choice but to accept it.

It is a minority who like Raiden. Like those people who think Jar Jar Binks is a great character.

It's like playing Batman and within the first hour he is replaced by the whiniest most petulant interpretation of Robin you could ever conceive.

Raiden character seem to be DESIGNED to do dumb shit.

Scenario: Old Snake having heart attack about to be crushed by ship that is ramming into and crushing a concrete dock.
Smart thing to do: pick up Old Snake and carry him to safety
Stupid thing to do: Try to brace your arms against the ship and YOUR FEET AGAINST THE CONCRETE DOCK! That is just stupid, even if the Cyborg Exoskeleton was as strong as solid Diamond it would have no effect as the ship was ALREADY crushing the dock and Raiden braced his feet against it! It's just so stupid. Then he get crushed and in the scene transition he magically survives.

Scenario: Old Snake is "surrounded" by a couple soldiers who for some retarded reason decide to use only knives and walk slow as hell
Smart thing to do: use a gun
Raiden-tard thing to do: inexplicably leaps into the scene where:
-there is no explanation how he got on the ship
-he has no arms yet is wearing a trench coat over shoulders
-is carrying a 4 foot long sword IN HIS TEETH
-he inexplicably has lightning powers that he has NEVER demonstrated nor even hinted at before
-he then does nothing for the rest of the game.

Scenario: Raiden fights Vamp and get grabbed from behind
Smart move: stab sword around side of body into vamp, the full length. Or hack at his arms. Or use a bloody gun you hipster twat!
Raiden-tard move: stab sword through OWN CHEST to shallowly stab Vamp.

I have a question for you; What is so great about Raiden? Other than the fact that he has been crowbarred into the great Metal Gear Solid saga that SOLID SNAKE and BIG BOSS made so popular!

Remember, he was nowhere to be seen in, and utterly irrelevant to the first three MGS games. They hid Raiden from MGS2 pre-release and everyone was told to treat it like a spoiler.

MGS3 they cast Raiden character (though by slightly different name) as the Big-Bad's ***** and was well received as a brief appearance in this role.

I'm actually kind of glad that Raiden is getting his own SEPARATE game. I just wish he will STAY THERE and NEVER have ANYTHING to do with ANY real Metal Gear games ever again. That pretentious, stupid, whiny git. You Raiden fans, you buy MGR: Revengeance (what a pretentious name), just stop raining on Snake's parade. Raiden does NOT belong in any proper Metal Gear games!

Conclusion: Raiden is not a problem because he is unrealistic (MGS3 bee-man). The character is a problem because he is stupid, annoying, contradictory and redundant.
Well that was certainly....Youtube worthy. Really, could you not have taken my advice about removing the fanboy goggles in my first post? I mean, Psycho Mantis wasn't a "potent enemy", sure he was interesting and one of the most creative boss fights ever but once you know the trick it's piss easy to beat. A potent enemy would be a boss like The End, no matter how many times you face him it's always a challenge.

I'll agree with you on the overpoweredness though but you gotta realise that that's what Platinum does. They do crazy and they do it well. Of course with reference to the trailer we're more than likely looking at the first level, in which case it'd make sense to show off how much of a badass Raiden has become.

Now...answering "Yes" to my asking if you were a rep for a focus group? You're aware that was just me trying to say that you don't speak for everyone which is weird considering that it's around that point you start speaking for everyone again. I'm gonna let you in on a little piece of info. The concept of Raiden came about because Japanese fans of MGS didn't enjoy playing as a gruff soldier too much, so Hideo went about creating a character that'd be more aesthetically pleasing for a Japanese audience. Japan has a population of over 127 million people, sounds like a lot of Raiden fans to me.

Speaking of "fans". I'm not a Raiden fan, that's not to say I loathe him with the passion that you seem to but I've merely come to accept him as a character in the established universe.

All your little spoiler list thingy does is tell me that you'd make a shitty movie/game director as you have so sense of dramatic tension. Seriously when's the last time you saw a character in a piece of fiction pick the logical choice over the more visually exciting choice?

The answer? NEVER. It doesn't happen because it's not exciting to do the obvious, logical thing.

As for your last couple of points, they can all just be grouped in to "RAGE! RAGE! RAIDEN RUINED TEH METAL GEARS FOREVERZ!!!" fanboyism.

Also....NOBODY likes Jar Jar.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
anthony87 said:
Well that was certainly....Youtube worthy. Really, could you not have taken my advice about removing the fanboy goggles in my first post? I mean, Psycho Mantis wasn't a "potent enemy", sure he was interesting and one of the most creative boss fights ever but once you know the trick it's piss easy to beat. A potent enemy would be a boss like The End, no matter how many times you face him it's always a challenge.

I'll agree with you on the overpoweredness though but you gotta realise that that's what Platinum does. They do crazy and they do it well. Of course with reference to the trailer we're more than likely looking at the first level, in which case it'd make sense to show off how much of a badass Raiden has become.

Now...answering "Yes" to my asking if you were a rep for a focus group? You're aware that was just me trying to say that you don't speak for everyone which is weird considering that it's around that point you start speaking for everyone again. I'm gonna let you in on a little piece of info. The concept of Raiden came about because Japanese fans of MGS didn't enjoy playing as a gruff soldier too much, so Hideo went about creating a character that'd be more aesthetically pleasing for a Japanese audience. Japan has a population of over 127 million people, sounds like a lot of Raiden fans to me.

Speaking of "fans". I'm not a Raiden fan, that's not to say I loathe him with the passion that you seem to but I've merely come to accept him as a character in the established universe.

All your little spoiler list thingy does is tell me that you'd make a shitty movie/game director as you have so sense of dramatic tension. Seriously when's the last time you saw a character in a piece of fiction pick the logical choice over the more visually exciting choice?

The answer? NEVER. It doesn't happen because it's not exciting to do the obvious, logical thing.

As for your last couple of points, they can all just be grouped in to "RAGE! RAGE! RAIDEN RUINED TEH METAL GEARS FOREVERZ!!!" fanboyism.

Also....NOBODY likes Jar Jar.
"The concept of Raiden came about because Japanese fans of MGS didn't enjoy playing as a gruff soldier too much, so Hideo went about creating a character that'd be more aesthetically pleasing for a Japanese audience."

You have insulted Japan's honour!

Solid Snake was and IS extremely popular both in and outside Japan.

A REAL Japanese advert that they got Snake (Big Boss) to shill for as he is more appealing. Raiden hasn't done any Japanese ads.

And if Hideo wanted to make a whiny, fancy, pussy-whipped, bitchy, weak, incompetent, useless AND irrelevant character like Raiden then he shouldn't have pulled a bait and switch with MGS2! Also, there may be 127 million Japanese people but there are 6.873 BILLION people who are not Japanese. And the fact remains, more copies of Metal Gear Solid were sold OUTSIDE Japan than inside Japan. For both MGS1 and MGS2.

Even MGS2 with Raiden, as you slanderously allege something that any Japanese "love" so much, it failed to break 1 million units to spite 127 million population.
In FACT Metal Gear Solid 3 - where Raiden character was reneged to a minor truly bitchy role - sold BETTER in Japan them MGS2 did!

Raiden utterly destroyed confidence in the Metal gear brand. I stuck with MGS3 but when I recommended it to friends they'd make a joke about how they'd probably have their character replaised by a whiny ***** after the first hour, "no thank" they say. An example of how badly Raiden has affected the Brand. MGS1 sold 6 million units, MGS2 sold 7 million (with Raiden a secret) yet by MGS3 sold less than 4 million, an d much the same with MGS4.

I've merely come to accept him as a character in the established universe.
No Acceptance.

No Forgiveness.

No justice till Raiden has been retconned out of the Metal Gear saga forever!

Also could you stop calling Raiden a "badass" it is belittling of genuine badasses. Having plot contrivances stroke one's inflated ego is not badassery. He is only kicking ass in a bloody cyborg ninja exoskeleton and STILL he whines and needs encouragement.

His CHARACTER is the definition of LAME!

All your little spoiler list thingy does is tell me that you'd make a shitty movie/game director as you have so sense of dramatic tension.
Sorry, but you say I have poor concept of Dramatic tension when Raiden's sudden lightning power is THE MOST BLATANT DEUS EX MACHINA! Never mentioned before, never in any way set up. It's PURE contrivance. It also serves nothing for the story except to stroke that character's inflated ego. Snake collapsed for no reason other than for faux-heroics from Raiden. The entire scene could be cut and the story would be BETTER for it and actually make more sense.

Seriously when's the last time you saw a character in a piece of fiction pick the logical choice over the more visually exciting choice?
How is it even logical choice to STAB A SWORD THROUGH YOUR OWN CHEST! Or try to stop a 5000 ton ship WITH YOUR ARMS! That's not an error of judgement, that's not a mistake, that's not foolish. That is the type of thing a small child would suggest. Actually, it is morel ike contrivance.

It is not "visually exciting" to see characters act so stupid. What would be visually exciting would be a character running away from a gigantic ship as it crashes its way through a dock, narrowly avoiding a sudden death! What would be visually exciting is summoning the last of their strength and recalling and refining an established talent.


"ooh, this is such a tense fight scene, if Raiden gets stabbed he will lose his life and everythi- ... oh wait he just stabbed himself through the chest"

This is taking Style over Substance too far. It destroys ALL dramatic tension. The Aesthetics SERVE the substance, not the substance serving the aesthetics! Otherwise what have you got? It's like a good Music video to a bad song.

The people who like Raiden (which you claim doesn't include you) are usually the same who value Graphics over Gameplay. Special effects over character. Beauty over character.

Graphics, effects and beauty are only good for how they ENHANCE the substance.

With Raiden you are multiplying by Zero, you get nothing. Well actually, what you are left with is an intolerable prat who just Wont. Go. Away!

It is the tenth anniversary of a great betrayal I and so many Metal Gear fans suffered with MGS2. Video games are EXPENSIVE working part time after school, I sweated to afford Metal Gear Solid 2 and I got conned!

Also, you are right that nobody like Jar Jar Binks, but there are Jar Jar apologists. Just like there are Raiden apologists.

The only excuse for Raiden is if he goes away and stays away forever.