stroopwafel said:
How is China not a free market when western economies outsourced almost it's entire production to them? How is China not a free market when the global economy wouldn't even exist without the long supply lines with China? How is China not a free market when the U.S. sees one of the biggest cyber security threats in Huawei? How is China not a free market when millions of people have been lifted out of poverty? How is China not a free market when Chinese corporations own pretty much the entire fleet of ocean carriers the world economy depends on? I could go on and on but you get the idea. Maybe you think China could have accomplished all this with Mao still in control idk. You confuse free market with representative democracy which are not necessarily mutually inclusive. That the CP keeps a tight leash on government doesn't exclude the fact their economy is so competitive it threatens U.S. hegemony as the global superpower. Do you honestly believe they could accomplish this with a plan economy? Lol, no.
TL DR: You don't know much about Chinese economic policy.
You use Huawei's probable spying for the Chinese government as a indication of free market, really? What you should take from that is that Huawei is only allowed to operate on a global market because the Chinese government allows it and it does so while under serious pressure to comply with anything the government demands, up to and including putting spyware and spy firmware into their products, because China has a law that mandates that all Chinese companies co-operate with Chinese intelligence gathering efforts.
China is a hybrid economy at best, but the massive restrictions and regulations of companies in China prevents it from being a free market. At its worst it is Huawei spying for the Chinese government, in more innocuous examples you can look at how companies like Valve, Netflix, Spotify etc. all have to seriously alter their products to be allowed into the interior market of China.
For comparison: For a long while in the 50's-80's the USSR was the biggest exporter of weapons and munitions and had the third largest merchant fleet in the world. That didn't make the USSR anything but a Plan Economy that operated on a global market.
stroopwafel said:
The reason for low birth figures isn't contraception, that is just a method, the reason is that women have rights in developed countries they don't have in poor countries. They can go to school, get a good job, not be dependent on a husband. All these things you value so much are only possible because of prosperity. Name me one country in the world that isn't a free market that holds any of those women's rights dear.
China. Incidentally, China sees just the same effect of middle class families having less children as we see in the west. Also, you are now conflating free market for democracy, the same thing you accused me of doing in the same post. Pot. Kettle. Black.
You'll also notice I said easy access to contraception. It doesn't matter how well educated you are, how cushy your job is or how independent you are; if you can't get access to a condom, birth control pills or similar, every time you have sex with your partner is a potential risk of pregnancy. This is why the biggest decrease in birth rates occurs when contraception is legalized and easy to access, with a lesser effect occurring when prosperity reaches a certain level.
So if you really wanted to prevent overpopulation, a good place to start would be to oppose Republican's desire to outlaw abortion and curtail sex ed.
stroopwafel said:
Right. So who made the computer you are using now? The clothes you wear? The food you eat? The videogames you enjoy so much? The only nefarious thing about a corporation is the abuse of capital gain by stakeholders but the pursuit of profit stands in stark contrast to the ideological hubris of governments and their incompetent tax wasting policies the private sector(not just huge corporations) worked hard for. Just because governments are a necessary evil doesn't make them preferable and maybe 'incompetence' is the highest accomplishment given the historic alternatives.
These have nothing in common. Who made clothes in the USSR? Who made music albums, popularized and exported Tetris and provided children with summer activities in the USSR? The state (well, technically, Tetris was invented by one man, but you get the idea). I am well aware that everything in my household (including the very apartment I am in) is a product of private companies operating on a market. That means nothing other then that I live in a capitalistic society. You keep making the mistake of not seeing that even though we live in a capitalistic society there can be other options.
But if I cut to the meat of your argument: The computer I am typing this on has, most likely, been made by underpaid workers in China or Taiwan who labor under poor working conditions and long hours. Its components are probably made up of rare materials primarily taken from Africa where the repeated human rights violations of mining companies in places like Congo to extract the materials needed to make electronics for the west is well documented. You can say whatever you want about it, but when several human rights violations happens just so that someone can make more of a profit from a GPU meant for gaming, that's pretty fucking nefarious.
And that's even without going into things like Lundin Oil trying to instigate civil war so that they could buy land for exploitation cheaper, to name some really sketchy shit. Or maybe Facebook selling private information to anyone without properly informing users about what information it would sell and to whom. Governments do bad shit to, no doubt about it, but corporations are not any better and are often worse as they actually lack any sort of moral base aside from "MOAR CASH NAO!"
stroopwafel said:
You can't possibly argue the Soviet plan economy was 'functional' for over 50 years. Unless ofcourse you think famine, forced collectivization, zero creativity and mass murders is a good time. When Germany was divided between east and west ofcourse everyone wanted to flea to the communist east right?
Now you are conflating the economics of plan economy with the politics of communism. Please don't.
stroopwafel said:
No it doesn't. Did the taxpayer foot the bill for Trump's fuck ups? No. People only complain he didn't pay enough. Do the taxpayer foot the bill for the government's fuck ups? YES.
As was stated amply in the other thread: Trump made sure the workers, contractors and other people associated with his business paid for his fuck-ups. No matter how you dice it, when people fuck up and looses tons of cash, someone pays for it. And for the workers who went without pay and the companies that went out of business because Trump refused to pay for services and goods rendered, I doubt it is a small comfort that it was them who took the fall and not the general tax payer.