PlayStation Camera Gives PS4 Voice Command Capabilities


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I actually saw the EyeToy at Walmart the other day. Reminded me that this existed.

I don't think Sony is copying the competition; merely they're just pointing out that the voice functionality is also on PS4 in case Microsoft tries to claim it's some kind of unique and exclusive function of their console. Sony isn't stupid; they saw Microsoft's E3 conference and their's basically consisted of pointing at the latter's conference and repeatedly saying "We're not gonna do that." The fact that it's basically a footnote shows that they just said the EyeToy can do that to appease anyone that wants Voice Control (all of the 0.01% of the global population) while not forcing it on its consumer base.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Absolutionis said:
I'm happy the Playstation 4 is making this gimmick optional, but with the Xbone having Kinect being forced and the PS4 having the option available, I'm suspecting that we're going to be seeing a lot more games with superfluous voice-commands that inexplicably require a camera.
I wouldn't count on it. This is likely to remain a novelty.

Computer, post.

...Damn you, computer, do what I say!


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
I'm no expert, but I don't think mimicking your competition is the best way to succeed in business. After all why would consumers need to buy your thing when they already have your competition's. You'd be better off doing something unique and different to your competition, but then what do I know?
Actually, doing this stuff is kind of genius. With them trying to do everything that Microsoft is doing right while pointing out all wrongs being done, they make themselves look to be better because they have all that the competition has and more, for a cheaper price. That sways the audience that was in the middle and didn't care about exclusives but simply wanted the third-party next-gen games. It won't break the brand loyalty(Microsoft already did that for some of its fanbase), but it helps with the less bound console buyers.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Madmanonfire said:
If there's one thing Sony likes to do, it's copying the other platform holders. Only a matter of time before they integrate some kind of tablet as a controller.
Sony had some of the first voice command games, pretty sure. Were there even voice options for the original Xbox (Online chat and the like doesn't count). And, of course, the whole Vita option on the PS3 predates WiiU, doesn't it?


Just like Microsoft copied the concept of a tablet from the inventors of it and totally not people who resisted it when it was first introduced by totally not Microsoft, Apple.


New member
May 21, 2013
I think Sony is adding this feature for those who would miss the voice control functionality for the main OS' multimedia functions. If you're offering some features that appealed to a circle of XBone customers, that's a plus, I think. For anybody else, it's a feature they won't need to use. I don't think game devs will pick it up as a necessary input. Maybe for some optional stuff. Few games had similar integration with the Move and it wasn't really noticeable if you didn't use it.

I think if Sony intended to make it a necessary thing, they would've said so, after-all, shutting up about a thing that could bring you potential profit, while loudly yapping about everything else is not a viable marketing strategy.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
klaynexas3 said:
canadamus_prime said:
I'm no expert, but I don't think mimicking your competition is the best way to succeed in business. After all why would consumers need to buy your thing when they already have your competition's. You'd be better off doing something unique and different to your competition, but then what do I know?
Actually, doing this stuff is kind of genius. With them trying to do everything that Microsoft is doing right while pointing out all wrongs being done, they make themselves look to be better because they have all that the competition has and more, for a cheaper price. That sways the audience that was in the middle and didn't care about exclusives but simply wanted the third-party next-gen games. It won't break the brand loyalty(Microsoft already did that for some of its fanbase), but it helps with the less bound console buyers.
Well I did say I'm no expert. However I still have to shake my head at this move. It's like when Sony developed the Playstation Move which was basically Sony's version of Nintendo's Wii remote. At least when Microsoft first developed the Kinect it was something different than what Nintendo did although we all know it was only developed because of the success of the Wii.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
klaynexas3 said:
canadamus_prime said:
I'm no expert, but I don't think mimicking your competition is the best way to succeed in business. After all why would consumers need to buy your thing when they already have your competition's. You'd be better off doing something unique and different to your competition, but then what do I know?
Actually, doing this stuff is kind of genius. With them trying to do everything that Microsoft is doing right while pointing out all wrongs being done, they make themselves look to be better because they have all that the competition has and more, for a cheaper price. That sways the audience that was in the middle and didn't care about exclusives but simply wanted the third-party next-gen games. It won't break the brand loyalty(Microsoft already did that for some of its fanbase), but it helps with the less bound console buyers.
Well I did say I'm no expert. However I still have to shake my head at this move. It's like when Sony developed the Playstation Move which was basically Sony's version of Nintendo's Wii remote. At least when Microsoft first developed the Kinect it was something different than what Nintendo did although we all know it was only developed because of the success of the Wii.
Oh you can shake your head. It's a bullshit move to make quite honestly and I think Sony(since the PS3) has just been trying too hard to mimic popular ideas while not doing much with their own. Though to be fair, the Kinect was the PS2's EyeToy, the only reason why it wasn't called out on it was due to the fact that the EyeToy was forgotten so quickly nobody had remembered it at that point. So while it is somewhat on the side of copying to bring back the camera, it's more so them realizing their old technology might actually have a place in the world, though they're not wanting to make any first steps with it.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
klaynexas3 said:
canadamus_prime said:
klaynexas3 said:
canadamus_prime said:
I'm no expert, but I don't think mimicking your competition is the best way to succeed in business. After all why would consumers need to buy your thing when they already have your competition's. You'd be better off doing something unique and different to your competition, but then what do I know?
Actually, doing this stuff is kind of genius. With them trying to do everything that Microsoft is doing right while pointing out all wrongs being done, they make themselves look to be better because they have all that the competition has and more, for a cheaper price. That sways the audience that was in the middle and didn't care about exclusives but simply wanted the third-party next-gen games. It won't break the brand loyalty(Microsoft already did that for some of its fanbase), but it helps with the less bound console buyers.
Well I did say I'm no expert. However I still have to shake my head at this move. It's like when Sony developed the Playstation Move which was basically Sony's version of Nintendo's Wii remote. At least when Microsoft first developed the Kinect it was something different than what Nintendo did although we all know it was only developed because of the success of the Wii.
Oh you can shake your head. It's a bullshit move to make quite honestly and I think Sony(since the PS3) has just been trying too hard to mimic popular ideas while not doing much with their own. Though to be fair, the Kinect was the PS2's EyeToy, the only reason why it wasn't called out on it was due to the fact that the EyeToy was forgotten so quickly nobody had remembered it at that point. So while it is somewhat on the side of copying to bring back the camera, it's more so them realizing their old technology might actually have a place in the world, though they're not wanting to make any first steps with it.
So in other words Sony isn't copying Microsoft (except for the voice commands thing) they're just reviving the Eye Toy after the success of the Kinect which is strange because no body likes the Kinect.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Chalk me up for glad. I do not intend to buy the camera (the voice commands on the X-Box always looked clunky and pointless) so saving money on the PS4 is always good.

Voice commands are not faster or easier than button presses. Anything that is slower and more difficult than a button press is a step backwards.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
So in other words Sony isn't copying Microsoft (except for the voice commands thing) they're just reviving the Eye Toy after the success of the Kinect which is strange because no body likes the Kinect.
Yes and no. It's a revival in a copy cat manner. They had the idea first, but if it wasn't for the fact that Microsoft and Nintendo were both so adamant about having these gimmicky items, they would have just let it rest and stay dead. But, because they do see basically all companies are throwing some hat into the ring of gimmicks, Sony isn't going to do much more than suit up their old technology and give it a few more things that has already been done before. I really don't know what to call the situation, but everyone needs to quit screen peeking.

Eppy (Bored)

Crazed Organist
Jan 7, 2009
Eventually there will be a market for the Kinect and the Eye. That market is not yet anywhere near large enough to justify Kinect's existence. Sony no doubt knows this, and knows that consumer demand (and developer demand) for such a product isn't high enough to warrant the additional expense of the hardware; if the original two devices are any indication they realize that it would be a waste to dump too much money into developing something that in the long run won't make their console more popular and simply increase the price.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
klaynexas3 said:
canadamus_prime said:
So in other words Sony isn't copying Microsoft (except for the voice commands thing) they're just reviving the Eye Toy after the success of the Kinect which is strange because no body likes the Kinect.
Yes and no. It's a revival in a copy cat manner. They had the idea first, but if it wasn't for the fact that Microsoft and Nintendo were both so adamant about having these gimmicky items, they would have just let it rest and stay dead. But, because they do see basically all companies are throwing some hat into the ring of gimmicks, Sony isn't going to do much more than suit up their old technology and give it a few more things that has already been done before. I really don't know what to call the situation, but everyone needs to quit screen peeking.
That's more or less what I said. They're only reviving the Eye Toy because of the Kinect and the Kinect was only developed because of the Wii. It's all rather sad really. After all if everyone's doing the same thing then it doesn't give consumers much in the way of choice.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
No worries, majority of developers will just ignore it or at most make some token functionality for it.

The vast majority are buying the $399 bundle which won't have the PSEye. Developers aren't going to spend time on little use features, much less base important aspects of gameplay on it.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Voice Command, you say?

I don't have a problem with this as long as I, and the majority of the game developers, can ignore this crap for the gimmick that it is. It looks like people that fall under the umbrella of Microsoft won't be as lucky.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Thought A: I am glad to see that there is a camera and mic for those who could really benefit from it, and that it's optional for those of us who really don't want it. Hopefully the PS4 will record the audio and video for those who want to use it (i.e. Let's Play)

Thought B: Microsoft makes camera and mic mandatory and we're up in arms, Sony makes camera and mic optional and it doesn't really bother a majority of us. I bet Microsoft is really scratching their heads over that one.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Well that makes the PS4 have everything the Wii U and XBox one has at a cheaper price then the XBox one. And all the games that are only on the XBox one I could care less about.
Now if only there was someway of emulating some Wii U games on the PS4, so I can play the next zelda on it.


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
Plus: it's optional, so that keeps the price down and means we won't get bogged down with camera/voice shovelware or stupid camera/voice gimmicks in otherwise good games (like motion control is misused).

Minus: since it's optional, it won't be used in good ways either as developers will probably not waste time on implementing camera/voice controls in games so we won't see any good implementations either.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Absolutionis said:
Why are all these voice command functionalities being bundled with superfluously expensive camera accessories?

If I want to scream into a microphone for a single-player AI-controlled party member to do something, I shouldn't need a $50-100 camera hardware accessory. It should be part of the game software.

I'm happy the Playstation 4 is making this gimmick optional, but with the Xbone having Kinect being forced and the PS4 having the option available, I'm suspecting that we're going to be seeing a lot more games with superfluous voice-commands that inexplicably require a camera.
because it is popular now to bundle camera and microphone together due to popularity of videocalls. it is much easier to turn on videocall and speak to camera than have seperate devices, and since videocalls are popular, that dominates market now. i stull use good old headsets.
by the way, you can plug in your PC microphone into PS4 without any hard work. XboxOne however you ahve to buy their overpriced headset with crap quality and a cost you wont soon forget.


New member
Jul 31, 2013
This doesn't seem to be copying, but just bringing the product up to speed. Like the mouse was once an extra, but GUI(Graphical User Interface) made it a necessary. Don't forget Sony makes T.v.'s, full series with skype/camera installed, and got first place on netflix-devices(Dec.2012).


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Infernal Lawyer said:
As someone pointed out, why can't I use voice commands with a microphone? Why do I need a camera? By all means explain, but to an outsider it doesn't make much sense.
Because the key parts of the voice recognition will be made on dedicated chips inside the camera. Same reason why you can do 3d models with a kinect but not with a standard camera, you are not paying for the 2 buck microphone but for the chip that translate that into something the PS4 can recognize.