Lil devils x said:
Him being a fraud and a con was well known in the 90's, people just chose to ignore it. Hell even in 1988 he was villainized on Sesame Street of all places due to how well known his malignant actions were. He just managed to con people into not believing the truth.
Of course, the NYT has just managed to get hold of Trump's tax returns 1985-1994. And they are apparently atrocious: losses of $1.17 billion across the period.
It's kind of fascinating that a business loses money, and this can be subtracted from taxation of the owners'
personal income. I understand this isn't an LLC but a partnership, and they're probably taking a hit to their wealth with bankruptcies and write-downs, but even still, this seems to me dodgy: it's really getting the state to subsidise failure. Or the depreciation that article notes, where real estate holders can depreciate the value of their holdings and claim it back. Fuck that shit: make them deal with it. That's like you or me arguing our car is worth ?1000 less this year than last, so we deserve a ?1000 tax break. What a scam.
What's also objectionable is that this tax deduction seems to roll on year after year. So Trump lost a loads... and then didn't have to pay taxes for many years thereafter. Not exactly like welfare, is it? Lose your job, the state won't cover your losses, nor indefinitely into the future.
Then there's his hilarious tactic of buying shares in a company, publicly suggesting a full takeover to induce share prices to rise, and then quickly flogging them. In a way, this is of course very smart, until everyone eventually wised up. But it's also basically a scam.
Trump may or may not have conflicts of interest. But what is certainly interesting is to shine a light on the arcane fiddles that people with his kind of money have somehow managed to squeeze into the tax code. Trump of course made hay pointing out how easily abused the tax system was when he was up for election. Now in power,
of course he's done nothing to deal with it. He got your votes, now he'll carry on taking your money.