BooTsPs3 said:
Pokebank does change that. Upload pokemon to bank. Reset save file, download them back to game. No need for a second game and hours of time trading.
Similarly they can also block access of future Pokebank features until you beat the game. Just like they've done for all the other transfer messages.
It is a vital feature for anyone at all interested in the competitive scene of pokemon.
As someone who is in the competitive scene herself, I can tell your right now that it's a bonus, but not vital. I have been battling competitively even now without the use of Pokebank, and already you have crybabies complaining about us either through comments in Pokemon or forums.
This is especially trure if your talking about IV training where even the majority of competitive players never bothered with it. I for one didn't and only the most insanely dedicated trainers wracked their hair out over it. Most of my competitive teams now aren't as good as my EV/IV bred team, and it wouldn't surprise me to find that other people are going to simply rebreed their teams to be even better now that IV training isn't exclusive to the insane.
The game is extremely limited now due to not having a ton of pokemon, and more importantly, nobody wants to go through weeks of breeding and training pokes they already have in gen V, so even those you can still get in gen VI are less usable.
For your first point, the amount of Pokemon you can only get with Pokebank is small compared to the Pokemon you can get through friend safaris and trading online even now.
$5 is $5 more than it should cost. It's been free every other gen.
It was only free if you were damn lucky. Some people were fortunate to have siblings with a handheld, or friends willing to loan it to them for a day or so to they can transfer all of their Pokemon. Others however were stuck behind basically a paywall of $100.00 or more because you need a second DS system to transfer all of your Pokemon. $5.00 a year for a service that will be continous long after X and Y is far from a bad deal.
And while you could argue that there is a free trial, what about when i play through black or diamond or ruby again? I don't get my pokemon to current gen without paying.
Well for one, if your playing Ruby and Sapphire, you would have to transport the game to either B/W B2/W2 because the transfer from Pokebank only works on those games.
Secondly, if you saw yourself replaying games again, then sorry but you have to pay for the $5.00 a year service. Not that it should matter all that much considering how by that time the wonder trade and extension the GTS center will be flooded with those same Pokemon anyway.
Look you can put this any way you want. But this feature is massively important to a huge number of players. It is "vital" to their enjoyment of this game. And it was fucked up. Hugely. There shouldn't have been a wait to begin with. There shouldn't have been a cost to begin with. Now here we are, 27th of december, with no pokebank due to a problem that a fucking 12 year old would have seen coming.
Except that many people have been having a lot of fun in Pokemon X and Y without this "vital" feature. Which means it's not really "vital" as you make it out to be.
They didn't do a huge fuck up. They just pulled it for a couple of days to fix kinks and relieve server load which was horribly bad even for those lucky ones that got to use it.
There will be a cost because this is a service that will be there for Pokemon eternity. Servers still cost money. I don't see nearly this amount of crying when Sony forced all users to pay for PS+ just to use online multiplayer.
There has to be a wait to begin with because the last thing anyone wants is a service that eradicates your Pokemon on accident. I'd rather have long server loads than a server that can't even store data properly.
And lets say that it was out on day one? Do you honestly think you would get to use it day one? Just like the old transferring method you would have to wait until after you beat the game to use it anyway.