Pokemon: Protectors of the Past(Recruitment and Interest Thread)


New member
Feb 24, 2010
"In international news - the string of natural disasters in recent months continues, with a small-scale earthquake hitting Sinnoh's Oreburgh City. While no casualties were reported, the quake caused significant property damage and shut down the city's mine for three days before local gym leader Roark was able to restore power. This comes on the heels of Hurricane Marill, which made landfall in Hoenn's Slateport City last month..."

"In more lighthearted news, this year's Amatuer World Tournament is fast approaching! Hosted this time around in Goldenrod City's renowned Pokéathlon Dome, the tournament has already drawn participants and audience members alike from all over the world, a full week before the ceremonies officially get underway. Heh, but it's not like that should be surprising; just take a look at this line-up!

"Trainers from all across the globe, guest commentary from local and visiting Gym Leaders Whitney and Wattson, and a prize pot of $1,000,000 and an opportunity to have your name inscribed on the vaunted Goldenrod Cup! You'd have to be crazy to pass up an opportunity like this!

"The Tournament's promotional department has asked our network to say that registration is still open, and will remain open until it officially starts next Saturday. If any of you Pokémon trainers out there want to test your might and skill, then sign up, either in person or via the special, limited time PC service!

"And who knows!? This just might turn out to be your big break!"


Greetings, and welcome to the wonderful world of Pok&#233mon! I'm Arcanist, your friendly neighborhood GM, and with my co-GM Pappytech we hope to bring you a quintessential Pok&#233mon adventure.

Below, you'll find all the resources you need to get started - a character sheet, rules and regulations, and even a few bits of advice.


First up, obviously, is the character sheet. Now, while the Pok&#233mon games, anime, and manga adaptations typically star younger protagonists, this RP will focus on a slightly older cast. If you'd like to write up a ten year old first starting out on their journey, however, then they'll still be considered; however, characters in their late teens and older are preferred.

Name: What is your name?

Age: How old are you?

Gender: Are you a boy or a girl?

City/Region: Where in the Pok&#233mon world is your home?

Appearance: At least a couple paragraphs of description here, please. Your character's height, weight, hair and eye color, clothes that they never seem to change, etc.

Personality: Again, at least a couple paragraphs here. Detail your character?s quirks and behaviors, like how they treat their Pok&#233mon or how they act around other people.

Biography: Next, tell us your character's life story. Where were they born? Where did they grow up? Were they given a Pok&#233dex and a starter or did they start off with a less iconic line-up? While not required, it'd be nice if you talked about when and where you encountered each member of your initial team.

Inventory: What gear is your character carrying? It's presumed that everybody has a bag/backpack for carrying all this stuff around in. Make sure to check the Items and Inventory section for budget limitations.

Pok&#233mon: Last but certainly not least, what does your current line-up look like? Please list their species, nickname (if they have one), gender, level, movelist, and ability (hidden abilities are not allowed). If you want to give a few details about your Pok&#233mons' appearance or mannerisms then please do so. Don't feel like you have to stick to their official heights or weights; I'm pretty sure those are just randomly thrown together. You can also list their nature if you'd like.

Here are some basic guidelines for forming your initial line-up. Please pay attention and ask any questions that might come to mind.

1. Trainers can start off with a maximum of four Pok&#233mon, including any that might be stored in the PC System. Don't worry, you can still carry up to six at any one time and I promise that you'll have the chance to increase your team size early on.

2. The initial level cap for any one Pok&#233mon is 30 -- no exceptions. Please keep the levels of your Pok&#233mon in mind when figuring out their movesets and evolutions. In addition, the total sum of all of your Pok&#233mon's levels cannot exceed 75.

3. Movesets and abilities will be based on the later Generation VI games (X and Y). If you need some help on remembering when a Pok&#233mon learns a certain move, then I'd advise you to check Bulbapedia [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page]. It really is a great resource for anything Pok&#233mon related.

4. Each Pok&#233mon can start off knowing one TM move and one Egg move. If they do know one of these moves, please label it as such. If a Pok&#233mon knows a TM move, your trainer will not start off with that TM in their inventory; they will either have to buy it later or find one during their adventure.

5. Legendary Pok&#233mon, or Pok&#233mon that can only be obtained under special circumstances, are not allowed. For example, Pok&#233mon like Bedlum and Lapras, which can only be received as gifts or at certain times of the week, will not be accepted. This does not mean that they can't be obtained later in the game, however. Fossil Pok&#233mon are the notable exception to this rule. If your character has a good reason for getting one in their biography, then I'll probably accept it.

Pseudo-Legendary Pok&#233mon, while not outright banned, will be subjected to more scrutiny than other species.

Legendary Pok&#233mon will never be a permanent part of your team.

6. Please try to have a reasonable line-up. A team consisting of a Charmander, a Pidgey, and a Caterpie (and their respective evolutionary lines) is reasonable. A team consisting of a Dratini, a Larvitar, and a Gible (and their respective evolutionary lines) is not.

7. Please try to pay attention, at least somewhat, to geography. For example, a character from the Sinnoh Region should not have a team exclusively from Unova.

While the games are designed the way they are for good reasons, a text-based RP doesn't need to behave the same way. Let's talk about HMs.

1. A Pok&#233mon does not need to have a HM filling up one of their move-slots in order to use its effects. Scyther can cut through small trees, Machoke can move boulders, and Pikachu can light up a dark cave without a problem. However, do keep logic in mind when it comes to some of the transport moves; a Pidgey with a wingspan of 3' can't exactly carry around a full-grown person, for instance. HM moves can still be taught to a Pok&#233mon to be used in battle.

2. For the purposes of this RP, each Pok&#233mon can know up to six moves at any one time.

Now, I think we can all agree on two things: First, it feels great to catch a new teammate -- to find that Pok&#233mon that perfectly compliments your team and trap them inside a tiny metal sphere!

Second, grinding is just the worst. Literally, the worst.

As such, I've tried the find the best way to capitalize on that first feeling, while minimizing that second one as much as possible.

1. Under normal circumstances, wild Pok&#233mon will only be encountered when people are actively looking for them. If you're looking to catch a Pok&#233mon, tell us beforehand and your attacks won't ever accidentally knock your target out. You'll obviously still have to use a Pok&#233balll to catch them and paralyzing or putting your target to sleep will increase your chance of catching them.

The levels of wild Pok&#233mon will be scaled to better suit those of your own Pok&#233mon.

2. After major milestones(for both the player and the story at large), you will be awarded a pool of levels you can assign to your team to level them up as you please. We will not be using the system of EXP after winning a battle; down that road be grindy dragons. The frequency and size of these awards will be given entirely at the discretion of Pappy and I based on both your contribution to the thread and how well you impress us with your role-playing prowess.

1. When facing NPCs, how the battle is handled depends on the power level of the NPC as well as their importance to the story. When fighting random grunts and faceless rookies, you'll be allowed to play out the fight yourself. Have some fun showing off and strutting your stuff, but keep in mind that we won't much appreciate you simply steamrolling your way through these combats.

When battling the heavy hitters, however - Team bosses, gym leaders, and rivals - you'll be collaborating directly with Pappy and I.

2. Battles betwen PCs, however, are decided differently. It will be up to the players to decide beforehand to decide how the battle goes and who wins and who loses. If you can't come to a decision yourselves, Pappy and I will step in and rule ourselves and the battle will play out from there. It goes without saying that we are expecting you to conduct yourselves in this with some degree of maturity - getting into a pissing match and having the GMs resolve every fight isn't going to make anyone very happy.

1. Initially, everybody will have access to 20,000 Pok&#233mon Dollars (hereafter referred to simply as dollars) worth of gear such as Pok&#233balls, potions, status healers, revivals, and other bits and bobs. If you have less than 20,000 dollars worth of gear at the start of the game, then you start off with the difference in your wallet and will be free to spend it at any shop or any service available to you. I'd recommend checking Bulbapedia to find the price of certain items.

Held items that boost the effectiveness of a certain move type (Charcoal, Sharp Beak, etc.) are considered to cost 5,000 dollars apiece.

2. TMs can be used as many times as you'd like, though you'll still have to purchase or acquire them somehow.

2. If you win a sanctioned Pok&#233mon battle (outside of a tournament, of course), your opponent will be forced to give you a quarter of their current money. If you lose, you will be forced to give them a quarter of your own funds. Items do not factor into this, naturally; you'll only lose a fourth of your loose change.

3. Key Items, such as bikes, fishing rods, and item detectors, do not factor into your initial budget. You are free to have any of the key items described in the games, but I would ask that people avoid simply loading up on everything. Your characters are going to have to carry around everything they've got, after all, and walking around with enough equipment to make Link jealous is going to raise a few eyebrows.

4. Shops and services, like Department Stores, Daycares, and Move Tutors can be used by anybody whenever they'd like, assuming the timing is reasonable and their funds allow it. Pok&#233mon Centers are the notable exception, having near 24-hour service free of charge! Cities will have the same services that their game-equivalents do.

1.Any trainer that begins with a starter from one of the Professors is automatically considered to have a Pok&#233dex in their possession, unless specified otherwise.

Though it is technically the Pok&#233dex that allows a trainer to determine what a Pok&#233mon's level, health, and moveset is, for the purposes of this RP all trainers possess that skillset. Instead, Pok&#233dexes will have other benefits such as allowing trainers to track down a certain Pok&#233mon species' location, identifying an unrecognized species, or simply looking up fun facts about them.

2. Pok&#233mon can obviously communicate with people, either by repeating their own name, growling, purring, or roaring, or simply by playing charades. If you choose to have your Pok&#233mon talk, then please make sure to color code their speech based on their primary type using the following guide:

Normal = DarkSalmon
Fire = OrangeRed
Water = Aqua
Electric = Gold
Grass = ForestGreen
Ice = IceBlue
Fighting = Maroon
Poison = MediumVioletRed
Ground = SaddleBrown
Flying = SkyBlue
Psychic = HotPink
Bug = Olive
Rock = Gray
Ghost = Indigo
Dragon = RoyalPurple
Dark = MidnightBlue
Steel = SteelBlue

To color your text, use the following tags: [color=_______) Text goes here (/color]
Just replace the parentheses with square brackets and you're good.

3. Though I only read up to the Diamond and Pearl arc, I'm a pretty big fan of the Pok&#233mon Adventures manga and all the craziness it revels in. If you want to give your character or Pok&#233mon certain talents or abilities, like Pok&#233ball nunchucks or generating a surfboard out of electricity, then go right ahead. So long as it isn't game-breaking, odds are I'll be happy enough to go along with it.


A few other important details: The RP will start out with everybody converging at Goldenrod City for an amateur tournament. This is also taking place 10 years after the Gold and Silver games -- which would be 13 years after the original Red, Blue, and Yellow. Odds are certain NPCs, like Gym-Leaders, Elite Four members, and iconic Trainers, will be making an appearance. And yes, you're probably going to be fighting an evil criminal organization who's obsessed with stealing Pokémon for some nefarious purpose. There's no sense in fixing a set-up that ain't broke, after all.

This RP will mainly be using Skype as an OOC chat. It isn't a requirement, but if you haven't used Skype before I'd highly recommend it. It's a free, effective service and it's served me well in many a RP.

Finally, the mandatory list of role-playing rules I expect people to abide by:

0. I am the GM: My word is absolute. Anything I say, goes.

Now to clarify, I don't intend to rule over this RP with an iron fist. This is supposed to be a place for people to have fun, after all, and I'll do my best to make sure that everybody is enjoying themselves. That said, if I ever do feel the need to throw my authority around, whether to stop an argument that's gone too far or keep things from going entirely off the rails, I will do so and I will expect people to listen.

1. Post Length/Quality: Long story short, I don't really care for one-line posts. While I'm not going to hold everyone to an insanely harsh standard, I would like to see a couple paragraphs (typically one for a reaction and one for an action, at the very least) per post. In addition, posts that are absolutely riddled with grammar or spelling errors are frowned upon; while I can put up with it to a certain extent, if I'm running into a misspelled word every other sentence I start to get annoyed.

2. No God-Modding, Trenchcoating, Etc.: Really shouldn't have to explain anything here.

3. Don't be a Jerk: I know that it's the internet, but there's no reason we all can't be somewhat civil. Joking and teasing is fine, but if someone is being an asshole they will be politely asked to stop. If they continue to do so, they'll be told to leave.

4. Regularity: To be perfectly clear: real life is more important than internet life. That applies to everyone, myself included (especially since school just started back up). If you've got a test coming up or need to work some overtime and won't be able to post as much as a result, then of course I understand. Let me know and we'll try to work something out. If, however, you disappear for a couple weeks without warning or explanation... Well, I can only auto someone along for a limited time.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
I hope you're prepared for trouble, and this time, make it triple. Team Rocket Fan Harley will have her third iteration submitted sometime in the next few days!


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
Hmm, I may also consider throwing my hat into the ring with a rejected character that whilst it was a improvement over it's pre-evolution, didn't quite make the grade, but was very close.

EDIT: No longer interested.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
I'm going to throw up a sheet iv tried a few times and maybe it works this time. Hope so, would love to join.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Name: Ambitious Martial Trainer Miles Oyama

Age: 16

Gender: Boy

City/Region: Sinnoh, Veilstone City

Appearance: Bright blue hair, and green eyes, Miles routinely dresses in training vests(which is also where he keeps his pokeballs, though Scarlet is often out of hers as she's never grown accustomed to them), fingerless gloves, and either skintight pants or training shorts. Around his neck are a pair of goggles he wears when the weather demands. Around his neck he wears a little locket styled like a premier pokeball, on a neoprene cord, inside is a picture of Maylene, himself, and their pokemon, taken around the time of their birthdays when they first received them. He prefers to go barefoot everywhere, but does have a pair of heavy-duty sandals should the terrain require them.

He's a strong specimen, very lean and with muscle definition for his age that could shame a Machop. Outside of a few scars on his hands and a crooked nose, he's what most would call the perfect competitor, strong and quick on his feet, he's of average height and is a bit on the heavy side due to his somewhat overdeveloped muscle and a sparkle in his eyes only someone with great aspirations and dreams could have.

Miles is a upbeat youth filled with the burning fire of having an ultimate goal. Only ever gets negative when he continually fails and even then his drive to succeed is only strengthened. Sometimes to his demise so focused he is on training and overcoming his limitations he's forgone warm clothing in the cold in favor of training.

In terms of his Pokemon training, he pushes them just as hard as he pushes himself, refusing to accept that they are unable to learn or do something. Fortunately, his vigor has transferred to his Pokemon, and they are mostly of the same disposition as himself.

People are a different story. He sees each person as a challenge to overcome in some way. Pokemon battles are just one of those ways. He's certainly not above challenging them to a marathon or race to the next city on foot...while giving them an hour's headstart...on a Rapidash...

Biography: Born and raised in Veilstone City, Miles didn't have much of a future involving Pokemon beyond the Vulpix he'd known since he was a child. It wasn't until he met Maylene a few years ago that his passion erupted and he began training just as hard as her. Both receiving Fighting-Types as birthday presents(her a Riolu, Miles received Yippon, his Mienfoo), they upped their training together and became closer, with Miles developing a heavy crush(though unannounced).

Unfortunately, he never had her particular talent, possibly because her experience outstrips his own and she quickly became the Gym Leader within years of staring her pokemon journey. This prompted Miles to leave Veilstone with his two Pokemon at the time, Yippan and Scarlet the Vulpix and go train on his own, leaving Sinnoh and traveling the regions, he found Sifon,Yippan's best friend and training partner, and recently, on a short visit back home before taking the train to Goldenrod for the upcoming Tournament, he met and captured Raider. Sifon has since grown very attached to her...

Having braved his way through the natural disasters that have befallen the Pokemon landmasses, he arrives at Goldenrod spent, but proud of himself. He intends to travel the Regions and become the strongest Fighting-type trainer known to the world. He hopes that he'll become a member of the Elite Four, Gym leader, or at the very least, a Dojo Master to ignite his student's passion for training and pokemon. Oh, and confess his feelings to Maylene...that'd be a great thing to get the confidence and experience needed for that...

Black Belt(worn by Yippon)

Muscle Band(Worn by Siffon)

1 Great Ball

1 Ultra Ball

Timer Ball

2 Revives

2Super Potions

5 Lava Cookies

3 Lemonade

Key Items:

Mach Bike

Shiny Charm(came with the Premier Ball Yippan is in)


Seal Case(Yippan's Premier ball came with Party B seal)

Pal Pad

Money left: 150
Pokemon:Vulpix: Name- Scarlet
-Gender Female
-Type Fire
-Level 27
-Nature: Modest
Fire Spin
Feint Attack

-Ability: Flash Fire
Attentive, but not active unless she has to. Scarlet prefers to sit and be stroked and brushed over while out of her pokeball and not battling. But in battle, is every bit mischievous as her species line is known for.

Mienfoo, Yippan
-Gender Male
-Type Fighting
-Level 24
-Nature: Adamant

Double Slap
Vital Throw(Egg Move)
Fake Out

-Ability: Regenerator
A constant companion and "Master" to Sifon, they train together and push one another to succeed. Takes battles very seriously and has been known to lash out if he feels his opponent is not taking it just as seriously as himself.

Pancham, Sifon
-Gender Male
-Type Fighting
-Level 22
-Nature: Relaxed

Arm Thrust
Work Up
Karate Chop
Comet Punch

-Ability: Iron Fist
Active and constantly training with Yippan, Sifon has much the same mentality as Yippan, though he is slighlty more laid back. And although Sifon is the less experienced of the two, he is able to win in their training spars from time to time and quite possibly has a stronger drive than Yippan. He's recently taken a HUGE liking to Sharp Side, taking her under his arm as it were.

Pawniard, Sharp Side
Gender: Female
-Type Dark/Steel
-Level 2
-Nature: Impish

Stealth Rock(Egg Move)

-Ability: Defiant

The newest addition to the party, not much is known about her. She's taken a liking to Sifon, if more than slightly less than Sifon has to her. Knows she's not the strongest in the party and has yet to find a place in training. But then again, she's only been a part of the team for a couple weeks. Miles has confidence in her.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I'd like to give this a look, but for some reason the spoiler tabs on the opening post won't open. Am I the only one with this problem?


New member
Jul 25, 2011
CrazyGirl17 said:
I'd like to give this a look, but for some reason the spoiler tabs on the opening post won't open. Am I the only one with this problem?
No, it seems to be a bit of a site-wide bug. But you can always quote and read the rules from there too.

Deu Sex

New member
Aug 26, 2012
Name: Cyrus Amethystein

Age: 19

Gender: Boy

City/Region: Goldenrod City, Johto

Appearance: A short boy with a thin build, standing at 5'5" and weighing 125lbs. Cyrus has brown skin, well-groomed black hair and blue eyes. His face is handsome, though also somewhat punchable-looking due to persistent smug smile on it. He carries himself with an elegant, proper posture.

Cyrus is never seen without a suit on. His favourite is a black suit with pinstripes, combined with a white shirt and red-striped tie. He wears fancy shoes that have a slight raise in the back so he can look a little taller than he really is. He still looks like a shorty though. He wears a pair of rings on the index and middle fingers on each of his hands - the rings on his left hand are carved from gold nuggets, while the rings on his right hand are made with amethyst.

Personality: Equal parts pretentious and ambitious. Cyrus is a hard-nosed, snobby youth who holds himself to high standards. He likes to think of himself as a modern aristocrat, and often acts the part too. He has a tendency to look down on people who display crude traits as being "plebs". He acts more gentlemanly around people he likes, but still sometimes lets his emotions get the better of him.

Cyrus is stubbornly proud and has a strong sense of determination. Once he sets his mind to a goal, he'll accomplish it to the absolute best of his ability. He often gets overconfident in said ability and pushes himself or his Pokemon too far. He also a bad habit of treating his Pokemon, besides Reza, as more like servants than friends.

He has a mind for business and an eye for the artistic. Cyrus is fond of apricorn-crafting and enjoys carving many of his own pokeballs. He relishes in the thrill of Pokemon battles but is also fond of contests. He also appreciates the value of hard work. He dislikes defeat and hates people looking down on him. Both figuratively and literally.

Biography: Born the child of an apricorn crafter and a business entrepreneur, Cyrus grew up very well-off. His family established a successful company in Goldenrod based around designing high-quality, speciality Pokeballs sold through Johto and the supermarts of other regions. Because of this Cyrus enjoyed a wealthy lifestyle, although he always appreciated the value of hard work as taught to him by his parents.

When he was around ten, Cyrus began suffering from severe insomnia. In response his parents got him a Meowth capable of using hypnosis, which would rest by his side at night and lull him into a pleasant sleep. This sparked an interest in Pokemon that would quickly evolve into a passion.

While growing up, Cyrus faced much disdain from others. Some of it came from his own smug attitude, although there were people who disliked him simply for being from a rich family. They would claim that he was a spoiled brat, who inherited everything from his family and had no worth of his own. Cyrus despised these claims and sought to prove them wrong. This combined with his growing affection for Pokemon would lead him to become a Pokemon trainer at the age of 18.

Cyrus decided his first step in this journey would be beating his hometown's Gym Leader, Whitney, with Reza. Though he fought decently for a new trainer, the battle ended with Cyrus losing. Afterwards he realized that perhaps catching more Pokemon and training a team up would be a better first step. He left Goldenrod and travelled across Johto. He studied with Professor Elm for a few months, learning more about Pokemon and receiving a Totodile from him along with a Pokedex. Cyrus then travelled to Kanto, where his Pokemon finally evolved after many battles and he had a chance encounter with a certain dragon.

After a year of travelling, Cyrus is finally returning to Goldenrod. He sees the Amateur World Tournament as a chance to finally prove himself. To put everything he's learned to use, crush some plebs and rise to the limelight.

3000 Pokedollars
- Pokedex
- Pokegear
- Antidote x3
- Parlyz Heal x2
- Awakening x2
- Full Heal x3
- Super Potion x4
- Hyper Potion x4
- Ultra Ball x2
- Apricorns x10
- TM 13 (Ice Beam)
- TM 35 (Flamethrower)

Reza the Persian
Level: 28
Gender: Male
Ability: Limber
Type: Normal
Moveset: Dream Eater (TM), Hypnosis (Egg), Play Rough, Swift, Feint Attack, Taunt
Character: Loyal and cunning. Cyrus has owned Reza since he was a Meowth and they share a strong bond. He's usually at his master's side rather than stuck inside a Pokeball. He has sharp wits and is very perceptive.
Pokeball: Luxury Ball

Iliya the Dragonair
Level: 30
Gender: Female
Ability: Shed Skin
Type: Dragon
Moveset: Thunderbolt (TM), Flamethrower (purchased TM), Ice Beam (purchased TM), Iron Tail (Egg), Twister, Thunder Wave
Character: The crown jewel of Cyrus' team. He caught Iliya during a trip to the Kanto safari zone. It was a gruelling affair that costed half a day's time, far too much money and several buckets worth of safari balls. She exhibits the sort of grace, power and majesty associated dragons, but also their arrogance. Although admired by Cyrus, Iliya views her master as little more than an uppity youth. She'll often disregard commands from Cyrus and act on her on whims.
Pokeball: Safari Ball

Darius the Croconaw
Level: 17
Gender: Male
Ability: Torrent
Type: Water
Moveset: Dig (TM), Ice Beam (purchased TM), Water Pulse (Egg), Bite, Rage, Leer
Character: The adorable bruiser. Darius was a gift from Professor Elm after Cyrus spent several months studying alongside the man. Darius is enthusiastic about most things, particularily combat, to a headstrong degree. Far from the smartest of Cyrus' Pokemon. He's usually friendly with other Pokemon, although nervous around Electric-types.
Pokeball: Poke Ball

Any critique is welcome.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Name: Kira Shero

Age: 20

Gender: Male

City/Region: Driftveil city/ Unova

Standing at 5'11 Kira looked more like a post than anything else, his body thin and tall. His green eyes coming through oval glasses perched precariously on a crooked nose. Under the previously broken nose a mouth used to smiling with thin lips sits inside a trimmed beard and mustache. Above his glasses a short trimmed head of hair dark brown the same as his beard sits under a reversed hat with a pokeball on the front.

He wears a silver chain necklace with no real value other than to him in the fact it holds a charm that can connect to a pokeball but not stop it if tugged off, his first and most scratched pokeball usually hanging off it shrunk. This rests on a blue tee-shirt under a vest with several pockets on the outside and two inside as well, sleeveless and coming down to just above where his waist ends. His pants are worn but well taken care of, a faded blue jeans tucked into boots he has a thigh holder with several other pokeballs and small trivial things in easy reach.

His backpack is utilitarian and looks new, holding a sleeping bag ontop and a folded up bike with a few missing pieces on the back the insides are mostly full of what he believes he will need.

Kira is a friendly person, willing to see the best of new people and pokemon until they have done something that shreds that notion. This doesn't mean that he is gullible or easy to get something over on, he just wishes to see the best is all.

His own pokemon he treats very well and tries to give them treats and good treatment whenever he can including pulling them back from a fight if he believes they will faint and trying another of his own. He is like this with other pokemon as well in the wild, stopping a fight just before they die to let them wake up but still giving his own pokemon some experience and time.

Kira was born in Unova in Driftveil city, not to very important or rich or amazing parents. But they gave their son a good teaching on how treat others and pokemon and when he was 10 when most other children were going to a professor to get a pokemon he was taken out into the forest and his dad helped him catch one his very own. It took him several hours of looking with his dad and his pokemon before he found something in the grass that caught his eyes, a little Joltik moving around all on its own. After watching it move and his dad telling him that he needed to get a move on to find his pokemon he chose the Joltik and after a little battle caught him and ran back home holding the pokeball in his bands and right into the poke-center to get him healed. After that they were inseprable and Jolt spent much of his time on Kira's head or on his shoulder watching him move around and moving himself if he felt there was a danger to himself.

Not long after catching his Jolt Kira was wlaking in the forest again testing his new pokemon out on the now slightly weaker wild ones and leaving them weakened but not dead or even passed out in most cases. Coming on a nest and deciding that he needed a new pokemon to join Jolt Kira sent his little spider up into the tree to flush the flying pokemon out and after a short but intense battle with it Jolt watched as the little pidove falls to the ground into Kira's arms where it is touched to a pokeball and sent into it. Rushing back again to the poke-center and getting this pokemon healed up Kira was proud of himself for doubling his pokemon by himself.

After a few years when Kira was 16 he went on his own little traveling time like many other of his friends had but his was cut short by a homesickness and an uninterested at the time of having his still fairy weak pokemon getting hurt as much as they were. On his way home he cut through a place where a sandstorm was raging and covering his eyes was running as fast as he could when something caught his foot and made him face plant into the sand. Looking back and seeing that he had kicked a little mole pokemon and knocked it out when he had kicked it on the back of the head. Reaching back and picking it up he made it through the sandstorm and looked down at the still passed out Drildur, coming to a choice quickly he touched a pokeball to it and watched as it gave the tone saying it was locked. Smiling and pocketing it he ran back home feeling accomplished for catching a pokemon without anything or anyone else's help.

When Kira was 18 he went with his father on a trip to another land, Hoenn. Traveling with his father and again having fun seeing new pokemon and people Kira let his Jolt, Sky and Claws move around meeting their own kind of poekmon and beating more than a few in their travel. After the meeting his dad had with another shop owner in the area and they talked about the differences they were on their way back when it happened. He was exploring the grass when a movement made him turn around and see a little pokemon behind him looking up at him. After looking at each other for a few seconds the little Ralts gave a small cry and hit Kira with something that made him a bit dizzy and confused but he still had enough presence of mind to call out for his pokemon who came and ganged up on the Ralts that had just hit their owner. After just a few hits the dizziness passed and Kira called them off the now much weaker Ralts. Picking it up and running past his dad to the next poke-center he waited bouncing back and forth on his feet as they healed the Wild Ralts. Smiling and happy when it was told to him that it would be fine Kira was about to leave when the nurse Joy held out a pokeball to him, saying that they hadn't seen a pokeball with the pokemon and had put him in another. Taking it and looking surprised Kira stood there for a few minutes thinking about it before letting the Ralts out and asking her if she wanted to join him. After a long pause and a confirmation Kira put her back in its ball and went to meet back with his dad.

When Kira was 20 he felt it was time for him to try to have his pokemon journey, but unlike most of the others who had gone through it years and years before he was a little stuck on where to start and what to do. After a few weeks of thinking and finally almost giving up on where to start he saw a commercial on TV about a tournament where pokemon trainers were coming from all over to test themselves and their pokemon. Thinking that it was a good idea and paacking up a sparse pack he said bye to his parents and went to make his way to Goldenrod city to sign up.

10650 Dollars
pokeball 5
potion 5
antidote 3
paralize heal 3
awakening 3
burn heal 3
ice heal 3

Name; Joltik
Level; 20
Nickname; Jolt
Type; Bug Electric
Height; 0'4?
Weight; 1.3 lbs
Ability; Compound Eyes raises the ability-bearer's accuracy by 30%.

Leech life Leech Life deals damage and the user will recover 50% of the HP drained.

Spider web Opponent cannot escape/switch.

Thunder Wave: paralyzes the opponent. Paralyzed Pokémon have a 25% chance of not being able to attack, and their Speed is decreased by 75%.

Fury Cutter: deals damage starting at base power 40, and for each successful consecutive hit doubles in power, up to a maximum base power of 160.

Electroweb: deals damage and lowers the target's Speed by one stage.

Bug Bite: deals damage, and if the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect.

Name; Pidove
Level; 20
Nickname; Sky
Pokedex #519
Type; Normal flying
Height; 1?00?
Weight; 5.0 lbs
Ability; Super Luck raises the ability-bearer's critical-hit ratio by one stage [1/8 normally now]

Roost User recovers half of its max HP.

Air Cutter deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio [¼]

Quick Attack deals damage and has a priority of +1.

Leer lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

Growl lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

Gust deals damage with no additional effect. [hits bounce, fly and sky-drop, X2 on bounce and fly]

Name; Drilbur
Level; 18
Nickname; Claws
Type; Ground
Height; 1?00?
Weight; 19.0 lbs
Ability; Sand Force raises the power of Ground, Rock and Steel type moves by 30% during a sandstorm.

Mud Sport reduces the power of Electric type moves by 50%. The effect applies to the entire field.

Scratch is one of the most common and basic moves a Pokémon learns. It deals damage with no additional effects.

Rapid Spin deals a small amount of damage and removes the effects of several trap moves. It fails if the move misses or the target is immune. The effects from the following moves are removed:

Mud-Slap deals damage and lowers the target's Accuracy by one stage.

Fury Swipes hits 2-5 times per turn used. The probability of each interval is shown to the right, with the total power after each hit.

Metal Claw deals damage and has a 10% chance of raising the user's Attack by one stage.

Name; Ralts
Level; 17
Nickname; Rattler
Pokedex #280
Type; Phychic Fairy
Height; 1?08?
Weight; 16.2 lbs
Ability; Synchronize If the opponent causes a burn, paralysis, or poisoning of a Pokémon with Synchronize, the opponent receives the status condition too. Self-inflicted status conditions (for example through the use of an item) are not passed on.

Lucky chant Opponent cannot land critical hits for 5 turns.

Teleport will always fail in a Trainer battle. In battles with wild Pokémon, Teleport allows the user to flee battles.

Double Team raises the user's Evasiveness by one stage.

Confusion deals damage and has a 10% chance of confusing the target.

Growl lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

Telekinesis raises the target into the air for three turns, guaranteeing that all attacks against the target (except OHKO moves) will hit, regardless of Accuracy or Evasion. [TM]

Critiques are welcome, this is a mismatch of several other pokemon sheets i have tried in the past.

I hope i get in, this looks interesting.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Getting the band back together I see? It really HAS been a long time hasn't it...

I'm debating on whether to submit a new or modified char sheet, will post soon regardless.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Name: Harley Anne Michaels

Age: 17

Gender: Female

City/Region: Fallarbor Town, Hoenn Region

Often described as a red-headed hellion, Harley certainly looks the part. Despite standing at a short-but-stocky 5'1, she is stronger than she looks and her attitude almost makes her seem larger than she should be. Her body has surprisingly generous curves and her skin is fair, while her flaming-red hair is roughly cropped and has a tendency to puff out every-which-way whenever it isn't otherwise tamed. Her face, narrow and sharp, is lightly dusted by freckles and is dominated by a pair of fiery green eyes, thick, slashing eyebrows, and a wide mouth.

Her normal attire is made up of a dark gray t-shirt emblazoned with a bright red "R", the emblem of Team Rocket, the criminal organization she happens to align herself with, despite not being an official member. This is often accompanied by a simple pair of jeans that have clearly seen better days, black biking gloves, red running shoes, and a dark gray bandana that tames her unruly hair.

For only the most special of occasions however does she break out the single "authentic" Team Rocket uniform she has, having had it made to resemble the uniform Jessie of Team Rocket wears: Black undershirt, a white, short-sleeved jacket with the Team Rocket "R", white miniskirt, long black gloves and a pair of black thigh-highs.

Regardless, she is rarely seen without the plain brown traveling pack that she usually has slung across on one shoulder by it's single strap, on which hangs her Pokemon's PokeBalls.

Harley is, in a word, loud. A self-styled 'Bad Girl', she is highly-opinionated and proud, which paired with an almost hair-trigger temper makes her a very hard person to get to know without yelling of some kind. Everything she sets her mind to, however, is always given her all, and she very rarely does anything by half-measures, preferring a "Go big, or go home!" mindset. As a side effect of her determination however, she's remarkably stubborn, and changing her mind is considered to be something of a herculean task once it's set.

In-battle, Harley is one to always take the offensive, her tactics rarely having any defensive aspect to them. She favors ferocity and directness, taking the brute-force approach whenever she feels that it can end a battle quickly and decisively. However, as ruthless as she is, outside of battle she deeply cares for her Pokemon, seeing them as extensions of her own family. While she doesn't feel quite the same compassion towards other Pokemon, she despises needless cruelty towards them.

While her admiration of Team Rocket seems to contradict her feelings towards Pokemon in general, she see's them almost like a romantic underdog, fighting against the system with snappy uniforms and catchy mottos. However, a large part of what drew her to Team Rocket was Jessie, James, and Meowth, the infamous Trio of Team Rocket, and their constant failures along with their unwavering determination appealed to her. No one is quite sure why.

Harley, originally born in Kanto's Lavender Town to Renee and Edward Michaels, a craftswoman and trainer respectively. As a young child, Harley was particularly boisterous, a natural troublemaker from the start. But after she turned 7, Edward found opportunities in another region, and the Michaels family moved to Hoenn, specifically Fallarbor Town. But it was some time after Harley had watched news reports on what would be her current fixation: Team Rocket.

While her mother benefited from the local glass trade, and her father took advantage of the nearby Contest Hall, Harley herself was a terror to the local children, and she earned the nickname "Unruly Northern Kanto Mankey", thanks due in no small part to her characteristically messy hair. Even then, she was enamored with the idea of Team Rocket, of Jessie, James and Meowth, the unfortunately unlucky rogues that made for the perfect romantic underdog with snappy uniforms and a catchy motto.

As she grew up, she kept roaming the tall grass despite her father's warnings, and in the process ended up bringing the occasional Zigzagoon and Spinda with the hopes of keeping them for her own Pokemon. While her father worried about her wild nature, particularly regarding her admiration of a known criminal organization. Her mother, on the other hand, found it adorable and constantly told her that one day, when she was old enough, she would have a Pokemon of her own and be able to roam the regions like her father had.

At 13, she finally got her first Pokemon from her father, a Torchic. She immediately fell in love with the little chick Pokemon, and named him Fahrenheit, and didn't waste any time in going out into the grass like before, only this time making her first capture in short order: A Spinda she named Dizzy. For the next two years, she roamed around Fallarbor and the neighboring towns, but didn't venture far.

In the process, Fahrenheit evolved, and it proved to be rather traumatic for the young Pokemon, which prompted Harley to go to her Mother in hopes for something to prevent it from happening again. The result was an Everstone Collar, which the Combusken was immediately taken to and grateful for. But shortly thereafter, Harley felt it was time to start traveling in earnest. By that point, her mother asked for her to take Gemcutter with her, with the persuasive argument that he would likely be a better fighter than Dizzy, who was a Pokemon with a very gentle nature.

Harley could see right through her ploy, but agreed to a trade. Unfortunately, Gemcutter had still been holding onto a Metal Coat that Renee was using in her crafting, and the trade caused him to evolve much like Fahrenheit had, unexpectedly and unwillingly into a Scizor. But the trade had been done, and with instructions to keep Harley's recklessness in check, he accompanied her with Fahrenheit in her travels outside of Hoenn.

Her first destination was Johto, and she spent quite a lot of time roaming the countryside, making a living on the routes that spanned the region, constantly battling and being incredibly picky about what Pokemon she captured. In fact, she hadn't captured a single one until she made her way through Route 28 in the direction of Mount Silver. While making camp in the snow one night, she had heard a rustling in her pack, and when she woke she found a mischievous Sneasel going through her things, presumably for food.

She took the opportunity then to finally add to her team, and she set Fahrenheit to battle the Sneasel, and captured her in short order. Harley ended up naming the Sneasel Celsius, as a complement to Fahrenheit, but only later did she find out how appropriate it was when Celsius started to put the moves on a very flustered Combusken, much to her amusement.

At 17, she had trudged her way through most of Johto, and was about to move onto Kanto when she heard about the Amateur World Tournament taking place in Goldenrod City, and since she was confident in her abilities, decided to make her way there. She couldn't wait till they got a load of her.

- (5) Pokeballs
- (10) Super Potions
- (5) Antidotes
- (5) Paralyze Heals
- (2) Escape Ropes
- (1) Everstone ("Held" by Fahrenheit)
- Bike
- PokeDex
- Johto Town Map
- Cell Phone
- Small Portable Speakers
- Spare Set of Clothes
- "Authentic" Team Rocket Uniform
- Wanted Posters of Jessie, James, and Meowth, the Team Rocket Trouble Trio
- Team Rocket Flag

Fahrenheit: Lvl 30, Male Combusken
Nature: Rash
Ability: Blaze
- Scratch
- Ember
- Peck
- Double Kick
- Low Kick (Egg)
- Flamethrower (TM)

Fahrenheit is Harley's first Pokemon, and by far her most dependable, acting almost like a combination of rational little brother and unwilling sidekick to her shenanigans. Out of all her Pokemon, he is the most eager to battle, and is easily as determined and stubborn as Harley, though he is always reluctant to partake in anything related to Team Rocket. He's rarely kept inside his Pokeball, and is never seen without a collar with an Everstone set into it. The collar was a response to his terror at having evolved, and is a result of Harley's quick thinking and her mother's craftsmanship. He acts as her team's de-facto leader, and his Pokeball as painted with hot-rod flames.

Gemcutter: Lvl 25, Male Scizor
Nature: Lax
Ability: Technician
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- Fury Cutter
- Metal Claw
- Steel Wing (Egg)
- X Scissor (TM)

Gemcutter is technically Harley's third Pokemon, having originally been her mother's Scyther. With her mother being a craftswoman who specialized with custom work on Pokeballs and other Pokemon Accessories, Gemcutter often helped as an assistant, and isn't the best-suited to battling, though he manages. He was traded to Harley to keep an eye on her at the request of her mother, but thanks to having a Metal Coat at the time, the trade was enough to make him evolve inadvertently. He wasn't pleased. Gemcutter is the teams voice of reason, and his Pokeball is studded with red rhinestones.

Celsius: Lvl 20, Female Sneasel
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Keen Eye
- Fury Swipes
- Icy Wind
- Quick Attack
- Faint Attack
- Icicle Crash (Egg)
- Shadow Claw (TM)

Celsius is Harley's fourth, and latest Pokemon, as well as her second capture. Having been caught while rifling through her pack near Mount Silver. A mischievous thief and source of chaos whenever she isn't in the middle of a battle, she's often kept in her Pokeball, partly to keep her out of trouble, and partly to keep her from making advances on Fahrenheit, who she began to admire after their first battle. Despite being the troublemaker of the team, she will listen to Fahrenheit, but completely disregards Gemcutter. Her Pokeball is painted black and a pale blue with a single white rhinestone.

As a matter of course, being a fan of Team Rocket, Harley has her own version of their motto, often having Fahrenheit participate, and playing background music [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p09hhXbsB9c] to accompany it through her phone. Here it is:

Version 1:

Prepare for trouble, and on the double!

To scorch the world with the flames of ambition!

To take it all over has been our mission!

To train the strongest of Pokemon!

Take it from me, it won't take long!

Harley's my name, and Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare for a fight!

I hope you all are prepared for trouble.

All Hail Lelouch

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Name: Relia Sinclaire

Age: 17

Gender: Girl!

City/Region: Rustboro City, Hoenn

Relia Is a tall girl of about 5'11" with sandy brown hair halfway down her back and green eyes. She's got a bit of muscle on her, but she's rather lanky and wiry with a slightly above average bust.Its not polite to ask a lady about her weight but for the sake of the sheet, she weighs about 150 pounds. Being a bit of a tomboy, she wears a basic set of Jeans and T-shirts that she got from the shops city. She hates wearing dirty clothes, so she always has a spare ready no matter what, thus, a lot of her load is spare clothes. She always has an Amber necklace around her neck that was given to her by her father at a very young age.

Other than her basic outfit, she sometimes wears a sundress if its nice outside, with a wide brimmed hat and a pair of bike shorts underneath the skirt of the dress, to keep perverts at bay. In either case, she can be seen wearing her pokeballs around her waist using a belt that happens to be quite fashionable no matter what she's wearing.

She's a fairly rough around the edges gal, growing up with negligent (And fairly crazy) parents would lead a child to have quite a varied personality. Fortunately for Relia, she grew up with a kind heart, but a mouth like a sailor. If you piss her off, she won't hesitate to jump down your throat. However, she does have a motherly side to her, having cared for sick, abused and injured Pokemon since she was very little. She is easily sympathetic to other's plights and won't hesitate to try and help someone that's sick or injured. As such, Pokemon are family to her, she treats them very well and loves them like family, possibly moreso than her actual parents.

Because of events during her upbringing, she often has a great dislike for people that excessively use Pokemon for daily tasks instead of being more self reliant. She thinks Pokemon are more of partners, rather than simply animals for humans to use. Regardless of her beliefs, she isn't one to force them on other people.

Relia often grew up entertaining herself in the big city of Rustboro, whether it was going out and playing in the woods, Dowsing around for lost items around the Devon Corperation with her Itemfinder, or telling the family Feebas "Feeby" to splash for her amusement. Her mother worked at the Pokemon School in town, and her father worked at Devon as a fossil Researcher, often spending more time at work than at home so she never had much time with her dad. She was home-schooled, rather than taken to school with her mother to be taught with other kids. Her mother was the one she spend the most time with at home, but mostly in the evenings and on the weekends when there was no class for her mother to go to. But even when she was home, she wasn't very interested in her own daughter, preferring to get on the internet and chat with her girlfriends than pay attention to her.

Her bond with Pokemon began at a very young age, meeting a Ralts very sick in the forest outside of town. It had a very high fever, so Relia rushed it to the Pokemon center where it was healed up and cared for til it was all better. It became incredibly attached to her and refused to leave her side, so the nurse on duty gave Relia her first Pokeball to claim the Ralts as her own. Ralts happily allowed itself into the ball and became Relia's first Pokemon without any resistance. She named the Ralts Azaila and became very close with her, being the first friend she had made on her own in the huge city. Her mother never really approved of her daughter having a pokemon, but whenever she tried to get rid of the Ralts, it would always find a way back into the home with Relia. Because of this, Relia grew to heavily dislike her mother.

Years later, Relia met a Vulpix that had been abandoned in an alleyway under a pile of garbage. The poor Pokemon was starving and scared, So she nursed it back to health and bonded with her, gaining the second member to her team. By this time, she was 11 and still very young and naive, unaware of the cruelty people can deal to Pokemon. She ended up naming the Vulpix Tails, because of the warm, fluffy tails that she had behind her.

The next few years passed without much incident, resulting in Azaila evolving to Kirlia, and Relia using a Firestone on Tails to evolve her to Ninetails. At this time, at night, she'd often let Azaila and Tails out of their Pokeballs to sleep against Tails' fluffy, warm tails and body, the Pokemon not minding in the slightest as she snuggled her trainer. Pokemon were family to her, more family than her mother or father had been throughout her whole life, always being too busy for her or neglecting her. Her mother had noticed this and began to become more and more jealous and angry with her daughter and her bond with her Pokemon, blaming them for the lack of a bond between her and her own daughter.

Later on, at age 14, her mother began taking out her frustrations by feeding their fish dry pokeblocks, even going so far as forcing them down the fish's mouth sometimes. Relia was oblivious to this, however, as the Feebas began growing more and more appealing with every day as her mother fed the fish while she was either sleeping or out and about. She woke up one night when she heard the fishbowl crash to the floor. Rushing out, she saw that her mother had snapped and was forcing more and more cubes down the Pokemon's throat, horrifying and enraging Relia to the point where she had Azaila restrain her mother using her psychic abilities. Fortunately for the Feebas, enough cubes had been fed to it that it was forced to evolve, Feeby was now a large, lovely Milotic female. However, the Pokemon was borderline hysterical from the rush of events forced on it, thrashing around and demolishing many of their belongings with her body. Relia quickly placed the confused and stressed Milotic into a Pokeball to keep it safe from her mother from then on.

A few weeks later at the age of 15, she packed her things and decided to take a trip of her own to see the world, going out on the road with the three Pokemon she had gained over her lifetime, Azaila, now a Gardevoir, always walked by her side, always vigilant and very protective of the life that had saved her own so long ago. The Gardevoir is very aware of her owner's feelings, if she ever felt threatened or scared, Azaila would immediately prepare to deal with the source of her trainer's distress.

After embarking on her journey, she spent two years traveling all over Hoenn with Azaila at her side. Her journey took her to many places, taking her from the bustling city of Rustboro all the way to Johto. Along the way, she learned about battling with her Pokemon, learning from other trainers about the different moves and ways to command a Pokemon in a battle. Once she started battling, she found she really enjoyed it, It wasn't as gruesome as the TV and her mother made it sound. Even moreso, she enjoyed fixing up the other trainer's Pokemon after the battle. Learning about Pokemon's various injuries and how to treat them, led to a growing interest in becoming a Pokemon Doctor, maybe starting her own Pokemon clinic after she had enough experience with them in the field.

Along the way through Johto, she was pointed towards a tournament in Goldenrod, where she could possibly learn a lot about how Pokemon battle, how their trainers handle their injuries, and how an experienced Pokemon trainer acts and thinks. Onwards to Goldenrod City!

Roller blades, itemfinder, portable Pokeblock maker, an atlas with maps of the regions, Pokegear, a large backpack full of Camping supplies, food, and Pokemon treats and A first aid kit for Pokemon and humans.

For the 20,000 starting amount, she's carrying the following:

Oran Berries x10
Pecha berries x3
Antidotes x5
Super potions x5
Full Heal x3
Pokeballs x10
Fire stone x1
Thunderstone x1
Waterstone x1
8900$ left over
Milotic - Female - Feeby - Level 15

Water gun
Dragon Pulse(Egg move),
Water pulse,
Ice beam(TM).
Ability - Marvel Scale

Feeby is a very shy and very timid Milotic, having been traumatized as a Feebas by Relia's mother when it was force fed Pokeblocks in order to make it evolve. Her timid and shy nature has hindered her development as far as fighting goes. Whenever Relia would call her out, she would hide and retreat behind her, scared of her opponent. Thus she was never given the experience that Azaila and Tails were. Due to the traumatic nature of her evolution, she still has the mentality of a Feebas, deathly afraid of a vast majority of other Pokemon other than the ones she'd been around for a long time, Azaila and Tails.

Ninetails - Female - Tails - Level 23

Confuse ray
Hypnosis(Egg Move)
Ability- Flash Fire.

Tails is a wise and patient Ninetails, but also very affectionate towards her owner, often serving as a bed to keep her warm at night, thus eliminating the need for a sleeping back or such. Who needs a bed when you have a fluffy fox tail? Unlike other Ninetails, Tails doesn't mind her tails being touched by others. She's about five feet tall when she's sitting down and upright, not counting her tails, and she's more around 9 feet long, from snout to tail tip.

Gardevoir- Female - Azaila - Level 30

Confuse Ray
Heal Pulse
Double Team,
Ability - Trace.

Azaila is a fairly motherly Gardevoir in all senses. She has known Relia all of her life and has been very grateful to have her as a trainer. She is extremely protective of her, and will even let herself out of her Pokeball if she senses something wrong with Relia She has helped Relia care for the other Pokemon as they were growing under her care, calming Milotic, and giving Tails's tails some grooming while Relia was busy with other things.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Co-GM Pappytech joins the fray!

Anyway, here's a character sheet:

Name: Alexandra Andrews

Age: 19

Gender: Girl

City/Region: Santalune City, Kalos

Appearance: Standing at just under 5'7" and weighing roughly 130 lbs, Alex isn't exactly what you'd call intimidating. That's not to say she isn't noticeable, however. Years spent wandering around in the great outdoors, exploring ruins or old caves, have given her a decent tan and a modest amount of muscle, as well as a near-permanent layer of dirt and grime. Her long dark hair is rarely any sort of styled, and is more often than not allowed to just fly wherever it pleases. Alex's hazel eyes, tucked away behind a slim pair of glasses, are always alight with a spark of energy.

Normally dressed in a well-worn pair of jeans, a plain t-shirt and jacket, and a pair of hiking boots, Alex doesn't really bother to keep up with fashion trends and the like, preferring instead to stick with her standard, serviceable attire. Her messenger bag, loosely slung around one shoulder, is packed full of tools, notebooks, and camping gear, and she wears her Pok&#233balls on her leather belt.

Personality: Cheerful and optimistic, Alex is overflowing with a seemingly limitless pool of energy. Eternally fascinated by records and artifacts from the distant past, the young woman has an obsession with exploring and studying ancient ruins and other historical sites, to the point that she feels more at home camping out among run-down remnants than staying in modern buildings.

Despite her strange housing inclinations, Alex is by no means antisocial. Quite the contrary, she enjoys other people's company, especially when they're up for talking about one of her interests. Alex also has an immense respect for Pok&#233mon Professors and other academics, the people who dedicate their lives to understanding more about the world so that people and Pok&#233mon alike can lead better lives.

And when it comes to Pok&#233mon, it should go without saying that Alex loves the bizarre creatures, especially the ones that make up her own team. She's always been interested in the dynamic between humans and Pok&#233mon, and loves studying how that relationship has changed over the course of history, from the times when Pok&#233mon were revered as gods, to their use as tools of war, to their modern day position as friends and trusted partners. Though she never really intended to become an experienced battler, the sheer number of wild Pok&#233mon and opposing Trainers she runs into on her travels have more or less forced her to and her teammates to learn their way around a fight.

Biography: Born and raised in Santalune City, like most of the local kids, a good portion of Alex's childhood was spent studying at the local Trainer's School. A program intended to prepare wannabe trainers for getting their license and first Pok&#233mon, the school of course taught all the basics: How to catch Pok&#233mon, which items to use when, how to save your game, etc. However, though they were never heavily featured, a few courses were offered that focused on different topics, including the mythologies of the various regions.

Alex wasn't sure which legend triggered her obsession. Maybe it was Hoenn's story about the hidden golems, or Sinnoh's guardians of time and space. Even more likely, it might've been the legendary war that was said to have devestated Kalos so many centuries ago. Regardless of what precisely set her off on her journey, the young girl had settled on her goal in life. Forget becoming a Pok&#233mon master, she wanted to be an anthropologist!

Of course, kids not old enough to have their own Pok&#233mon weren't allowed to venture too far outside the city, so she couldn't go off and start exploring immediately. Instead, Alex took the time to prepare for her eventual journey in earnest, devouring history books from the local library or studying up on Pok&#233mon theorized to have played a big role in shaping civilization. When she did finally turn 10, Alex already had a sizable repository of knowledge to draw from, and boy was she ready to put it to use.

With some help from her parents, the first thing she used that knowledge for was catching her first Pok&#233mon, a Fletching she lovingly dubbed Wright. Armed with a new partner and a fierce determination, she was finally ready to head out and make her mark on the world!

The next few years saw Alex travel all around Kalos, enjoying her travels and constantly expanding her experience. The region had no shortage of grand and beautiful landmarks to study and explore, and every town or city had its own unique history and stories ripe for learning. And though it wasn't her main goal, Alex certainly didn't mind having some chances to expand her team along the way. A visit to the Parfum Palace, just outside of Camphrier Town, ended on a surprising note when a wild Honedge attacked... but was swiftly defeated by Wright. Still, Alex liked the Steel-type's look and moxy, and Flamberge joined the team! Later, when on an excavation into Glittering Cave, searching for ancient remnants of a rumored religious ritual, she stumbled across a large, amazingly well preserved fossil. Eager to learn more about her find, Alex took the fossil back to Ambrette Town's Fossil Lab, and when they offered to revive it for her, how could she say no? And so Rockjaw arrived.

But Alex is finally ready to leave her home region. Sure, Kalos is rife with amazing stories, but the other regions each have their own unique histories and mythologies; it'd be a waste just to spend her whole life studying only one of them! The tournament in Goldenrod City's given her a good reason to head to Johto first. Not only can she explore the Ruins of Alph to her heart's content, but a chance at that $1,000,000 prize pot is just too good to pass up!

4 Super Potions
2 Hyper Potions
1 Revive
3 Antidote
3 Paralyze Heal
3 Awakening
2 Burn Heal
2 Ice Heal
3 Great Ball

Misc. camping gear
Archaeology tools and notebooks
Town Map
Pok&#233tch (worn on Alex's wrist)


Wright (Lvl 29, Male Fletchinder)
Ability: Flame Body
-Razor Wind
-Quick Attack
-Aerial Ace

Alex's oldest teammate and her best friend, Wright is an affectionate guy. Though he's not as small as he used to be, he still likes to perch on his trainer's head and ride around, seeing the world right alongside Alex. While he may not be naturally aggressive, the Fire-type can be a fierce combatant if need be. He also has a serious sweet tooth, and tries to swipe Alex's dessert whenever he can.

Flamberge (Lvl 23, Male Honedge)
Ability: No Guard
-Shadow Sneak
-Swords Dance
-Fury Cutter
-Metal Sound
-Shadow Claw (TM)

Named for his oddly curving blade, Flamberge is a tough, hardheaded Pok&#233mon. Despite his antique appearence, the Steel-type is no slouch when it comes to battles. Though he's a tad too eager to fight to be let out around large crowds, when out in the wilderness Flamberge will often ride along on Alex's messenger bag, hooking his sheath to the bag's strap. He's still quite wary of Rocky, as she likes to gnaw on him.

Rockjaw (Lvl 23, Female Tyrunt)
Ability: Strong Jaw
-Thunder Fang (Egg)

The latest addition to Alex's team, Rockjaw, or Rocky for short, is an impressive specimen. Though she's still a bit on the small side for a Tyrunt, the Rock-type has one hell of a set of chompers, and can chew through even solid stone. Only recently revived from her fossilized state, she's experiencing much of the world for the first time, so Alex lets her wander around so long as she behaves.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
By the same token:

Name: Maxwell Larch

Age: 19

Gender: Male

City/Region: Celadon City, Kanto Region

A tall, fair-skinned boy(man? he isn't really sure yet) with short black hair an unremarkable physique. Bright blue eyes belie great enthusiasm and drive in everything he does. Wears jeans, sneakers, and the lab coat Professor Oak gave him as he started his fellowship with pride, along with a messenger bag to carry his things. A notebook or recording device can almost always be found in his hands, in case he needs to quickly document something important to his research.

Unabashedly positive, Max doesn't let the big, bad world get him down. Life might be full of trials and setbacks, but that's no reason to give up and throw in the towel! When he encounters a problem, particularly one that seizes his interest, he pursues its solution with a laser-tight focus - a habit that sometimes alarms both his Pokemon and people around him. All in all, though, his sunny disposition makes him come across as friendly and personable - to some people, at least. Others would use words like 'naive' and 'annoying', but Max doesn't let that get him down!

Max dislikes violence and avoids it wherever he can, but thanks to his upbringing he has a healthy appreciation for trainer battles; at least, battles where the Pokemon are willing participants. Flexible in his tactics, though he will always forfeit or retreat if the battle may result in the injury of any people or Pokemon - including that of his enemy.

Born and raised in bustling Celadon City, it was always expected that Max would follow in his father's footsteps and become a trainer. When he turned ten, his parents, Marshal and Maria Larch, gave him the egg that would eventually hatch into his first Pokemon and closest friend - Kelvin. Max showed some aptitude for Pokemon training, and his father expected him to start his journey when he came of age.

Fate, however, had other plans - or, at least, that's what Max says. Shortly before his journey would have begun, he happened across the vaunted Professor Oak giving a public lecture about Pokemon and humanity's place with them in the world. The talk lit a fire somewhere deep in Max's soul, and ever since he's been consumed with a desire to know the true relationship between Pokemon and people. Shortly after the lecture, he headed to the local library and began an intense regimen of study, abandoning the start of his journey. Though his parents were baffled by this sudden change, they accepted his decision with some wariness.

After studying for several years, Max finally gathered the courage to send a letter to his idol, Professor Oak, asking for the opportunity to study under him. He still proudly carries the acceptance letter he got back in his coat pocket(for good luck, he says), calling it the greatest achievement of his short life.

His latest assignment on Oak's behest is to head to the Johto Region and make preparations for his mentor's arrival. Rumors abound that a great number of Legendary Pokemon have been sighted there, and it's a professor(and junior researcher)'s duty to find out why!

And if he can have a little fun with a local tournament while he's there...


x1 Charcoal
x5 Pokeball
x3 Super Potion
x2 Hyper Potion
x1 Antidote
x1 Burn Heal
x1 Paralysis Heal
x1 Awakening
x1 Escape Rope
x2 Max Repel

Town Map
Assorted art supplies
Assorted recording equipment

Name: Kelvin (Arcanine)
Gender: Male
Type: Fire
Level: 30
Moveset: Flamethrower(TM), Reversal, Bite, Fire Fang, Flame Burst, Iron Tail(egg)
Ability: Intimidate
Character: Fiercely loyal to Max, and by far his oldest friend. He strongly dislikes his pokeball and only goes in it if he absolutely must. Large even for an Arcanine, he loves to let Max ride on his back. Takes on the role of alpha and protector with Max's other Pokemon, boldly striding into danger to take and dish out punishment.

Name: Pascal (Buizel)
Gender: Male
Type: Water
Level: 21
Moveset: Water Gun, Mud Slap(Egg), Ice Beam(TM), Quick Attack, Pursuit, Swift
Ability: Swift Swim
Character: The latest addition to Max's team, he loves being the center of attention(particularly Max's attention) and plays tricks on others to get it. On top of that, he knows how to press Max's buttons to escape punishment - most of the time. Often at odds with Kelvin.

Name: Chick (Bayleef)
Gender: Male
Type: Grass
Level: 24
Moveset: Magical Leaf, Synthesis, Poison Powder, Reflect, Solar Beam(TM), Vine Whip(egg)
Ability: Overgrow
Character: Originally a gardening companion of Max's mother, he took to fighting like a fish in water. Dislikes his 'cutesy' name and wants to work to gain the respect of his Pokemon peers. Takes combat and training *very* seriously, and is often frustrated with his trainer's lax attitude towards the same.


New member
May 14, 2012
This looks fun, heres the bones of a sheet, I'll flesh it out later.

Name: Joey Goro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

City/Region: Cherrygrove City Johto

Appearance: Joey stands a short, wiry, but well toned 5'6. His brown hair is generally hidden behind his backwards blue baseball cap emblazoned with the phrase TM87. His vivid green eyes are similarly hidden behind pink shutter shades. In lou of a shirt, Joey wears an open blue vest with his badges proudly displayed under a yellow TM87 logo. His six pack abs, large pecks, and toned bicepts all appear slightly orange while his legs are a more natural tone bellow his shorts.

Personality: Joey once tried to legally change his name to Buck because he likes to Party. Quick to pound Stantler-Bombs in the club, Joey is very outgoing, and shows off his body whenever there are ladies and alcohol present. Push-Up constensts with his pokemon are frequent...he never wins but its a great way to show off while bonding with his team (The Bro-kemon).

Biography: Starting his trainer career as a youngster, Joey set out wide eyed and bushy tailed on route 30 eager to prove himself and his new Ratatta in battle. Then he encountered his first trainer.

Gary Mothafuggin Oak

After burrying his Rattata in Lavender Town Joey returned to Cherrygrove. And turned up, touring Johto training, collecting, getting badges and frequently getting ejected from night clubs all over the state.

Inventory: What gear is your character carrying? It's presumed that everybody has a bag/backpack for carrying all this stuff around in. Make sure to check the Items and Inventory section for budget limitations


Name: Blue (Heracross)
Gender: Female
Type: Bug/Fighting
Level: 30
Moveset: Night Slash, Bulk Up(TM), Focus Punch(Egg), Aerial Ace, Brick Break
Ability: Moxie
Character: Joey found Blue shortly after his Rattata died, saving her from a pack of older children who were throwing rocks at her. Much like Joey himself, Blue grew in confidence and strength, frequently working out with Joey. Her boastfulness hides a surprising mental toughness.

Name: Partyboi (Flaaffy)
Gender: Male
Type: Electric
Level: 21
Moveset: Thunder Shock, Swagger (Egg), Thunder Wave, Brick Break (TM)
Character: Likes to dance, does so with Joey frequently.

Name: Heavy Hands(Magmar)
Gender: Male
Type: Fire
Level: 24
Moveset: Fire Punch, Mega Punch (egg), Smoke Screen, Power-Up Punch(TM)
Character: Focused, likes a fight.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Can i make a second character and chose between them if i get in? I like the one i have but there is another set of pokemon i want to have also and i would like the choice if i get in.