PlayStation Camera Gives PS4 Voice Command Capabilities

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
PlayStation Camera Gives PS4 Voice Command Capabilities

If you want to be able to have Kinect 2.0-style voice commands with your PS4, you'll have to buy a PlayStation Camera.

Remember the PlayStation Eye? It was a camera peripheral for the PS3 that was used in a variety of motion-control games. An improved version of the camera, known simply as the PlayStation Camera, will launch alongside the PS4, but unlike the Xbox One's Kinect 2.0, won't be bundled with the system, meaning you'll have to shell out an extra sixty bucks for it. It will support some cool new features such as Kinect-style voice commands.

"Sony Computer Entertainment can confirm that PlayStation Camera allows for voice recognition and we will look forward to sharing more details in the lead up to the launch of PlayStation 4 on November 29," a Sony Computer Entertainment spokesperson told Polygon [].

SCEA's group manager of retail training and advocacy Sean Coleman outlined some PlayStation Camera features at the GameStop 2013 Expo in Las Vegas this week. "From navigational voice commands to facial recognition, the PlayStation Camera adds incredible innovation to your gaming."

The PlayStation Camera will have some unique functionality with the new DualShock 4 controllers. It will be able to use facial recognition to detect who is holding which controller, and apply that player's preferred controller profile.

These kind of features make it look more and more like the camera was originally planned to be bundled with the PS4, and then removed to cut down on costs. Do you think this was a smart move from Sony, or would you have rather seen a camera in every box, to ensure developers actually develop content for it?

Source: Polygon []



New member
Sep 18, 2008
Why are all these voice command functionalities being bundled with superfluously expensive camera accessories?

If I want to scream into a microphone for a single-player AI-controlled party member to do something, I shouldn't need a $50-100 camera hardware accessory. It should be part of the game software.

I'm happy the Playstation 4 is making this gimmick optional, but with the Xbone having Kinect being forced and the PS4 having the option available, I'm suspecting that we're going to be seeing a lot more games with superfluous voice-commands that inexplicably require a camera.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
the xbone is basically following the wii footsteps, which may or may not backfire like it did with the wii, but for them to invest so fully in a feature is a big gamble


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I think this is the way to go for now.

I don't believe this method of input is ready yet as a main feature, simply look at the amount of trouble Microsoft is having with it in regards to localisation and such.

Let's just keep it as a peripheral until IT and AI have advanced to a point where it becomes a fully reliable method of input that's not bound by speaking in exactly the right accent whilst in a sufficiently big room etc.


New member
Oct 9, 2012
From a personal standpoint? Certainly. This kind of tech is nowhere near reliable, and despite what Microsoft is continuously claiming, I think they're going to have serious problems with Kinect 2.0 when it launches, be it solely in the area of voice commands, or in a much wider range (which I think is likely). Not making the tech mandatory means that I don't have to pay for something that a.)I don't want to use in the first place, and b.)I don't believe is going to work half-as-well as advertised.

From a business standpoint, though? Almost certainly not. The only way to really make sure developers try and make use of the thing is to bundle with every console. That way, the console install base and camera install base are one and the same. You make it an optional accessory, and developers and publishers are less likely to want to have anything to do with it, because you're then working on a product whose market automatically excludes anyone without one of these accessories. It's even worse when the accessory doesn't sell well. That's why the PlayStation Move failed, it's why the Wii Motion Plus never saw heavy support, and it's why there aren't really any titles worth owning for the current Kinect, unless you really like dancing, and don't mind the thing not working.

So, by not bundling the camera, Sony are pretty much smothering it already. It likely won't see very much use. Not that that's a problem with me: as Hagi said, I just don't believe the tech is at a point where it can be used as a reliable input method. If it were, I'm sure Steel Battalion wouldn't be one of the greatest gaming disasters in recent memory.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
It's great that even with the cost of buying the PlayStation Camera separately, the PS4 is still cheaper than the Xbone. Especially since it apparently does all the same stuff that Microsoft are so adamant is worth the extra cost. I'm not sure whether Sony decided to not include it because of the price, because they knew people wouldn't want one or it just wasn't up to scratch yet but it's good that they are giving players a choice and not building their console around it.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Here's the thing with all this motion and voice command crap, they seem to fail to understand that when I get home from work I don't want to jump around like a kangaroo or yell at my TV like a crazy person. I want to lay back on the lounge (or sit at a computer desk) and entertain myself with as little physical effort as possible. You can't beat pushing a button a few millimeters with waving your arms around like an idiot.

Captcha: lark about - see even captcha gets it :)

Infernal Lawyer

New member
Jan 28, 2013
As someone pointed out, why can't I use voice commands with a microphone? Why do I need a camera? By all means explain, but to an outsider it doesn't make much sense.
Aug 31, 2011
Nah, I have enough issues calling automated customer support lines for utility companies. I actually called my electric company's line repeatedly (I'm stubborn and didn't want to have to listen to the touch-tone menu given how long they make it - the option I needed was the fourth or fifth submenu, 8th option). It failed to understand 'billing,' 'bill,' 'operator,' 'representative,' and 'customer service.' But after yelling some choice profanities at it, it transferred me to someone. Go figure.

So, do I wish to recreate this experience in my home just to get Netflix to play a video? Naw. I'll pass.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Overquoted said:
Nah, I have enough issues calling automated customer support lines for utility companies. I actually called my electric company's line repeatedly (I'm stubborn and didn't want to have to listen to the touch-tone menu given how long they make it - the option I needed was the fourth or fifth submenu, 8th option). It failed to understand 'billing,' 'bill,' 'operator,' 'representative,' and 'customer service.' But after yelling some choice profanities at it, it transferred me to someone. Go figure.

So, do I wish to recreate this experience in my home just to get Netflix to play a video? Naw. I'll pass.
I used to work for a stupidly large call centre. Even when on hold/waiting, shouting and swearing can get you directly through. They have systems to recognise "customer stress" and react accordingly.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I'm looking forward to ignoring this feature,i'm not that interested in voice commands, they seem rather inconvenient. I never really found it hard to press a button, so yeah...


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I think not bundling it was a great choice, I'm really not convinced that voice commands are robust enough to sell a game yet.

And Sony might even end up with the best of both worlds, since if developers work on Kinect support, it might be easy enough to port that functionality over to the PS4 without requiring every person to be saddled with unnecessary gimmicky tech


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I still don't see why voice commands cant be handled by a fucking microphone, but at least Sony isn't forcing their customers to buy a useless peripheral that'll only be used by shitty casual games.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
you see, at least sony is giving us a choice, and consumers are more receptive to choice than they are to having something forced on them (The really fucking creepy way MS pushed the kinect is an example of how NOT to do things) i'm fully aware that i'll look like a hypocrite, but i might just shell out the cash for this, depending on what the game support is like. then i'll at least know if i'm getting something i'll enjoy, or if it's just an expensive piece of junk. but i'm glad i won't be forced into owning it before i even know if it's any good.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Many devs probably won't be doing much with it at the beginning. Later in the cycle when the main issues have been sorted out they will develop better games for it (on both consoles). By that time it is possible the camera has dropped in price.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
For fuck's sake.

The EyeToy was kickass enough. We never even needed the original PS Eye on the PS3 (and don't tell me it was a success). Now Sony feels the need to copy the Kinect which ripped off the EyeToy and is now ripping UP the Xbone?

There is no hope for this next generation now. Abandon hope, all ye fans.
Aug 31, 2011
Leviano said:
I used to work for a stupidly large call centre. Even when on hold/waiting, shouting and swearing can get you directly through. They have systems to recognise "customer stress" and react accordingly.
Really. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm using an automated system. B) At least the bloody thing recognized something.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Cid SilverWing said:
Now Sony feels the need to copy the Kinect which ripped off the EyeToy and is now ripping UP the Xbone?
If there's one thing Sony likes to do, it's copying the other platform holders. Only a matter of time before they integrate some kind of tablet as a controller.

It would be hilarious if this voice feature worked in more countries than the Kinect on launch.

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Madmanonfire said:
Cid SilverWing said:
Now Sony feels the need to copy the Kinect which ripped off the EyeToy and is now ripping UP the Xbone?
If there's one thing Sony likes to do, it's copying the other platform holders. Only a matter of time before they integrate some kind of tablet as a controller.

It would be hilarious if this voice feature worked in more countries than the Kinect on launch.
Technically, they already have with the PSvita compatibility

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I'm no expert, but I don't think mimicking your competition is the best way to succeed in business. After all why would consumers need to buy your thing when they already have your competition's. You'd be better off doing something unique and different to your competition, but then what do I know?