Ed Smith said:
After five minutes or so, my girlfriend looked up and saw me playing with my virtual kids, and kissing my virtual wife. Surprised by the gunlessness of it all, she put down her laptop and asked if she could have a go. Now here we are, hours later, and we still haven't swapped back.
In a way, I'm glad. Here's somebody who hasn't played a videogame since Tetris, and she's completely immersed in the story and the action. She's not doing badly either; of the five fights she's gotten into so far, only one has ended in defeat. And I'm impressed that she's paying attention to the plot.Last time I put her in front of Battlefield 3, she just sniggered at the dialogue and mashed the skip button. But this time, she's hasn't raised a single objection; the only sound I hear is the occasional coo of approval.
So, let me get this straight. You get your girlfriend, who, as stated above, is not that into games like Battlefield 3, and who might think that most if not all of gaming is like that, and you get her to play a game like Heavy Rain, with its interesting plot, characters, and mechanics, and she starts enjoying herself, even if she's not doing everything, so your first reaction is to take the controller away and tell her
she's doing it wrong?
Wow. All that comes to mind for that thought is a petulant, spoiled child, screaming because his friend wants to play with the toys in a slightly different way. Well done. Nice little hissy fit you have there.
Good on you to realize that might be wrong, though. No, seriously. Good job realizing that someone might be in it for different reasons, that they might be having fun doing what they're doing.
Hey, next time, why don't you try
suggesting something? "Hey, you're not gonna check out the body?" would work well in this instance, I imagine. Don't constantly do it, because no one likes to be told what to do all the time, but if you're sharing the experience, then
share the experience. Know you might do things differently, and you can do them later, but for the here and now, you're seeing how she plays the game. Suggest things, if you think she'd be interested in the results, but don't commandeer the controller just because she missed a clue, or wanted to say something different.