hermes said:
I think there is credit to be given to Blizzard that different people have different opinions about who is OP. I have seen people attack Genji, Bastion or even Winston as OP.
Blizzard deserves all the credit in the world. I love the game.
While Personal OP comes from how you like to play (A Bastion thinks a Genji is overpowered because they can always find a way to get at them, or a Reinhardt thinks a Widowmaker is overpowered because he can never reach her), I think there's a fair list of general OP no matter who you play.
-Bastion's damage potential with a self heal is ridiculous. I'll even happily take the DPS if he didn't have the ability to repair himself. Cooldown or no, he just has to wipe out whole teams (which had has the capability of doing if he just has two other people whittling down the enemy's life), pop the self heal, and wait the 8 seconds for the team to respawn and walk the thirty seconds back to where he's set up.
-Tracer is on the lower end of the OP scale. Some people just don't have the damage or the projectiles to hit her. A Lucio's projectiles are laughable to her because they are so slow and doesn't do that much of a wallop. Then she has a rewind that heals her and re-ups her ammo?
-Reaper's a glass cannon, but really? The easiest guns to use in the game, one of the highest dps, can collect souls of the dead to heal himself, teleports, mist form, and a death blossom? He's seriously what kids designed in the 90's as their super cool new comic book character.
And I just checked. Reaper ISN'T a glass cannon. He has 250 hp. I get it. You have to get in close to use the shotguns effectively, but given the fact that the soul is going to heal you right after you use those shotguns, why does he need the highest health of all offenses?
-And Mei... freaking MEI. I LOVE THE GIRL TO DEATH, but come on... A Freeze Gun that most characters don't have a counter for because it freezes you so quickly and most characters do not have a knock back, a ridiculously high damage icicle with a laughably quick reload, the only non High Risk, High Reward method of lane denial with her ice Wall, An ice shield that heals her, and her ultimate.
Her freaking Ultimate. You can't destroy it like you can Junk Rat's or D.Va's. You can't stop it by killing her. It just denies. For a long period of time without you being able to do anything.
These characters are just not in line with everyone else.